Please watch your chads... and butterflies too...
We had the presidency in the last 8 years, and the lives of probably close to a million people decided by some chads and butterflies...
If necessary, ask fiends, family to help you in handlig chads and butterflies... Let's make sure you got what you asked for...
Discovering, archiving, and disseminating knowledge regarding abuse of the People by governments and corporations in the Medieval Digital Era// גילוי, ארכיבאות, והפצת מידע על התעללות בציבור על ידי ממשלות ותאגידים בימי הביניים הדיגיטליים
Monday, October 27, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
LA - Fraud Capital, USA
Does the LA Sup Court per chance have anything to do with it? .
In January 2007, visiting the FBI in Los Angeles, I heard for the first time that LA was Fraud Capital, USA. Later I heard other variations elsewhere - but the fact does have statistical backing – almost every year LA ends up in first or second place in the fraud list of the FBI.
- Does the LA County Superior Court have anything to do with it?
I realized, too late, that LA is the capital of fraud in the U.S., that was my first lesson from the FBI in Jan 2007. Well – I thought maybe it had to do with the high number of immigrants like me, may be we bring crime with us… maybe the people create conditions that are not sufficiently prohibitive for fraud, since there is not tradition of generations…etc etc.. But that was shown many times in the past to be falsehood.
Maybe the justice system in LA County is not tough enough, many people believe that tougher law enforcement is the right answer to crime. Maybe tougher law enforcement is needed? I don’t think so.
Later, in the same month, when I was trying to find a new attorney who would file counter claims for fraud and deceit, and could not find any in this town, I realized that there is something else. Eventually, as I learn a few month later (Att Rothstein and Att Lovett) and much later from the anonymous letter of the criminal defense attorney and from reading the 2006 Rampart report, I realized that Judge Connor, and some other judges, will never rule in favor of a claim of fraud and deceit, and moreover, they would retaliate against an attorney who files such claims.
I then thought that I solved the mystery. The court- by being lax on frauds, created conditions that are a permissive for fraud, which tend to increase the number of frauds, most likely indirectly, over time...
It took a few more months, and I finally realized that the judges, and Judge Connor most likely is their leader, are racketeering themselves. My current working hypothesis is that the judges of the LA Superior Court created atmosphere that is coercive for fraud. Professionals such as attorneys, realtors, escrow officers know that if they would not cooperate with the fraud, they are likely to suffer retaliation, and eventually join the fraud. It is also easy to see how in litigation like this, a ruling of the judge which would find fault in the conduct of and escrow company, can jeopardize its license. Therefore, if escrow company knows in advance that the court would never rule in favor of the fraud victim, it may feel that it must cooperate, as a defense measure.
Case Study #1
Liz Cohen, Escrow Officer, Mara Escrow .
Richard Ormond, Counsel, Buchalter Nemer .
In early December I talked and corresponded with Liz Cohen, Escrow Officer, after I realized that David Pasternak, fraudulently appointed by Judge Segal as "Receiver", initiated on behalf of the court a fraudulent escrow process with her. As a result she apparently refused to cooperate with the court in the fraud. That was at least what Pasternak claimed in court.
Therefore, it was necessary for Pasternak and the LA Sup Court to generate on Dec 7, 2007, in a double ex parte proceedings, out of compliance and in violation of the law:
a. Gag orders on me to prohibit communication with Escrow and Title companies
b. An indemnity agreement under court blessing, to induce Mara Escrow to engage in the fraud.
c. Assortment of abusive financial measures against me, to intimidate, and harass me.
Mara Escrow and its legal counsel, apparently did not feel all at ease about such court procedure:
To wit -
With support from Judge Lisa Hart-Cole, and in violation of the law, Att for Mara Escrow, Richard Ormond (Buchalter Nemer), appeared in court during the proceedings incognito. Neither he, nor the judge, agreed to reveal either his identity or the identity of his client.
Question: Did I file a complaint with the California State Bar Association?
