I am going on vacation for a couple of weeks, and call for any person of good will to monitor events in Zion Square, Jerusalem, on the ground - particularly, conduct of uniformed and undercover police.
Discovering, archiving, and disseminating knowledge regarding abuse of the People by governments and corporations in the Medieval Digital Era// גילוי, ארכיבאות, והפצת מידע על התעללות בציבור על ידי ממשלות ותאגידים בימי הביניים הדיגיטליים
Saturday, August 25, 2012
12-08-26 A call for volunteer international observers in Zion Square, Jerusalem
I am going on vacation for a couple of weeks, and call for any person of good will to monitor events in Zion Square, Jerusalem, on the ground - particularly, conduct of uniformed and undercover police.
12-08-26 Dispatch from Zion Square: August 26, 2012; ~4:00-5:00 am – continued violence and refusal of the Israel Police to restore public peace and welfare.
The situation
in the Square, by the opinions of other regulars in the Square as well,
represents serious escalation of violence, apparently by choice of the Israel
~ 04:30am - the police
then stopped a couple of Jewish youths, apparently as suspect participants in
the conduct, and started arguing with them, while the police were sitting in
the car, and the Jewish youths standing outside their front window. The
Jewish youths started yelling at the police, and the police then let them go.
View videos:
[1] 12-08-26 Zion Square: August 26, 2012; 04:30am - police let Jewish youths go after an argument
[2] 12-08-26 Zion Square: August 26, 2012; 04:35am - Russian Orthodox procession
[3] 12-08-26 Zion Square: August 26, 2012; ~50:00am Ambulance and drunk, rowdy Jewish youths
View as PDF: http://www.scribd.com/doc/103961831/
Zion Square, Jerusalem, August 26 - disorderly conduct in Zion Square, Jerusalem continues, as does Israel Police refusal to establish public peace and welfare:
· ~ 04:00am, while there was no
uniformed police in the Square, a group of Jewish youth started fighting in the
Square. Then one of the them started running away towards Rav Kook St,
with some 10 others chasing him.
· I called police, complaining about
violence in Zion Square.
· Some 10 minutes later, police car
came rolling in on Jaffa Rd.
· ~ 04:30am - the police then stopped
a couple of Jewish youths, apparently as suspect participants in the conduct,
and started arguing with them, while the police were sitting in the car, and
the Jewish youths standing outside their front window. The Jewish youths
started yelling at the police, and the police then let them go.
· Two minutes later, police were gone.
· ~ 04:35am - some 5 minutes later, a
procession of Russian orthodox priests, nuns, and lay persons crossed the
· ~ 05:00am - groups of drunk, rowdy
Jewish youths are roaming the Square, ambulance arrived, no uniformed police in
1) Some of the Jewish youths involved were old enough to be indistinguishable from undercover police or operated affiliates.
2) I am yet to see a situation that police stop Arabs in the Square, as suspects in involvement in violence, or any other reason, while police remain in the car, the Arabs remain outside, the Arabs argue with police, and get away with it...
3) I am yet to see a Russian Orthodox nun or priest crossing the Square by ones, particularly after dark. The fact that they only move in groups is likely to be related to security procedures that they had to implement. Recently you also see nuns walking with big dogs, or sticks.
4) It was Saturday night, again - with no uniformed police in sight. Police is determined in its refusal for over a year, through murder, serious violent attacks and disorder, not to position uniformed police at nights on the weekends.
5) The situation in the Square, by the opinions of other regulars in the Square as well, represents serious escalation of violence, apparently by choice of the Israel Police.
Joseph Zernik, PhD
Human Rights Alert (NGO)
* The 2010 submission of Human Rights Alert to the Human Rights Council (HRC) of the United Nations, regarding the United States, was reviewed by the HRC professional staff and incorporated in the official HRC Professional Staff Report with a note referring to “corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in California.”
* The 2012 submission of Human Rights Alert to the HRC regarding the State of Israel, titled "Integrity or lack thereof, of the electronic record systems of the courts of the State of Israel," is scheduled for review in early 2013.
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Take away justice, then, and what are governments but great bandit bands?
Saint Augustine, Civitas Dei (City of God,4.4)
1) Some of the Jewish youths involved were old enough to be indistinguishable from undercover police or operated affiliates.
2) I am yet to see a situation that police stop Arabs in the Square, as suspects in involvement in violence, or any other reason, while police remain in the car, the Arabs remain outside, the Arabs argue with police, and get away with it...
3) I am yet to see a Russian Orthodox nun or priest crossing the Square by ones, particularly after dark. The fact that they only move in groups is likely to be related to security procedures that they had to implement. Recently you also see nuns walking with big dogs, or sticks.
