Inquiry, sent today to the heads of the parties, which are represented in the Knesset, reviews the evidence of computer fraud in the Central Election Committee. The evidence has been recently accumulated through correspondence with the Central Election Committee and the Shin-Bet. Party heads are asked to join in a criminal complaint against attorneys, who are senior officers of the Committee - CEO Orly Adas, FOIA Officer - Elad Naveh, and Legal Advisor Dean Livneh. The letter also says that ignoring the evidence of fraud in the Central Election Committee would raise doubts regarding the nature of the regime in the State of Israel.

Figures: Attorney Orly Adas, Central Election Committee CEO - key fraud suspect. Deliberately overlooking the evidence of fraud in the Central Election Committee would raise serious doubts regarding the nature of the regime in the State of Israel today.
OccupyTLV, February 11 - inquiry has been forwarded today to the heads of the parties, which are represented in the 20th Knesset. The inquiry reviews evidence of serious computer fraud in the Central Election Committee, and offers to discuss with interested parties filing a complaint with the National Fraud Unit/Anti-corruption Unit and Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit against senior officers of the Central Election Committee.
Following is the complete letter:
February 11, 2017
Bennett – The Jewish Home
Netanyahu - HaLikud
Isaac Herzog – Zionist Union
Odeh – Joint List
Litzman - United Torah Judaism
Lapid – Yesh Atid
Ilatov - Yisrael Beitenu
Kahlon - Kulanu
Gal-On - Meretz
Deri – Shas
RE: Filing a criminal complaint with
Israel Police National Fraud Unit/Anti-corruption Unit and the Attorney General against senior
officers of the Central Election Committee
Your response within 7 days is kindly
requested. Time is of the essence
Dear Honorable Sirs and Madam:
Collection of records in my
possession, outlined in the attached publication, is the outcome of of Freedom
of Information request on the Central Election Committee regarding
computerization of the Central Election Committee, validity and integrity of IT
systems of the Committee, as well as correspondence with the Committee and the
Shin-Bet following the Committee’s response on the FOIA request.
Such records:
a) Clearly indicate fraud by senior
officers of the Central Election Committee in their FOIA response regarding
validity and integrity of the Committee’s IT systems and their compliance with
the law and binding standards;
b) Indicate clear and serious
contradiction between the statements of the Committee’s senior officers and
Prime Minister’s office response on inquiry with the Shin-Bet Head regarding
validation and security of the systems;
c) Raise serious concerns that the
fraud in the Committee’s FOIA response, and likewise, the contradiction between
the Committee’s and the Shin-Bet’s statements were intended to cover up fraud
in computerization of the Central Election Committee, and
d) Raise serious concerns of lack of
integrity and/or fraud in conduct of the 2015 General Election, as previously
claimed in publications in the US and in Israel.
Obviously, fraud of the type, which is suspected,
undermines the lawful authority of the current Knesset. Moreover, ignoring clear evidence of fraud of
this type by heads of the parties, which are represented in the Knesset, must
raise doubts regarding the nature of the regime in the State of Israel.
The publication, copied below, also proposes that preparations
should be made for paper administration of the next general election, and for
inviting professional international election observers.
Please find additional information in the publication,
copied below. I would be glad to discuss
the matter, referenced above, with any of you, who may be interested.
Joseph Zernik, PhD
Human Rights Alert (NGO)
CC: Wide
Attached: Shin-Bet incriminates senior officers of the Central Election Committee... and where have the Supreme Court justices been all along???
Shin-Bet incriminates the Central Election Committee in serious computer fraud - and where have the Supreme Court justices been all along?
Two consecutive State Ombudsman’s reports found that the Central Election Committee’s IT systems had no valid entry logs, and no valid supervision of entries to the system. Moreover, such serious failure was not corrected following the 2013 General Election report. Publications in the US and in Israel claim material computer fraud in the 2015 General Election.
Therefor, FOIA request was filed on the Central Election Committee (possibly the first ever), which sought documentation of specification, development, validation, operation and security of the Committee’s IT systems as required by law and by binding standards.
The Committee’s response, naming three senior attorneys, is perceived as fraud. In particular – its part, which says that the systems were examined and certified by the Shin-Bet (Re’em). Therefore, formal inquiry was made with Shin-Bet Head Nadav Argaman, to affirm or deny the Shin-Bet’s responsibility for the systems. The Shin-Bet’s response, which was received from the Prime Minister’s office, denied that the Shin-Bet (Re’em) examined and certified the Central Election Committee’s systems.
One is hard pressed to find a plausible explanation, except for serious fraud, for conduct of the three Committee’s office holding attorneys: Orly Adas – CEO, Elad Naveh – FOIA Officer, and Dean Livneh – Legal Advisor. Another state employee – Operations Manager Lazar Dudovich – is suspected as key figure in computer fraud in the Committee.
Computer fraud in the Central Election Committee pertains to the foundation of lawful regime, from appointment of the Chief of Staff, through control of the Treasury, lawful authority of the current Knesset and the current executive cabinet, to judicial appointments.
In view of severity of the matter, the series of Supreme Court justices, who served as Chairs of the Committee during the relevant period, should be deemed incompetent, corrupt and/or breaching loyalty.
However, the Supreme Court justices also routinely engage in similar conduct in IT systems of the Supreme Court itself, and senior judicial officers oversaw the development, implementation and operation of Net-HaMishpat – the new, fraudulent IT system of the district and magistrate courts. The Shin-Bet itself, in response on inquiry with previous Shin Bet Head Yoram Cohen stated that the Shin-Bet was not charged with security of IT systems of the courts… And Administration of the Courts, like the Central Election Committee, refuses to answer on FOIA request and disclose who was charged with their IT system security.
The case at hand is of particular interest, since it presents role reversals – Shin-Bet is acting to protect the Rule of Law and sounding an alarm regarding serious violations of the law by attorneys, the judiciary and others, which undermine the lawfulness of the regime. Such class breach of loyalty should surely be deemed “Treason”, according to Judge David Rosen…
The role reversals, or dispute between two such powerful groups in the Israeli regime – the secret security apparatus and the justice system – may be related to establishment of the “National Cyber Authority” and “National Cyber Council” by PM Netanyahu’, which undermined the Shin-Bet’s powers and authority. Netanyahu’s authority to implement such changes, and authority of those, who are now charged with security of vital state IT systems, is claimed to be ill-defined by law.
It is obvious that the law enforcement system would not duly investigate the plethora of serious violations of the law, which arise from such circumstances, even in their narrower scope – the alleged fraud by the Central Election Committee in administration of the 2015 General Election. It is doubly clear that no one would be held accountable, even if they should be. Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit, even more than his predecessor Yehuda Weinstein, routinely covers up criminality by senior state officers, particularly in the law enforcement and justice systems.
Iin short: A constitutional crisis in a nation with no constitution…
In view of the circumstances, the public should demand interim, focal corrective measures prior to the next general election: a) Paper administration of the general election, b) Invitation of professional international observers.