Answer: No, why bother, where the bar stands on the issue you can hear in the NBC video below.
Case Study #2
Michael Libow, Real Estate Salesperson, Coldwell Banker, Beverly Hills.
On October 18, 19, 20, 2004, my realtor, Michael Libow, from Coldwell Banker, Beverly Hills was still acting relatively honestly. He recorded the fact that Samaan engaged in Wire/Fax Fraud against me and against him. Later I found out that she also engaged in Fax/Wire Fraud against Countrywide, a financial institution (in collusion with Countrywide branch manager). On October 18, 19, 20, 2004, Michael Libow also reveal to me and discussed with me the issue of the fax/wire fraud.
But by Oct 22, 2004, Michael Libow was already working in collusion with Samaan and her fraud, and invited me to the office of escrow to sign papers there, with Gail Hershowitz.
And later on during litigation:
Michael Libow would not agree to authenticate or provide any declaration regarding the wire/fax fraud on Oct 18-20, 2004, although his email to that effect was included in his discovery.
Michael Libow would not agree to provide any information regarding the origin of document that Samaan presented as the authentic contract faxed from Parks to Countrywide, Monday, Oct 25, 2004.
Michael Libow would not agree to provide any information regarding the origin of the document that was found in his discovery and Mara Escrow discovery, at times called “the clean copy”, which is clearly the product of adulteration. When asked about it, Gail Hershowitz claimed it came from Libow.
· What happened to Michael Libow between Oct 20 and Oct 22, 2004?
· Was he threatened?
· Did he suddenly see the light?

LA County Has the Best Court that Money Can Buy..." NBC News, Oct 16, 2008
Our first ever video playing now - on demand...
October 16, 2008 news report from the local NBC channel states that LA County was the only California county that paid its own judges, in addition to the payments from Sacramento. Also - judges did not disclose that fact when presiding in cases where LA County was party to the litigation.
And the results are in:
In no case (without exception) did LA County experience unfavorable results from such litigation.
October 16, 2008 news report from the local NBC channel states that LA County was the only California county that paid its own judges, in addition to the payments from Sacramento. Also - judges did not disclose that fact when presiding in cases where LA County was party to the litigation.
And the results are in:
In no case (without exception) did LA County experience unfavorable results from such litigation.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Growing Bigger...
New site is dedicated legal papers depository
Had to be able to distribute fast large quantity of paper to various U.S. Government offices, beyond what I could ever photocopy, mail, etc.
Most of the chapters are already written and posted, but still need some editing, and the references, albeit many posted, are not tied in yet correctly.
But if you have patience, you can read there the hybrid of China Town and Reality TV...everything you wanted to know about the dark side of LA... and more...
Where is it now:
Thanks to the generous help of the Honorable Senator Diane Feinstein and the Honorable Congresswoman Diane Watson, I am in communication through Congress with the Director of the U.S. Department of Justice, Kenneth Melson, and the Assistant Director of the FBI, Kenneth Kaiser.
I am aso trying to get some of the host of public policy issues unearthed here to the House and Senate Judiciary Committees...
But at the end of the day, I am back to a short letter I wrote to the New Republic in 1993 or so... I was clueless but insightful, and the diagnosis is confirmed by the encyclopedia of public corruption you can find on the other site.
Here is the short overview written some 15 years ago:
The New Republic
Tekst 7
L.A. story
To the editors,
I believe that Harold Meyerson missed the point (` Falling Down,' May 3). What is really missing in Los Angeles is not more or less politics. Rather, it is the foundation politics is based upon---a feeling of Social Contract.
The reason T.V. stations do not broadcast L.A. political news and events is probably that they discovered a complete lack of interest from their audience. And the reason the audience is not interested in L.A. politics is that the voters have reduced their expectations from the state, the county and the city to a minimum. Meyerson gives the indicators himself: flight from the crumbling public school system, increasing reliance on private policing, walling-in and gating of private communities and dismemberment of the welfare system.