4) It was Saturday night, again - with no uniformed police in sight. Police is determined in its refusal for over a year, through murder, serious violent attacks and disorder, not to position uniformed police at nights on the weekends.
5) The situation in the Square, by the opinions of other regulars in the Square as well, represents serious escalation of violence, apparently by choice of the Israel Police.
Joseph Zernik, PhD
Human Rights Alert (NGO)
* The 2010 submission of Human Rights Alert to the Human Rights Council (HRC) of the United Nations, regarding the United States, was reviewed by the HRC professional staff and incorporated in the official HRC Professional Staff Report with a note referring to “corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in California.”
* The 2012 submission of Human Rights Alert to the HRC regarding the State of Israel, titled "Integrity or lack thereof, of the electronic record systems of the courts of the State of Israel," is scheduled for review in early 2013.
Human Rights Alert online
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Take away justice, then, and what are governments but great bandit bands?
Saint Augustine, Civitas Dei (City of God,4.4)
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12-08-25 Dispatch from Zion Square, Jerusalem: Saturday, August 25, 2012, ~1:00pm - inexplicable conduct by Isarel Police
Police conduct, stopping, searching a peaceful pedestrian, relative to hearsay of past joint smoking, then trying to conduct warrantless search in his residence, after they had found nothing on him, should be deemed additional evidence of discrimination in law enforcement in Zion Square - a serious violation of Human Rights.

Zion Square, Jerusalem, August 25 - two armed Israel Police appeared today around 1:00pm in the Jerusalem Hostel on Zion Square, and asked to search the belongings of an Austrian student/tourist, staying in the Hostel.
The Hostel refused to permit the Israel Police to conduct warrantless search, and the two armed police immediately left. Upon departing, the policeman said that the Hostel should not expect police to arrive next time it called for help.
According to the subject of the attempted search, he was walking down Jaffa Road near Zion Square, when he was stopped by police driving in a police car. The police told the tourist that they had information that he had smoked joints. They searched the tourist on the spot in the street, but found nothing on him. Next they took him to the Hostel and demanded to search his belongings.
It should be noted that the police were photographed from close range in the Jerusalem Hostel lobby during the exchange, conduct that could be life-threatening for the photographer, if done in the United States today.
Human Rights Alert (NGO) has routinely reported discrimination by law enforcement in Zion Square in recent months.
LINKS:[1] 12-08-21 PRESS RELEASE: Lynching or Pogrom in Zion Square, Jerusalem -- The Cover-up is On
http://www.scribd.com/doc/103467430/ [2] 12-08-25 Leaking on Violence in Jerusalem - Censored on Liveleak.com
http://www.scribd.com/doc/103890400/ ____________Joseph Zernik, PhDHuman Rights Alert (NGO)
* The 2010 Human Rights Alert submission was incorporated in the 2010 United Nations Human Rights Council report on the United States, with a note referring to "corruption of the courts and the legal profession in California".
* The 2012 Human Rights Alert submission , regarding the State of Israel, titled, "Integrity, or lack thereof of the electronic records of the courts of the State of Israel", is scheduled for review by United Nations Human Rights Council in January 2013._______
http://inproperinla.blogspot.com/ Flag Counter: 118
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http://www.examiner.com/x-38742-LA-Business-Headlines-Examiner _____________________________
Zion Square, Jerusalem, August 25 - two armed Israel Police appeared today around 1:00pm in the Jerusalem Hostel on Zion Square, and asked to search the belongings of an Austrian student/tourist, staying in the Hostel.
The Hostel refused to permit the Israel Police to conduct warrantless search, and the two armed police immediately left. Upon departing, the policeman said that the Hostel should not expect police to arrive next time it called for help.
According to the subject of the attempted search, he was walking down Jaffa Road near Zion Square, when he was stopped by police driving in a police car. The police told the tourist that they had information that he had smoked joints. They searched the tourist on the spot in the street, but found nothing on him. Next they took him to the Hostel and demanded to search his belongings.
It should be noted that the police were photographed from close range in the Jerusalem Hostel lobby during the exchange, conduct that could be life-threatening for the photographer, if done in the United States today.
Human Rights Alert (NGO) has routinely reported discrimination by law enforcement in Zion Square in recent months.
LINKS:[1] 12-08-21 PRESS RELEASE: Lynching or Pogrom in Zion Square, Jerusalem -- The Cover-up is On
* The 2012 Human Rights Alert submission , regarding the State of Israel, titled, "Integrity, or lack thereof of the electronic records of the courts of the State of Israel", is scheduled for review by United Nations Human Rights Council in January 2013._______
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