Discovering, archiving, and disseminating knowledge regarding abuse of the People by governments and corporations in the Medieval Digital Era// גילוי, ארכיבאות, והפצת מידע על התעללות בציבור על ידי ממשלות ותאגידים בימי הביניים הדיגיטליים
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
13-10-23 US-SWITZERALND and US snooping: FATCA- Breaking through Fear with a Swiss Referendum
October 16, 2013
From: Bilan.ch, Switzerland
By Mohammad Farrokh
The Swiss are likely to vote to overturn a FATCA agreement with the US Treasury Department, which has recently been ratified by Parliament. On October 8, a STOP-FATCA referendum committee has been set up, amid skepticism and fears of US reaction. Direct link to access the referendum is here
[Note: FATCA (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act) is a law requiring Swiss Banks to transmit the financial data of US expatriates, as well as many Swiss citizens, to the IRS. Original French (translated by Victoria Ferauge): Money & Finance “FATCA: un referendum pour briser la peur”, at http://www.bilan.ch/argent- finances-les-plus-de-la- redaction/fatca-un-referendum- pour-briser-la-peur ]

13-10-23 US Dept of Defense: - the epitome of conceit? Fake arrival ceremonies for dead soldiers/remains?
I am at loss of words to find the right description for the story below... jz
Since Vietnam, the Missing/Killed In Action/Prisoner of War issue has been extremely emotional especially for families of those soldiers allegedly "left behind". Some POW/MIA activists see a conspiracy by the U.S. govt & the Vietnamese to withhold the "real truth" that many American POWs were never released but still are in bestial captivity.
It's hard for the Pentagon to lose their lying habit. Keep this story in mind, just reported by Bill Dedman of NBC News, whenever you read or hear a Pentagon/Dept of Defense "statement of fact". (I've edited it.)
Boiled down, the DoD has been holding fake "Arrival Ceremonies", complete with honor guard carrying flag-draped coffins of human remains of the honored dead off a "just arrived" cargo plane. Grieving veterans and MIA families were led to believe that they're witnessing the final return of Americans killed in World War Two, Vietnam and Korea.
After 7 years of this charade, the Pentagon now confesses it's all a put on. No honored dead were in fact arriving on planes that couldn't fly anyway so had to be towed into the hanger.
"The ceremonies also have been known, at least among some of the military and civilian staff here, as The Big Lie.
"The Pentagon statement did not explain why the rituals were called "arrival ceremonies" if no one was arriving, or why the public had been told that remains removed that morning from the lab were about to go to the lab to "begin the identification process."
"The Defense Department has used the arrival ceremonies as publicity tools, posting videos of the "arrival" on its website, on YouTube and on Facebook.
Jesse Baker, an Air Force veteran of World War II and Korea living in Honolulu, said he has been to more than 50 of these ceremonies. "If I have been fooled, I am going to be a very pissed-off citizen, because I've been going for years," Baker said. "And I know a lot of guys who are going to be pissed off. ...
Baker tried to make sense of why America's Department of Defense would work so hard to trick him and other veterans.
The Pentagon said its own words, used since 2006, had led to the ceremonies being "misinterpreted" as arrivals.
The Pentagon would not answer when asked when (the general in charge) and other military officers became aware that the public was being misled.
Damn them.
OpEdNews Op Eds 10/22/2013 at 13:53:55FakeBy Clancy Sigal (about the author) |
It's hard for the Pentagon to lose their lying habit. Keep this story in mind, just reported by Bill Dedman of NBC News, whenever you read or hear a Pentagon/Dept of Defense "statement of fact". (I've edited it.)
Boiled down, the DoD has been holding fake "Arrival Ceremonies", complete with honor guard carrying flag-draped coffins of human remains of the honored dead off a "just arrived" cargo plane. Grieving veterans and MIA families were led to believe that they're witnessing the final return of Americans killed in World War Two, Vietnam and Korea.
After 7 years of this charade, the Pentagon now confesses it's all a put on. No honored dead were in fact arriving on planes that couldn't fly anyway so had to be towed into the hanger.
"The ceremonies also have been known, at least among some of the military and civilian staff here, as The Big Lie.
"The Pentagon statement did not explain why the rituals were called "arrival ceremonies" if no one was arriving, or why the public had been told that remains removed that morning from the lab were about to go to the lab to "begin the identification process."