Thus, in contrast with other communities in the United States, voters in L.A. do not expect to improve or resurrect these basic functions of government (protection, education, welfare). Instead, in growing numbers they vote for propositions that effectively dismantle the system by eliminating its funding and opt for any possible privately funded substitutes. These feelings were the basis for the tax revolt and Proposition 13, which in itself accelerated the process. These feelings also explain the reason for the expected defeat of the current measure to increase the number of LAPD cops, or the large support for the California school voucher measure, which may deliver the final blow to the public education system. Southern California, with its multicultural and multi-ethnic structure, is not likely to develop a cohesive Social Contract in the foreseeable future. Therefore, it is not likely to be pursuing the Swedish Welfare State model, or anything close. Instead, new democratic models may need to be pursued, models that would delegate maximum tax and government responsibilities to reasonable size communities---still the functioning backbone of this area. Interest in politics will follow.
Beverly Hills, California
`The New Republic', May 31, 1993
What do `the indicators' (paragraph 2) point to? A The dwindling interest of the media in L.A. to report on political disputes. B The growing incompetence of the L.A. authorities in dealing with crime. C The shrinking faith of the L.A. population in the public services provided. D The tendency of sections of the community to place themselves outside L.A. law.
Which of the following ideas is expressed in paragraph 3? A In L.A. basic social services are being undermined as a result of voters' preferences. B In L.A. social unrest has clearly led to chaotic governmental policies. C The social divide in L.A. has now grown beyond the point of hope for improvement. D Voters in L.A. are only prepared to consider measures which are aimed at the common good.
What do Mr Zernik's observations in paragraph 4 amount to? A Decentralisation of power on a local level will set L.A. on the road to recovery. B Problems such as those of L.A. will dissolve if the authorities step up urbanisation. C The Swedish Welfare State model is too complex to be acceptable for southern California.
Had to be able to distribute fast large quantity of paper to various U.S. Government offices, beyond what I could ever photocopy, mail, etc.
Most of the chapters are already written and posted, but still need some editing, and the references, albeit many posted, are not tied in yet correctly.
But if you have patience, you can read there the hybrid of China Town and Reality TV...everything you wanted to know about the dark side of LA... and more...
Where is it now:
Thanks to the generous help of the Honorable Senator Diane Feinstein and the Honorable Congresswoman Diane Watson, I am in communication through Congress with the Director of the U.S. Department of Justice, Kenneth Melson, and the Assistant Director of the FBI, Kenneth Kaiser.
I am aso trying to get some of the host of public policy issues unearthed here to the House and Senate Judiciary Committees...
But at the end of the day, I am back to a short letter I wrote to the New Republic in 1993 or so... I was clueless but insightful, and the diagnosis is confirmed by the encyclopedia of public corruption you can find on the other site.
Here is the short overview written some 15 years ago:
The New Republic
Tekst 7
L.A. story
To the editors,
I believe that Harold Meyerson missed the point (` Falling Down,' May 3). What is really missing in Los Angeles is not more or less politics. Rather, it is the foundation politics is based upon---a feeling of Social Contract.
The reason T.V. stations do not broadcast L.A. political news and events is probably that they discovered a complete lack of interest from their audience. And the reason the audience is not interested in L.A. politics is that the voters have reduced their expectations from the state, the county and the city to a minimum. Meyerson gives the indicators himself: flight from the crumbling public school system, increasing reliance on private policing, walling-in and gating of private communities and dismemberment of the welfare system.
Thus, in contrast with other communities in the United States, voters in L.A. do not expect to improve or resurrect these basic functions of government (protection, education, welfare). Instead, in growing numbers they vote for propositions that effectively dismantle the system by eliminating its funding and opt for any possible privately funded substitutes. These feelings were the basis for the tax revolt and Proposition 13, which in itself accelerated the process. These feelings also explain the reason for the expected defeat of the current measure to increase the number of LAPD cops, or the large support for the California school voucher measure, which may deliver the final blow to the public education system. Southern California, with its multicultural and multi-ethnic structure, is not likely to develop a cohesive Social Contract in the foreseeable future. Therefore, it is not likely to be pursuing the Swedish Welfare State model, or anything close. Instead, new democratic models may need to be pursued, models that would delegate maximum tax and government responsibilities to reasonable size communities---still the functioning backbone of this area. Interest in politics will follow.
