Saturday, March 14, 2015

2015-03-14 CHINA: Police brutality- people's response

2015-03-14 CHINA: Police brutality- people's response
Land of the free home of the brave ?
With all of the police brutality throughout the United States - especially in the past year - many have wondered if (or when) there might be a breaking point. Yesterday police officers in Ferguson, Missouri were shot by a sniper on a hilltop near the Ferguson Police Department... But in China, this sort of reaction is has long been more widespread and normal when the masses witness police killings of innocent people.
‪#‎Ferguson‬ ‪#‎FlashbackFriday‬ ‪#‎MikeBrown‬
With all of the police brutality throughout the United States - especially in the past year - many have wondered if (or when) there might be a breaking point. Yesterday...
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