"The Defense Department has used the arrival ceremonies as publicity tools, posting videos of the "arrival" on its website, on YouTube and on Facebook.
Jesse Baker, an Air Force veteran of World War II and Korea living in Honolulu, said he has been to more than 50 of these ceremonies. "If I have been fooled, I am going to be a very pissed-off citizen, because I've been going for years," Baker said. "And I know a lot of guys who are going to be pissed off. ...
Baker tried to make sense of why America's Department of Defense would work so hard to trick him and other veterans.
The Pentagon said its own words, used since 2006, had led to the ceremonies being "misinterpreted" as arrivals.
The Pentagon would not answer when asked when (the general in charge) and other military officers became aware that the public was being misled.
Damn them.
13-10-23 US Robber Baron news: JP Morgan deal - spin in NYT reporting...
The New York Times' spin of the tentative settlement of JPMorgan's latest myriad felonies begins early and runs throughout the article. JPMorgan and Attorney General Eric Holder have reached a common meme on their settlement he Department of Justice (DOJ) and Holder are stalwarts who have demonstrated their toughness and JPMorgan is a model corporate citizen.
JPMorgan has been shameless and, as The New York Times reports, "At least seven federal agencies, several state regulators and two foreign countries are investigating the bank." But the betting in the business press is that Dimon will survive quite nicely, secure in his roughly $20 million pay and backed by a hand-picked board of directors focused on the bank's still buoyant stock price.
13-10-23 ISRAEL: More on online, social networks censorship, in re: Judicial corruption
Sophisticated Israeli censorship on Liveleak.com in re: Judicial corruption.
Seven hours after posting, reads number is "0". In other cases, the read number is "0", even after comments are posted.
Total "Item Views" in my channel on Liveleak.com alone approaches a million, and usually there are several hundred views, or a couple of thousands per item, most - in the first day or two after posting.
Notice also that in the stats for the week, it is noted that NO post was uploaded. With it, I see the item posted as normally displayed.
In short: Censorship in the Medieval Digital Era is pretty sophisticated.
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Occupy Tel Aviv, October 23 - In Israel, the judges are more active than in the US in blocking information regarding their own apparent criminality. Today, two messages, supported by full docume
By: HumanRightsAlert | Comments: 0 | Views: 0 | Votes: 0 | Shared: 0
Statistics for user 'HumanRightsAlert'
All time | Week | Month | |
rank | 1322 | 986 | 1497 |
items | 0 | 0 | 0 |
items added | 355 | 2 | 8 |
items featured | 0 | 0 | 0 |
item views | 954298 | 0 | 0 |
13-10-23 ISRAEL: Censorship in online sites, which document apparent criminality of the judiciary
Occupy Tel Aviv, October 23 - In Israel, the judges are more active than in the US in blocking information regarding their own apparent criminality. Today, two messages, supported by full docume
By: HumanRightsAlert | Comments: 0 | Views: 0 | Votes: 0 | Shared: 0
Location: Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, Israel | Leaked: 7 hours ago in Conspiracy
13-10-23 ISRAEL: Censorship in online sites, which document apparent criminality of the judiciary
Occupy Tel Aviv, October 23 - In Israel, the judges are more active than in the US in blocking information regarding their own apparent criminality.
Today, two messages, supported by full documentation, regarding appearance of "Chief Clerk" of the Israeli Supreme Court with no lawful appointment record, were hidden in the Rotter.net site under a nonsensical title: "Messages by Human Rights Alert".
With it, also the large number of reader of the original messages was eliminated.
Haaretz daily has also recently reported that the judges have initiated efforts to censor such information in various social online sites. That - while the main stream media engage in self-censorship for fear of retaliation.
Joseph Zernik, PhD
Occupy Tel Aviv
Human Rights Alert (NGO)
* The Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission to the Human Rights Council of the United Nations was incorporated into the 2010 Periodic Review Report regarding Human Rights in the United States, with the note: "corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in California".
* The Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission to the Human Rights Council of the United Nations was incorporated into the 2013 Periodic Review Report regarding Human Rights in Israel, with the note: "lack of integrity of the electronic records of the Supreme Court, the district courts and the detainees courts in Israel."
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