Beverly Hills, California
`The New Republic', May 31, 1993
What do `the indicators' (paragraph 2) point to? A The dwindling interest of the media in L.A. to report on political disputes. B The growing incompetence of the L.A. authorities in dealing with crime. C The shrinking faith of the L.A. population in the public services provided. D The tendency of sections of the community to place themselves outside L.A. law.
Which of the following ideas is expressed in paragraph 3? A In L.A. basic social services are being undermined as a result of voters' preferences. B In L.A. social unrest has clearly led to chaotic governmental policies. C The social divide in L.A. has now grown beyond the point of hope for improvement. D Voters in L.A. are only prepared to consider measures which are aimed at the common good.
What do Mr Zernik's observations in paragraph 4 amount to? A Decentralisation of power on a local level will set L.A. on the road to recovery. B Problems such as those of L.A. will dissolve if the authorities step up urbanisation. C The Swedish Welfare State model is too complex to be acceptable for southern California.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Email to Blogmasters
Date: Thu, 09 Oct 2008
From: joseph zernik; <>
Racketeering at the LA Superior Court
Document release pending in next 24 hours.
This is Joseph Zernik writing from Los Angeles California.Cell: 310 435 9107, No voice mail. IM/Page ok.A.
Release planned of some records and replies to FBI Assistant Director KENNETH KAISER and USDOJ Director KENNETH MELSON in the next 24 hours, hoping to generate productive debate of core issues of public policy during the remainder of October. B. SUPPORT BY THE BLOG WORLD IS REQUESTED.
I will email you a copy of materials I will distribute to Senators BIDEN, FEINSTEIN, LEAHEY, and House Reps WATSON, CONYERS, and also the two campaign headquarters, etc immediately after release. I have no intention to approach traditional media, which had no interest in the previous year and a half. I am trying to have the news go primarily through blogs. Any suggestions regarding suitable blogs, and in particular suitable site to post secure PDF's of legal records would be greatly appreciated.
Additional records are posted at:
3) Legal records
4 - more legal records, etc.
i. Thousands (?) of innocent citizens are still imprisoned in LA-
after being framed by corrupt police, prosecutors and judges, as documented in the Rampart scandal. But nothing has been done to release these people in the 10 years since then!!!
An official police report, BLUE RIBBON REVIEW PANEL: "RAMPART REVISITED", June 2006 discussed in detail how the LAPD the Courts, and the DA undermine any attempt for investigation, albeit, no conspiracy is claimed... Same report describes the justice system in LA as tolerating a "significant subcult of criminality in its ranks"
ii Extreme abuse of civil rights in LA County going on for many years is tolerated by the U.S. Government
U.S Judge GARY FEESS serves as OVERSEER to watch that our own local government does not abuse us, as the outcome of the CONSENT DECREE (2:2000cv11769-GAF-RC) entered June 2001, when LA yielded to U.S. Government threat of litigation per 42 USC 14141 (a) Criminal Abuse of Civil Rights under Color of Law... The office of overseer was supposed to be terminated by now, but inadequate performance on the decree made the Judge extend his tenure.Effectively, we, in LA County are not entitled to civil rights that I believe most of the rest of you in the rest of the U.S. takes for granted. I am also concerned that effectively the U.S. control of the situation here was undermined in 2000.
iii. Judicial corruption and the need for judicial reform
In this case, a unique set of circumstances allowed to produce direct evidence of wide-spread corruption and racketeering per RICO 18 U.S.C. 1961-1968., which was displayed one way or another in LA Superior Court, California Court of Appeal, U.S. District Court LA and Riverside.
iv. Countrywide - beyond financial recklessness- corruption of the courts
In early Jan 2008, Countrywide lost much of its share value, and decided to yield control to BOA, following a report in NYT by Pulitzer prize winner Morgenson that COUNTRYWIDE Counsel admitted in Pennsylvania Court that Countrywide had filed in Court several "RECREATED LETTERS". The whole stock market suffered substantial losses.
