Judge David Yaffe was
a key figure in the false imprisonment in solitary confinement for 18 months of
former US
prosecutor Richard Fine. Richard Fine
exposed, advertised and rebuked the taking by California judges of "not
permitted" payments (called by media "bribes"). Judge Yaffe also
denied Christopher Dorner's petition for reinstatement in the LAPD.
On Sunday, LA officials announced a $1m reward for information leading to Dorner's capture. Former US prosecutor Richard Fine in prison. Corrupt California judge (ret) David Yaffe, key figure in both cases.
The story in short:
Dorner filed a complaint against an LAPD officer, who kicked a one of the people in the face. Dorner was dismissed from the LAPD as the result of the complaint. Dorner filed a petition for reinstatement. The petition was denied by corrupt California Judge David Yaffe. [1]
The judges:
Judge (Ret) David Yaffe and the case of the false imprisonment of former US prosecutor Richard Fine have been the subject of complaint of widespread public corruption and abuse of rights under the color of law. Richard Fine exposed, publicized, and rebuked the taking by Los Angeles judges of "not permitted" payments (called by media "bribes"). As a result, then Governor Schwarzenegger had to sign "retroactive immunities" (called by media "pardons") for all such judges. Two weeks later, Richard Fine was arrested by the Sheriff of Los Angeles County Lee Baca, and later held for 18 months in solitary confinement. No valid booking records were ever discovered for the arrest and holding of Richard Fine. Sheriff Lee Baca insisted, even after inquiry by Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael Antonowitch, on producing booking records which stated that Richard Fine was arrested on location and by authority of the "Municipal Court of San Pedro". No such court existed. Sheriff Lee Baca refused to correct such false and misleading booking records, even after the falsehood was repeatedly pointed out to him. Therefore, such booking records should be deemed fraud, and the holding of Richard Fine - false imprisonment. [2]
The complaint against David Yaffe, Lee Baca, and others involved in the case of Richard Fine was filed with the US Attorney Office in Los Angeles. The US Attorney refused to take any action, or even confirm receipt of the complaints.
The US courts, starting from the US District Court, Central District of California (Magistrate Carla Woehrle and others), US Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit (Chief Judge Alex Kozinski and others), and the conference of the Supreme Court (and in particular Justice Kennedy) all colluded in cover up of the corrupt practices of California Judge David Yaffe. [3-4]
The case of Richard Fine was also part of the Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission to the United Nations Human Rights Council. The submission was incorporated into the first ever UN official report on Human Rights in the United States with a note referring to "corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in California".
As was repeatedly pointed out in various investigations of the Rampart scandal, conduct of the courts - both the California and the US courts - is the true source of the corruption in LA County. [5]
And LAPD response (passage from a posting on CNN site by Darwin Adikia):
Whatever gains the department has made in community relations since Ramparts and Rodney King, these have now been severely undermined yet again. How can the rank and file be expected to exercise professionalism and restraint when the leadership does not? LAPD Chief Charlie Beck called Dorner a “trained assassin”, just a couple of couple of days after he told us “we trained him”. If you connect Chief Beck’s dots, evidently LAPD is in the business of training assassins? How splendid for the citizens of Los Angeles and the millions who visit the city! Beck didn’t stop there however. “This is an act — and make no mistake about it — of domestic terrorism,” he said. He stopped short of calling it a “Jihad” against the LAPD or the American people. Domestic terrorism? Really? A man that you had previously told us is out to get revenge against the LAPD and the LAPD only? A man who was never known to have articulated a gripe against America as a whole, its policies or way of life, and who has stated no intentions of harming anyone other than a specific group of people in an opaque organization with a blood-stained record that he believes treated him unjustly? A man who has stated absolutely nothing about politics or religion as a motivation for his grievances and actions? If this is the new criteria for labeling someone a “terrorist”, then Chief Beck, you are going to need a lot more space than Camp Gitmo to warehouse the millions of Americans that would fall under your definition. Or perhaps skip straight to the crematoriums.
Joseph Zernik, PhD
Human Rights Alert (NGO)
[1] Fresh questions over Christopher Dorner's dismissal as hunt contiunes_Guardian
[2]10-07-08 Complaint-Filed-with-US-Attorney-Office-Los-Angeles-against-Judge-David-Yaffe-and-Sheriff-Lee-Baca-for-Public-Corruption-and-Deprivation
[3] 10-07-12 Complaint for Public Corruption against US Magistrate Carla Woehrle and Others at the US District Court, Central District of California
[3] 10-07-12 Complaint for Public Corruption against US Magistrate Carla Woehrle and Others at the US District Court, Central District of California
[4] 11-04-23 Habeas Corpus in the United States - the case of Richard Isaac Fine
[5] 11-08-01 Zernik, J: Los Angeles Superior Court - widespread corruption and refusal of US government to take action, 16th World Criminology Congress presentation