We shall not forget and shall not forgive...
As previously
stated, the conspiracy narratives are shared by Right AND Left in
Israel, but rejected by the judicially sanctioned narrative...
I generally consider Wikipedia a government/corporate propaganda tool,
here is a summary of the conspiracy narratives main points regarding
Rabins assassination from the English Wikipedia.
Two key points, that I have not been aware with previously, are:
The confessed assassin, Yigak Amir, was a former Shabak (Secret
Service) agent himself, in addition to his operator Avishai Raviv, who
was an active undercover Secret Service agent. In such matters, I do
not believe that there is such thing as ¨former¨. One may be off the
payroll, off active duty, but once one joins the community, it is a
permanent affiliation.
2) In court hearing Amir said: "If I were to tell the whole truth, the
entire system would collapse. I know enough to destroy this country."
Needless to say, if one accepts the conspiracy narratives, one must reassess the nature of the regime in Israel today.
From the English Wikipedia:
Conspiracy claims
Conspiracy theories have made some or all of the following claims. Others have been strident in opposing these conclusions.
- Police reports state that gunpowder was found on Rabin's body and clothing, suggesting that he had been shot at point-blank range,
as gunpowder travels only a few inches before dispersing. According to
the official version, Amir shot from a distance at which no powder
traces could have settled on Rabin's body and clothing.[2][3]
- Surgery reports describe a bullet wound with the bullet entrance in the chest[4] are inconsistent with the eyewitness reports and the Kempler video,
which suggests that Rabin was shot in the back while walking away from
Yigal Amir. Source of this provides link to a video in Hebrew and a
written, inaccurate translation to English. Both versions, however,
contain no hint that there was a chest entry wound, merely that there was a wound in the chest (can equally be an exit wound). Both versions report two gunshots rather than three.
- Rabin would have walked after Amir's shots in a manner inconsistent
with gunshot, an impossibility if they shattered the vertebrae.[5][6]
- Each medical record describes wounds which are "completely different" in nature to those concluded by the official Shamgar Commission. Medical descriptions of Rabin's condition are described as suddenly appearing to change.[7]
- An anonymous physician who consulted Barry Chamish opined that
"[t]he first two wounds, to the chest and abdomen occurred before
Rabin's arrival. The third, frontal chest wound, had to have been
inflicted after he entered the hospital," and that "it is inconceivable
that Rabin had no spinal damage. The six members of the operating team
were too skilled to have all been wrong about that."[6]
- Three police officers who had been present testified that "when
Yitzhak Rabin was placed in the car, he showed no visible wounds."[8][9]
Gordon Thomas in his book "Gideon's Spies" adds: "The surgeons insisted
there was no possible gunshot wound that would have allowed Rabin to
leave the attack site showing no evidence of a wound and arrive at the
hospital with multiple damage ... subsequently the doctors have refused
to discuss the matter."[6]
- Rabin's motorcade took 22 minutes to arrive at the hospital, even
though he had a highly experienced chauffeur, and the streets were
cordoned-off.[10] The distance between the crime scene and the hospital is a five minute walk.[11]
- Police ballistics tests on shell casings found at the scene did not match Amir's gun.[2][12]
- No gunpowder residue was found on Amir's hands, clothing, or hair.
Gunpowder residue would inevitably have been present if Amir had shot
genuine bullets, as opposed to blanks.[3][13]
- No blood was seen coming from Rabin at the scene, despite wounds to
his lung and spleen, nor was any found later at that location.[8][9] By contrast witnesses describe blood "gushing" from a chest wound upon arriving at hospital.[14]
- Some witnesses stated that someone shouted, "It's nothing ... they're blanks. It's a toy gun."[8][15][16]
- A Shin Bet (secret service) agent testified that "I heard a policeman shout to people to calm down. The shot is a blank."[8][9]
- Policeman Moshe Ephron stated: "The shots didn't sound natural. If they were real shots, they should have sounded much louder."[8][9]
- Leah Rabin
stated that a security guard told her immediately after the incident
that the bullets shot at her husband were "blanks". She further stated
that she was told by an Israeli security chief that she "should not
worry as the whole thing had been staged."[17]
- Amir, who was employed by the Shin Bet in Latvia about two years before the murder,[18]
commented at a court hearing, "If I were to tell the whole truth, the
entire system would collapse. I know enough to destroy this country."[19][20][21]