In March 2008, U.S. Judge JEFF BOHM,TEXAS, issue a 72 page opinion rebuking COUNTRYWIDE for it court room practices.
The case at hand involved falsification of banking records, obstruction of audits and regulatory actions, repeat filing of fraudulent declarations, violations of Regulation B of the FRB on a much larger scale. In addition, the case involved intensive harassment/intimidation against me as witness/informer/whistle-blower.
Dec 2006 I first heard the name COUNTRYWIDE around when I was reviewing subpoena productions in my counsel's office. I never had any business with them.
By Jan 2007 I filed some 100-200 page complaint against Countrywide with FBI LA. The complaint with FBI and subsequent one, also included some very early estimates of losses likely to be incurred by the U.S. Gov in what later came to be widely known as the sub-prime crisis. FBI refused to investigate.
By March 2007 I was instructed not to provide any additional records.
In March 2007 I also received a direct death threat from a person who described himself as ensuring that a witness, senior underwriter, laid off two years earlier, not talk with me. She later disappeared from her home, and we could not serve subpoena.
In May 2008 FBI demanded that I provide a full and complete list of my "sources". In fact, the analysis was mostly based on computer printouts that I received as part of subpoena.
v. Racketeering at the LASC is based on operation of the Case Management System SUSTAIN installed around 1985.
I have been in contact with the House and Senate Judiciary committees, and submitted a one page proposal for enforcement of the Rule Making Enabling Act 28 U.S.C. 2071 - 2077 on computers of the courts throughout the U.S.
In California alone we have more than 70 systems of this kind, built by the various courts with no public oversight. In LA I have massive body of evidence for racketeering though that system.
vi. The practice of Law in Los Angeles, California
The case presents an abysmal picture of the legal profession in this major metropolitan area. Attorneys allowed the LASC to engage in such abuses for some 25 years, without any discernable protest.
vii. Media would not report any of the problem with the judiciary
LA Times had an acclaimed series on corruption of the judiciary in Nevada. When I offered same editor/same writers, my full material on LA, they refused to even look at it. Harassment and debarring of an attorney activist RICHARD FINE is unreported news. He filed complaint of state judges taking bribes.
I hope you find the following of interest. I have no legal education, but I did have some unusual computer background, and managed to crack what I claim is a racketeering enterprise at the LA SUPERIOR COURT, centering on its fraudulent case management system, SUSTAIN. I claim to be the victim of real estate fraud by Judge JACQUELINE CONNOR best known for derailing the RAMPART trial in 2000, and her close relationship with the corrupt RAMPART police.
In this case she was colluding in racketeering with COUNTRYWIDE and some WHITE COLLAR CAREER CRIMINALS. SANDOR SAMUELS, Chief Legal Counsel, and ANGELO MOZILO were personally notified in early 2007 of real estate fraud where COUNTRYWIDE's LEGAL DEPARTMENT was one of the major engineers of frauds. They both refused to stop the fraud, but COUNTRYWIDE initiated a campaign of harassment, intimidation, against me.
I was subjected to extreme abuses such as ex parte hearing , off the record, off the calendar for a gag order at COUNTRYWIDE's request (July 6, 2007).
I have been in contact with the HOUSE and SENATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE SENIOR STAFF for a few months, eventually my demand for response from FBI (why they never investigated my complaints, first of which was filed Jan 2007) and U.S. DOJ (request to appoint SPECIAL COUNSEL TO INVESTIGATE AND PROSECUTE EXTREME CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATIONS IN LA COUNTY COURTS) won support by Senator DIANE FEINSTEIN and Congresswoman DIANE WATSON. Through them I got eventually response from FBI assistant director KENNETH KAISER, and U.S. DOJ Director KENNETH MELSON. I am in discussions with Southern California ACLU, with veteran Civil Rights activist WILLIAM EPPS, with some Hollywood personas, in attempt to get media attention to the underlying subjects this October.
