And on such Voltaire said: "If you want to know who is the true dictator, find out what you are not permitted to criticize." jz

Why hasn't Lawless America...The Movie been completed?
- Wednesday, 30 April 2014
- William M. Windsor
Those who haven't read my recent posts here may be asking this question?
There are several reasons (divorce, medical problems), but the primary reason is the perhaps unprecedented libel, slander, and defamation that has been unleashed on me by people who I believe are either mentally ill or paid by someone to do this, or both.
When people search for information about me online, instead of reading good things about what I have been trying to accomplish, their eyes get drawn to beyond outrageous lies. Sadly, in today's world, it seems folks love to believe the crap that gets splattered on the wall. This was the published goal of a gang of cyberstalkers. Their leader wrote that the goal was to destroy me and stop the movie from ever being seen.
Until I can get courts and law enforcement to do something about these people, it is unlikely that I will obtain the financing needed to complete the film properly or a distribution deal. So, my focus hast to be on trying to bring these creeps to justice.
The latest lawsuit is against the people who have posted This is a case where a number of people have, with extreme malice, conspired to destroy me through thousands of published articles and comments. Published statements that I am a pedophile, a pedophile lover, anti-gay, bigoted, a tax evader, a criminal operating a scam, a terrorist, a sexual deviant, a liar, and a con man are false, and this constitutes defamation, slander, libel, intentional infliction of emotional distress, invasion of privacy, conspiracy, and stalking.
The Joeys set out to do harm to me, and they wreaked havoc with one defamatory statement after another.
In Texas, the elements of libel as defamation are: (1) false and defamatory words (2) published to a third person (3) that defamed the plaintiff (4) while either acting with actual malice or negligence regarding the truth of the statement. An organization may be liable for the defamatory utterances of its agent that are made while acting within the scope of the agent’s authority. A statement is defamatory if it tends to injure a living person's reputation and thereby expose the person to public hatred, contempt or ridicule, or financial injury or to impeach any person's honesty, integrity, virtue, or reputation.
The Joeys have published false and defamatory words about me. Published statements about me that are false and defamatory include that I am a pedophile, a pedophile lover, anti-gay, a bigot, a tax evader, a criminal operating a scam, a terrorist, a sexual deviant, have had sex with animals, am a liar, a con man, a con artist, a huckster, created the movie as part of a con game, am conning people, am a fraud, am Hitler, am Hitler-like, am psychotic, claim I have a movie but it is a fake, had a psychotic break, threatened people with physical harm, am a dickless coward, am mentally ill, want payoffs from people to not extort them on YouTube, have published complete lies, have published a distortion of any reality, am mentally disturbed, am showing a distorted one sided view of every story, am showing lies, am showing less than half truth, am not intelligent, am of dubious moral character, my Lawless America business has died, have no significant intellectual skills, am a sociopath, had a woman sitting on my lap during filming in Michigan and was grabbing her on the ass, got convicted sex offenders to do my filming, am a maniacal monster, have herpes, falsify information, was cheating on my wife, my wife (now ex-wife) and I are going to jail; support cold-blooded killers; Washington DC event was a disaster, have lost my mind; The Plaintiff “has hurt so many through black mail, coercion and has threatened the safety of so many mothers and their children by sharing their intimate and confidential information.” Other published statements that are defamatory include that the Lawless America movie does not and will not exist; I have been making up information about Soushie for years; the itinerary with the movie was filled with pedophiles; I am a sexual deviant, a sick animal, moral-less, unethical, and a freek; I am a psychopath; I was fired for being a crook, am operating a scam, and lie about anything and everything; there is no movie; I am a monster; anything I am involved with is bound to be a complete lie and a distortion of any reality; I am only showing my mentally disturbed and distorted one sided view of every story, most of it lies and less than half truth; Anyone like me who is stupid enough to support a extortionist, scam artist, elderly abusing scum like Crystal Cox is obviously not very intelligent and of dubious moral character; I have scammed people all my life. And perhaps the topper, that I am planning to murder every elected official in America.
The Joeys have conspired to libel, slander, and defame me to put him in a false light and cause me emotional distress. They succeeded.
None of these defamatory published statements about me are true, and I have sworn to this under oath under penalty of perjury.
These people haven't just damaged me; they have damaged all of us who are trying to correct the massive INjustices that we face with government, law enforcement, and the judicial system.
Until I can get courts and law enforcement to do something about these people, it is unlikely that I will obtain the financing needed to complete the film properly or a distribution deal. So, my focus hast to be on trying to bring these creeps to justice.
