Goettingen is a medieval city, member of the Hanseatic League, and later also a major university town. Like Heidelberg, it appears that it was spared any bombing in WWII.
Relatively small town, <150 -="" 7th="" after="" and="" biology="" economics.="" for="" germany="" glorious="" heidleberg="" high="" in="" it="" its="" known="" math.="" munich="" nbsp="" p="" past="" primarily="" ranks="" rd="" today="" university="">
QS Global Ranking 197; >30,000 students, "Very High" research output:
Georg-August University of Goettingen was founded in 1737. As an institution is resulted from the critical spirit of the Enlightenment. Georgia Augusta succeeded in producing or offering temporary scientific shelter to world-class researchers throughout the ages who have contributed to the University's international reputation in the natural sciences as well as in the arts. Goettingen is linked with over 40 Nobel Prize winners who researched and lived here during their times. The high standard of research and research-based teaching provides continuing inspiration to expanding the University's excellence as it faces the challenges confronting universities in the 21st century. Reform projects in research, teaching and administration provide a firm basis for the future.
הבניינים העתיקים של האוניברסיטה במרכז העיר הישנה
ליד תחנת הרכבת - אלפי זוגות אופניים בסדר די מופתי
מול הכנסיה, בחזית בניין העיריה הישן - אנדרטה לאלה בגטינגן, שהתנגדו למשטר בשנים 1933-1945
אמנות השוקולד ואמנות הנקניק - חזקים גם בזה וגם בזה