I am engaged in various legal procedures resulting from what I claims is taking of my home for private use by the Los Angeles Superior Court. Case originally presided over by Jacqueline Connor, best known for derailing the Rampart Trial in 2000, and with it any investigation into the matter.
a) My home was subject to fraudulent conveyance of title by the court - confirmed by decorated FBI veteran JAMES WEDICK.
b) COUNTRYWIDE produced false and deliberately misleading records to support fraudulent claims against me - confirmed by nationally renowned fraud expert ROBERT (BOB) MEISTER..
c) The case SAMAAN V ZERNIK, was never a True Court case, instead, it was part of the "ENTERPRISE TRACK" of the LA Superior Court, specializing in real estate frauds.
d) The LA Superior Court is involved in wide-scope, long-term massive abuse of the 9.5 millions it serves, through denial of public access to court records, e.g. Even today I am denied access to major parts of my trial court litigation records, in defiance of NIXON V. WARNER COMMUNICATIONS, INC., 435 U.S. 589 (1978), where the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed "the common-law right of access to judicial records" otherwise referred to as "the common-law right to inspect and copy judicial records"..
e) The Superior Court is involved in racketeering for at least 25 years, and the highlight of it is that the court denies public access to the Book of Judgments. In my case, the court claims to have entered a judgment for Specific Performance on Aug 9, 2007, but all the evidence indicates that it never happened. And when I ask to inspect and to copy - access it denied, when I ask to certify either entry of judgment, alternatively - non-entry of judgment - the Presiding Judge Office denied me that right as well. But my home was taken in Dec 2007, under threat of force, and I never saw a penny.
f) I made claims that the Court's case management system, Sustain, installed around 1985, is the enabling tool of the racket.
g) I filed a request for investigation with FBI first in Jan 2007, FBI refuses to investigate.'
h) Police, DA, California AG, all refuse to investigate, since it is obvious that the findings will be of racketeering by the judges of LA.
i) I filed a request for Special Counsel with the U.S. DOJ some months ago. They did not respond.
j) I managed to get Senator Feinstein and congresswoman Diane Watson to obtain responses to my letters to DOJ and FBI DC.
k) I am going to release a response in the next few days, and ask that the two campaigns comment on it, trying to make the above listed public policy issues October subjects for debate on the campaign trail:
From: joseph zernik; <>
Racketeering at the LA Superior Court
Document release pending in next 24 hours.
This is Joseph Zernik
Release planned of some records and replies to FBI Assistant Director KENNETH KAISER and USDOJ Director KENNETH MELSON in the next 24 hours, hoping to generate productive debate of core issues of public policy during the remainder of October. B. SUPPORT BY THE BLOG WORLD IS REQUESTED.
I will email you a copy of materials I will distribute to Senators BIDEN, FEINSTEIN, LEAHEY, and House Reps WATSON, CONYERS, and also the two campaign headquarters, etc immediately after release. I have no intention to approach traditional media, which had no interest in the previous year and a half. I am trying to have the news go primarily through blogs. Any suggestions regarding suitable blogs, and in particular suitable site to post secure PDF's of legal records would be greatly appreciated.
Additional records are posted at:
3) Legal records
4 - more legal records, etc.
i. Thousands (?) of innocent citizens are still imprisoned in LA-
after being framed by corrupt police, prosecutors and judges, as documented in the Rampart scandal. But nothing has been done to release these people in the 10 years since then!!!
