Indisputable evidence indicate the conduct of sham/fabricated/simulated court trial by Judges Yitzhak Cohen, Esther Hellman, Haim Galpaz. The evidence also indicates misprision of felonies and withholding of evidence by Presiding Judge of the Nazareth District Court Avraham Avraham. Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit and State Attorney Shay Nitzan block due investigation of the judges and cover up conduct that is deemed extra-judicial - not covered by any immunity. Placing the judges above the law undermines the foundations of the Rule of Law and Human Rights in the State of Israel.
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OccupyTLV, March 24 - request was filed with State Attorney Shay Nitzan to duly investigate a criminal complaint against Judges Yitzhak Cohen, Esther Hellman and Avraham Avraham in the Zadorov affair. [1] The complaint was first filed in August 2016 to Attorney General Avicahi Mandelblit. Police is not permitted to investigate complaints against judges absent instruction by the Attorney General. Attorney General Mandelblit forwarded the complaint to State Attorney Shay Nitzan. However, the office of State Attorney has not investigated the complaint to this date. Instead, the State Attorney Bureau send a letter, which appears invalid on its face, and which says that the Attorney General and State Attorney are not an appeals court...

Figures: State Attorney Shay Nitzan and Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit deny due investigation of Judges Yitzhak Cohen, Esther Hellman and Avraham Avraham pertaining to their conduct in State of Israel v Roman Zadorov (502-07) in the Nazareth District Court.
Figures: Indisputable evidence indicates the conduct of sham/fabricated/simulated court trial by Judges Yitzhak Cohen, Esther Hellman and Haim Galpaz in the case of Roman Zadorov.

Figures: September 14, 2010 "Verdict" in State of Israel v Roman Zadorov (502-07), which purportedly convicted Roman Zadorov in the murder of Tair Rada in 2006. RIGHT: The record, which was discovered as attachment to the 2010 "Notice of Appeal" in the Supreme Court appeal file Zadorov v State of Israel (7939/10). LEFT: The record, which was discovered in Net-HaMishpat in State of Israel v Roman Zadorov (502-07) during inspection in 2015. Neither record is a lawfully made court record. Moreover, the differences between the two records indicate that the record was not electronically signed, and therefore is merely a "draft".
The September 14, 2010 "Verdict" also fails to appear in the "Decisions Docket" and the "Judgments" list of the Court. "Judgments" list is fundamental "Book of Court" of any competent court, which certify the validity of court judgments. A court with no valid entry of judgments is surely incompetent and/or corrupt.
The September 14, 2010 "Verdict" also fails to appear in the "Decisions Docket" and the "Judgments" list of the Court. "Judgments" list is fundamental "Book of Court" of any competent court, which certify the validity of court judgments. A court with no valid entry of judgments is surely incompetent and/or corrupt.
Attorney Galil Spiegel, who was Zadorov's defense counsel in the Nazareth District Court trial could not provide a reasonable explanation for the disappearance of a lawfully made judgment. Following the publication of the findings, while the purported appeal was still under review in the Supreme Court, Attorney Avigdor Feldman (then Zadorov's pro bono defense counsel) wrote that he too could not find Zadorov's judgment records, since they got lost in the "wailing wind across the Jezreel Valley"...
Regarding Judge Haim Galpaz - there is no form of signature on any record that has been discovered to this date in the court files pertaining to Roman Zadorov. Judge Haim Galpaz also fails to have a Court Calendar for the corresponding period. Court Calendars are "Books of Court" of any competent court, which certify the validity of court process in which the judges partake.
Regarding extensive searches and FOIA requests on the Ministry of Justice and Administration of Courts, no valid documentation has been discovered to this date of Judge Haim Galpaz's appointment as "Judge Emeritus" during the corresponding period.
Attorney Galil Spiegel explained that he was a "judge on reserve duty"...
Figures: Presiding Judge Avraham Avraham of the Nazareth District Court denied access to inspect the records, which is permitted by law, and which was declared by the Supreme Court "a fundamental principle in any democratic regime... constitutional, supra-statutory..." Judge Avraham Avraham wrote: "The Requester repeats his requests, subject of which, purportedly, is inspection of records. However, such are not requests to inspect, but an investigation, which the Requester is conducting, pertaining to validity of Net-HaMishpat system and a series of claims regarding conduct of the judicial panel in the above referenced court file. In such matters this Court shall not engage". The evidence indicates misprision of felonies and withholding of evidence by Presiding Judge of the Nazareth District Court Avraham Avraham.

Figures: Roman Zadorov - the Ukrainian Mendel Beillis in Israel. The Jew Mendel Beillis was accused a century ago in the murder of a Ukrainian boy. Only following intense international pressure he was released from false arrest and false conviction.

Figures: Fraud by judges on the bench is deemed extra-judicial conduct - which is not covered by any immunity. As demonstrated most clearly in the Judge Varda Alshech "Fabricated Protocols" scandal, Israeli judges have established a system, where they are permitted to engage in criminality on the bench. Placing the judges above the law undermines the foundations of the Rule of Law and Human Rights in the State of Israel!
Following is the complete letter to State Attorney Shay Nitzan today
Nitzan, State Attorney
of Justice
By email:
Fax: 02-646-7006
Roman Zadorov Affair: Criminal Complaint against Judges Yitzhak
Cohen, Esther Hellman, Avraham Avraham – request for a due
investigation and a valid response
response within 45 days is requested.
Attorney Nitzan:
August 08, 2016, I filed with the Attorney General a voluminous
criminal complaint against Judges Judges Yitzhak Cohen, Esther
Hellman, Avraham Avraham, pertaining to their conduct in the Roman
Zadorov affair. The complaint provided indisputable evidence and
alleged perversion of court records, perversion of court process and
breach of loyalty through the conduct of sham/fabricated/ simulated
court process. As indicated in the complaint itself, such conduct is
deemed extra-judicial conduct and is not covered by any judicial
immunity. [1]
September 25, 2016 response letter (Ref 047-99-2016-026642, attached)
indicates that the complaint was forwarded to your office from the
office of the Attorney General.
response letter also stated that the Attorney General and the State
Attorney are not an appeal forum, and appeals should be filed
pursuant to the law. You response letter also purports that the
subject matter was already reviewed in the Supreme Court criminal
appeal file (7939/10), and request for en blank hearing was denied in
Supreme Court file (1329/16).
response fails to address the criminal complaint at all. Moreover,
your response appears erroneous and misleading, since the Supreme
Court processes, which you referenced, did not address the
allegations of criminality by the named judges at all. Your response
appears as refusal to investigate a criminal complaint against judges
in view of patent, serious violations of the criminal code on the
your response was issued by “Bareket Shamay, State Attorney
Bureau”, with no title, which would have indicated authority to
respond on a criminal complaint.
therefore again request due investigation of my criminal complaint
against Judges Yitzhak Cohen, Esther Hellman and Avraham Avraham in
the Roman Zadorov affair, and a valid, authorized response by your
to hold judges accountable to the law undermines the foundations of
the Rule of Law and Human Rights in the State of Israel.
Zernik, PhD
Rights Alert (NGO)
Since the filing of the complaint, additional evidence of
criminality by the named judges in the Zadorov affair has been
discovered. I ask to be invited to provide such evidence in the
course of due investigation of the criminal complaint.
[1] 2016-08-08 Criminal complaint against former judge Yitzhak Cohen, Judges Esther Hellman and Avraham Avraham