Saturday, June 14, 2014

2014-06-15 Hello world!

15/6 @ 13:16 : Israel, IL
15/6 @ 13:10 : New Delhi, IN
15/6 @ 11:36 : Dallas, Texas, US
15/6 @ 11:08 : Tel Aviv, IL
15/6 @ 07:49 : Bayonne, New Jersey, US
15/6 @ 02:27 : Croatia, HR
14/6 @ 22:57 : Los Angeles, California, US
14/6 @ 22:02 : Ramallah, PS
14/6 @ 21:08 : Ramat Gan, IL
14/6 @ 20:14 : Mountain View, California, US
6/14 @ 8:14 : Mountain View, California, US
6/14 @ 6:44 : Adelaide, AU
6/14 @ 5:49 : Baghdad, IQ
6/14 @ 5:39 : Tel Aviv, IL
6/14 @ 5:06 : Winnipeg, CA
6/14 @ 4:21 : Redmond, Washington, US
6/14 @ 1:15 : Mountain View, California, US
6/14 @ 1:01 : Holon, IL
6/14 @ 12:59 : Bend, Oregon, US
6/14 @ 12:24 : Saarbrücken, DE

2014-06-14 PALESTINE: In the wake of kidnapping of three Israeli youths - hooded Israeli soldiers - a cardinal sign of a dark regime

In the wake of the kidnapping of three Israeli youths in Palestine, IDF started extensive operations on the ground.
The pictures shows hooded soldiers in the scorching summer heat.  Hooded soldiers were also observed during recent visits to Hebron.
The only explanation for the appearance of hooded soldiers is in attempt to prevent their identification, and readiness to perpetrated abuses.
Hooded military are a cardinal sign of a dark regime!
Eyal Yifrach, Naftali Frenkel and Gilad Shaer.
מעצר פלסטיני בחברון, הבוקר

פעילות צה"ל בחברון, הלילה

2014-06-14 PALESTINE: Hunger strike of Palestinian detainees, reaching a crisis level, is self-censored in the Israeli media

===2014-06-14 PALESTINE: Hunger strike of Palestinian detainees, reaching a crisis level, is self-censored in the Israeli media===
[via Israeli media review site The Seventh Eye]
אליעזר יערי
שביתת דיווחמדוע אין מי שמדווח על שביתת רעב המונית בבתי-הכלא בישראל?ניוזלטר+העין+השביעית&utm_campaign=05de21a4db-2014_6_8&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_129fd9aff8-05de21a4db-20465857

014-06-14 PALESTINE: NOW! Three Israeli youths abducted by Palestinians

==PALESTINE: NOW! Three Israeli youths abducted by Palestinians===
The youths were abducted on Thursday night, but the matter was under military censorship until now. Their whereabouts is unknown. The case will be no doubt a test case for conduct of the new Palestinian unity government and its relationships with the Israeli government.
[via Local Talk, Israeli site]
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2014-06-14 IRAQ: The fall of Mosul to the Sunni Caliphate

===2014-06-14 IRAQ: The fall of Mosul to the Sunni Caliphate===
Iraq : 1,700 Killed In Mass Executions Of Civilians and Soldiers in Mosul, Say UN:
A UN spokesman says the number of killings could run into the hundreds. Unconfirmed reports say 1,700 Shia soldiers have been executed. "We've also had reports suggesting that the government forces have also committed excesses, in particular the shelling of civilian areas.

2014-06-14 US: News from the American Gulag

===2014-06-14 US: News from the American Gulag===
Deadly New Debtor's Prisons: Pennsylvania Mother Dies in Jail for Truancy Fines
Laura Clawson, Daily Kos
Tragic consequence of criminalization of poverty. READ MORE»