An official police report, BLUE RIBBON REVIEW PANEL: "RAMPART REVISITED", June 2006 discussed in detail how the LAPD the Courts, and the DA undermine any attempt for investigation, albeit, no conspiracy is claimed... Same report describes the justice system in LA as tolerating a "significant subcult of criminality in its ranks"
ii Extreme abuse of civil rights in LA County going on for many years is tolerated by the U.S. Government
U.S Judge GARY FEESS serves as OVERSEER to watch that our own local government does not abuse us, as the outcome of the CONSENT DECREE (2:2000cv11769-GAF-RC) entered June 2001, when LA yielded to U.S. Government threat of litigation per 42 USC 14141 (a) Criminal Abuse of Civil Rights under Color of Law... The office of overseer was supposed to be terminated by now, but inadequate performance on the decree made the Judge extend his tenure.Effectively, we, in LA County are not entitled to civil rights that I believe most of the rest of you in the rest of the U.S. takes for granted. I am also concerned that effectively the U.S. control of the situation here was undermined in 2000.
iii. Judicial corruption and the need for judicial reform
In this case, a unique set of circumstances allowed to produce direct evidence of wide-spread corruption and racketeering per RICO 18 U.S.C. 1961-1968., which was displayed one way or another in LA Superior Court, California Court of Appeal, U.S. District Court LA and Riverside.
iv. Countrywide - beyond financial recklessness- corruption of the courts
In early Jan 2008, Countrywide lost much of its share value, and decided to yield control to BOA, following a report in NYT by Pulitzer prize winner Morgenson that COUNTRYWIDE Counsel admitted in Pennsylvania Court that Countrywide had filed in Court several "RECREATED LETTERS". The whole stock market suffered substantial losses.
In March 2008, U.S. Judge JEFF BOHM,TEXAS, issue a 72 page opinion rebuking COUNTRYWIDE for it court room practices.
The case at hand involved falsification of banking records, obstruction of audits and regulatory actions, repeat filing of fraudulent declarations, violations of Regulation B of the FRB on a much larger scale. In addition, the case involved intensive harassment/intimidation against me as witness/informer/whistle-blower.
Dec 2006 I first heard the name COUNTRYWIDE around when I was reviewing subpoena productions in my counsel's office. I never had any business with them.
By Jan 2007 I filed some 100-200 page complaint against Countrywide with FBI LA. The complaint with FBI and subsequent one, also included some very early estimates of losses likely to be incurred by the U.S. Gov in what later came to be widely known as the sub-prime crisis. FBI refused to investigate.
By March 2007 I was instructed not to provide any additional records.
In March 2007 I also received a direct death threat from a person who described himself as ensuring that a witness, senior underwriter, laid off two years earlier, not talk with me. She later disappeared from her home, and we could not serve subpoena.
In May 2008 FBI demanded that I provide a full and complete list of my "sources". In fact, the analysis was mostly based on computer printouts that I received as part of subpoena.
v. Racketeering at the LASC is based on operation of the Case Management System SUSTAIN installed around 1985.
I have been in contact with the House and Senate Judiciary committees, and submitted a one page proposal for enforcement of the Rule Making Enabling Act 28 U.S.C. 2071 - 2077 on computers of the courts throughout the U.S.
In California alone we have more than 70 systems of this kind, built by the various courts with no public oversight. In LA I have massive body of evidence for racketeering though that system.
vi. The practice of Law in Los Angeles, California
The case presents an abysmal picture of the legal profession in this major metropolitan area. Attorneys allowed the LASC to engage in such abuses for some 25 years, without any discernable protest.
vii. Media would not report any of the problem with the judiciary
LA Times had an acclaimed series on corruption of the judiciary in Nevada. When I offered same editor/same writers, my full material on LA, they refused to even look at it. Harassment and debarring of an attorney activist RICHARD FINE is unreported news. He filed complaint of state judges taking bribes.
I hope you find the following of interest. I have no legal education, but I did have some unusual computer background, and managed to crack what I claim is a racketeering enterprise at the LA SUPERIOR COURT, centering on its fraudulent case management system, SUSTAIN. I claim to be the victim of real estate fraud by Judge JACQUELINE CONNOR best known for derailing the RAMPART trial in 2000, and her close relationship with the corrupt RAMPART police.
