Exclusive to OpEdNews: General News Joelle Ben Simon affair continues - organized crime in the Jerusalem Family Court

In the aftermath, it turned out that the forced hospitalization was "coordinated" by Attorney Yael Kutik. Kutik had been previously listed as a senior officer of the Ministry of Justice, but no reference could be found regarding the nature of her current appointment, raising suspicion that she now holds a position with the Shin-Bet office inside the Ministry of Justice (Freedom of Information request regarding her position was filed...).
The story is still far from fully researched, but it appears that the justice system's interest in Joelle peaked, after she inherited several pricey real-estate properties from her elderly mother. Now, after a treatment of almost a decade by the courts, Joelle lives in a trailer in the desert with no AC...
Along the way, out of the blue appeared retired Judge Nili Maymon, in a hearing where she did not have a judicial gown, no clerk, no court transcriptionist, and issued by hand-writing a restraining order, not even on an official letterhead, prohibiting Joelle from contacting her elderly mother.

Figure 2: Attorney
Yael Kutik (Ministry of Justice? Shin-Bet?) -- coordinated Joelle's
forced psychiatric hospitalization; Ayelet Shake - Minister of
Justice, and Emy Palmor - Director General of the Ministry of
Justice, are both directly involved now in Joelle Ben Simon's case
as well; Attorney Inbal Weil (senior staff member, Jerusalem and
Southern Region, Legal Aid Bureau, Ministry of Justice) appeared on
behalf of Joelle in Court, without Joelle's knowledge, without
Joelle's consent, with no certificate of counsel.
Once Joelle came out of
the hospital, she received the July 26, 2016 Judge Menahem Hacohen
(of whom she had never heard before) "Decision" from the
Jerusalem Family Court (Figure 3). The record was immediately
suspected a fraud. It referred to a hearing, where another senior
Ministry of Justice officer, Attorney Inbal Weil of the Legal Aid
Bureau had purportedly filed a motion and appeared on behalf of
Joelle in court. Judge Hacohen purportedly states in the "Decision"
that he made serious efforts, but could not find certain records in
Joelle's court file. However, Joelle had never met Weil, never
consented to her appearance, and never signed a certificate of
counsel for Attorney Weil...
Figure 3: Court
file (4835-06-13) in
the Jerusalem Family Court: Sham/simulated/"draft"
Judge Menahem Hacohen July
26, 2016 "Decision"
record - "Attorney
Inbal Weil of the Legal Assistance Bureau appeared before me... all
my efforts to locate the father's request, or the Hon Judge Elbaz
Decision failed... " Esti, staff
member of the Office of the
again printed the record and again certified it,
it "True Copy of the Original". However, then senior staff
member Maya demanded the record back from Joelle and threw it in the
trash. Maya explained to Esti that the record was merely a "draft",
which must not be printed, must not be certified, and must not be
provided to parties in the case. However, the very same record had
been previously
served on Joelle by the Court.

Comment by Michael Germain:
Dr. Zernik's examination of potential judicial misconduct in Israel
is very interesting and worth a read. While referring to what could
very well be a conspiracy to commit crimes for financial gain by judges
as "organized crime" could be an overstatement, given the connection
that term has with violent criminal gangs, it sheds light into an unseen
corner.And it hopefully will give US readers pause when reflecting on Israeli democracy. There is no constitution, no Bill of Rights to guide lawmakers, judges, soldiers.
The US has its share of judicial corruption, that is for sure, but this story, while not yet complete, is worth following.

Comment by Joseph Zernik:
I beg to differ. RICO, Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act, provides a list of "predicated acts" - conduct that qualifies as organized crime activity. It includes, for example:
* bribery,
* theft,
* embezzlement,
* fraud,
* obstruction of justice,
* mail fraud,
* wire fraud,
* intimidation harassment retaliation against witness victim
All of these are relevant in the context of conduct of sham/simulated court process and real estate fraud, such as documented here.
Moreover, judges have been prosecuted for racketeering in the US - for example - "Kids for Cash" - they were not involved in any violent crimes per se.
The most common and aggressive organized crime in the US today is white collar organized crime - for example - in the banking system, as repeatedly documented in US Congress investigations (which US DOJ refuses to prosecute under the Too Big to Fail, To Big to Jail justice policy). The notion of organized crime a la Don Corleone is old fashioned...