June 3, 2008 Corrspondence with the office of the Clerk and the Presiding Judge, LA Superior Court & refusal of the Court to open its Book of Judgments for inspection, moreover - refusal to certify entry of judgment
June 3, 2008 Correspondence:
The Books of Court are by Law public records - but not in Los Angeles.
Copied below are two letters:
1) Letter from Zernik to Office of the Clerk of Los Angeles Superior Court-
Asking certification of either entry of jugment or non-entry of judgment. Such absurd request was needed in thhe first place since the court refuses to allow inspection of its Book of Judgments, in violation of the Law.
2) Response by the Assistant Presiding Judge - McCoy- Refusing to certify either entry or non-entry of the judgment.
The judgment in question is a fraudulent judgment issued by Judge Jacqueline Connor on Aug 9, 2007, as the core of the racketeering in this case. Thereafter, she stated repeatedly in writings and in open court that she entered the judgment on Aug 9, 2007.
The underlying Racket:
The Los Angeles Superior Court created also rules - never fully specified in writing, that allows entry of judgment with no written notice of entry of judgment, or so they would like to make the public believe.
Based on such non-existent judgment, Judge John Segal, and Judge Terry Friedman have move on to:
1) Take Defendant property that is his home with no legal foundation, through sheer threat of force.
2) Deprive Defendant of any compensation for such Taking.
The Racketeers:
This perversion of justice was not the making of one corrupt judge. Instead, it was the outcome of the coordinated conduct of a group of judges, comprising the majority of the judges in the Santa Monica Court House Civil Department. The judges involved in such racketeering are:
1) Jacqueline Connor
2) Allan Goodman
3) John Segal
4) Lisa Hart-Cole
5) Patricia Collins
6) Supervising Judge Gerald Rosenberg
7) Assistant Presiding Judge William McCoy
Colluding Racketeers at Countrywide:
Full partners in this racketeering are Countrywide Financial Corporation and its Officers and employees:
1) Angelo Mozillo
2) Sandor Samuels
3) Maria McLaurin
4) Sanford Shatz
5) Todd Boock
Countrywide had no business whatsoever with Defendant Zernik. Countrywide simply offered fraudulent records as a favor for a business partner - Jae Arre Lloyd, and his wife - Nivie Samaan.
1) June 3, 2008 Letter to the office of the Clerk requesting certification of either entry of judgment, alternatively - non-entry of judgment. (click on the image for larger view)

2) June 3, 2008 Response by Asisstant Presiding Judge McCoy . (click on the image for larger view)