The latest lawsuit is against the people who have posted This is a case where a number of people have, with extreme malice, conspired to destroy me through thousands of published articles and comments. Published statements that I am a pedophile, a pedophile lover, anti-gay, bigoted, a tax evader, a criminal operating a scam, a terrorist, a sexual deviant, a liar, and a con man are false, and this constitutes defamation, slander, libel, intentional infliction of emotional distress, invasion of privacy, conspiracy, and stalking.
The Joeys set out to do harm to me, and they wreaked havoc with one defamatory statement after another.
In Texas, the elements of libel as defamation are: (1) false and defamatory words (2) published to a third person (3) that defamed the plaintiff (4) while either acting with actual malice or negligence regarding the truth of the statement. An organization may be liable for the defamatory utterances of its agent that are made while acting within the scope of the agent’s authority. A statement is defamatory if it tends to injure a living person's reputation and thereby expose the person to public hatred, contempt or ridicule, or financial injury or to impeach any person's honesty, integrity, virtue, or reputation.
The Joeys have published false and defamatory words about me. Published statements about me that are false and defamatory include that I am a pedophile, a pedophile lover, anti-gay, a bigot, a tax evader, a criminal operating a scam, a terrorist, a sexual deviant, have had sex with animals, am a liar, a con man, a con artist, a huckster, created the movie as part of a con game, am conning people, am a fraud, am Hitler, am Hitler-like, am psychotic, claim I have a movie but it is a fake, had a psychotic break, threatened people with physical harm, am a dickless coward, am mentally ill, want payoffs from people to not extort them on YouTube, have published complete lies, have published a distortion of any reality, am mentally disturbed, am showing a distorted one sided view of every story, am showing lies, am showing less than half truth, am not intelligent, am of dubious moral character, my Lawless America business has died, have no significant intellectual skills, am a sociopath, had a woman sitting on my lap during filming in Michigan and was grabbing her on the ass, got convicted sex offenders to do my filming, am a maniacal monster, have herpes, falsify information, was cheating on my wife, my wife (now ex-wife) and I are going to jail; support cold-blooded killers; Washington DC event was a disaster, have lost my mind; The Plaintiff “has hurt so many through black mail, coercion and has threatened the safety of so many mothers and their children by sharing their intimate and confidential information.” Other published statements that are defamatory include that the Lawless America movie does not and will not exist; I have been making up information about Soushie for years; the itinerary with the movie was filled with pedophiles; I am a sexual deviant, a sick animal, moral-less, unethical, and a freek; I am a psychopath; I was fired for being a crook, am operating a scam, and lie about anything and everything; there is no movie; I am a monster; anything I am involved with is bound to be a complete lie and a distortion of any reality; I am only showing my mentally disturbed and distorted one sided view of every story, most of it lies and less than half truth; Anyone like me who is stupid enough to support a extortionist, scam artist, elderly abusing scum like Crystal Cox is obviously not very intelligent and of dubious moral character; I have scammed people all my life. And perhaps the topper, that I am planning to murder every elected official in America.
The Joeys have conspired to libel, slander, and defame me to put him in a false light and cause me emotional distress. They succeeded.
None of these defamatory published statements about me are true, and I have sworn to this under oath under penalty of perjury.
These people haven't just damaged me; they have damaged all of us who are trying to correct the massive INjustices that we face with government, law enforcement, and the judicial system.
If you haven't been keeping up with Lawless America and me on Facebook or, you may be surprised to learn that a gang of cyberstalkers have viciously defamed me with thousands of false and defamtory statements online. At last count, there are over 320 articles filling over 7,000 pages, written by about 700 screen names, 99% of which are aliases or anonymous.
I have sued all of the evil-doers, and I will pursue them legally with every ounce of energy that I can muster for as long as it takes.
Contrary to the unfounded beliefs of some of those guilty of viciously defaming me, I have not read all 7,000+ pages of the articles and comments on
To those who have published false and/or defamatory information about me:CEASE AND DESIST. Correct and make a retraction of all of the false and/or defamatory information. If you don’t have absolute proof that your published statements are true, then issue a correction and retraction. There are hundreds of screen names who have published false and/or defamatory information on
And to each and every person who has posted on the Joeyisalittlekid website, I suggest that you read the Texas case law on defamation as a whole, conspiracy, and joint and several liability. I seek to hold each of you liable for what you all did as a gang with your published statements on Joeyisalittlekid's website.
I have thus far been unable to get a Texas court to enjoin these folks and force them to take down all the defamatory material. Until that is done, I feel I have no choice but to deny all the defamation here.
I am producing two expose documentary films about cyberstalking -- Slanderella and Slanderfella. This gang of cyberstalkers will be featured.
William M. Windsor
Bill Windsor
Last Updated on Thursday, 08 May 2014 04:15