Sunday, December 14, 2014

2014-12-14 US - Home of the American Gulag...

2014-12-14 US - Home of the American Gulag...
Your move statists....your move.

2014-12-14 UKRAINE: Lynching of politicians...

2014-12-14 UKRAINE: Lynching of politicians...
Anonymous uploaded a new video from December 14 at 11:00pm to their timeline.
Lynchmorde, Gewaltexzesse in Form der „Müll-Lustration“ (der Bestrafung von Politikern und Staatsangestellten durch das Zusammenschlagen und Hineinschmeißen in Müllcontainer) durch Mitglieder von rechtsradikalen Gruppierungen prägen mittlerweile das Stadtbild vieler ukrainischer Städte[1]. Schaut es euch an - diese Leute werden von der Merkel-Regierung gestützt. Vielmehr noch: Diese durchgeknallten Faschisten will man nicht nur in die Europäische Union, sondern auch in die NATO holen. Merkel muss weg!
[1] Die Exzesse des rechten Mobs in der Ukraine…/die-exzesse-des-rechten-mobs-in…/
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2014-12-14 US: Torture, murderous police - cardinal signs of a totalitarian regime!

2014-12-14 US: Torture, murderous police - cardinal signs of a totalitarian regime!
[via Occupy Wall St.]
Business as usual. ‪#‎SOS‬

2014-12-14 US: Back burner civil war

2014-12-14 US: Back burner civil war
[via Rolling Stone]
One Nation, Under Seige: In the wake of the CIA torture report, Chris Kluwe writes that Americans must demand change.

2014-12-14 US: Back burner civil war

2014-12-14 US: Back burner civil war
[via Occupy Wall St.]
via @occupytheory: They own the media. We have the walls. Somewhere in occupied Brooklyn.
‪#‎BlackLivesMatter‬ ‪#‎NYC2Palestine‬

2014-12-14 US Back-burner civil war...

2014-12-14 US Back-burner civil war...
[via Occupy Wall St.]
You may have heard that the protest march in New York City was massive, but a time-lapse video reveals just how big it really was.

2014-12-14 NYC: Large demonstration yesterday

2014-12-14 NYC: Large demonstration yesterday
[via Occupy Wall St.]
Happening NOW: Thousands March In NYC Protest Against Police Brutality…/happening-now-thousands-march-n…
Stunning photos show crowds marching through the streets of New York City protesting brutal deaths at the hands of police.|By karoli

2014-12-14 ISRAEL: 70 Palestinian prisoners on 6th day of hunger strike - threatened with solitary confinement...

2014-12-14 ISRAEL: 70 Palestinian prisoners on 6th day of hunger strike - threatened with solitary confinement...
[via Israeli blogger YAELARAVA]

2014-12-14 Christmas Carols...

2014-12-14 Christmas Carols...
This is a USAF National Security Alert .......
The People Rising .... An Anonymous Christmas Carol
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2014-12-13 LONDON: Solidarity with US protests

2014-12-13 LONDON: Solidarity with US protests
**Warning: explicit language in this video. Viewer discretion advised.**
Police say 76 protesters are arrested after a die-in outside Westfield Shopping Centre in London, over the grand jury decision not to indict a police officer involved in the death of Eric Garner.
Demonstrators attempted to stage a die-in inside the shopping centre, but were not allowed into the premises.
However, groups gathered ahead of the protest, waiting inside for a signal. Scotland Yard said the arrests took place when protesters tried to force their way into the shopping centre.

2014-12-13 US: Nation-wide protest continues...

2014-12-13 US: Nation-wide protest continues...
[via Occupy Wall St.]