In this case she was colluding in racketeering with COUNTRYWIDE and some WHITE COLLAR CAREER CRIMINALS. SANDOR SAMUELS, Chief Legal Counsel, and ANGELO MOZILO were personally notified in early 2007 of real estate fraud where COUNTRYWIDE's LEGAL DEPARTMENT was one of the major engineers of frauds. They both refused to stop the fraud, but COUNTRYWIDE initiated a campaign of harassment, intimidation, against me.
I was subjected to extreme abuses such as ex parte hearing , off the record, off the calendar for a gag order at COUNTRYWIDE's request (July 6, 2007).
I have been in contact with the HOUSE and SENATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE SENIOR STAFF for a few months, eventually my demand for response from FBI (why they never investigated my complaints, first of which was filed Jan 2007) and U.S. DOJ (request to appoint SPECIAL COUNSEL TO INVESTIGATE AND PROSECUTE EXTREME CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATIONS IN LA COUNTY COURTS) won support by Senator DIANE FEINSTEIN and Congresswoman DIANE WATSON. Through them I got eventually response from FBI assistant director KENNETH KAISER, and U.S. DOJ Director KENNETH MELSON. I am in discussions with Southern California ACLU, with veteran Civil Rights activist WILLIAM EPPS, with some Hollywood personas, in attempt to get media attention to the underlying subjects this October.
I am engaged in various legal procedures resulting from what I claims is taking of my home for private use by the Los Angeles Superior Court. Case originally presided over by Jacqueline Connor, best known for derailing the Rampart Trial in 2000, and with it any investigation into the matter.
a) My home was subject to fraudulent conveyance of title by the court - confirmed by decorated FBI veteran JAMES WEDICK.
b) COUNTRYWIDE produced false and deliberately misleading records to support fraudulent claims against me - confirmed by nationally renowned fraud expert ROBERT (BOB) MEISTER..
c) The case SAMAAN V ZERNIK, was never a True Court case, instead, it was part of the "ENTERPRISE TRACK" of the LA Superior Court, specializing in real estate frauds.
d) The LA Superior Court is involved in wide-scope, long-term massive abuse of the 9.5 millions it serves, through denial of public access to court records, e.g. Even today I am denied access to major parts of my trial court litigation records, in defiance of NIXON V. WARNER COMMUNICATIONS, INC., 435 U.S. 589 (1978), where the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed "the common-law right of access to judicial records" otherwise referred to as "the common-law right to inspect and copy judicial records"..
e) The Superior Court is involved in racketeering for at least 25 years, and the highlight of it is that the court denies public access to the Book of Judgments. In my case, the court claims to have entered a judgment for Specific Performance on Aug 9, 2007, but all the evidence indicates that it never happened. And when I ask to inspect and to copy - access it denied, when I ask to certify either entry of judgment, alternatively - non-entry of judgment - the Presiding Judge Office denied me that right as well. But my home was taken in Dec 2007, under threat of force, and I never saw a penny.
f) I made claims that the Court's case management system, Sustain, installed around 1985, is the enabling tool of the racket.
g) I filed a request for investigation with FBI first in Jan 2007, FBI refuses to investigate.'
h) Police, DA, California AG, all refuse to investigate, since it is obvious that the findings will be of racketeering by the judges of LA.
i) I filed a request for Special Counsel with the U.S. DOJ some months ago. They did not respond.
j) I managed to get Senator Feinstein and congresswoman Diane Watson to obtain responses to my letters to DOJ and FBI DC.
k) I am going to release a response in the next few days, and ask that the two campaigns comment on it, trying to make the above listed public policy issues October subjects for debate on the campaign trail:
Information Sheet for Blog Publications
.About Me <>
This blog was written by Joseph Zernik, DMD, PhD. Dr Zernik was until recently involved in litigation in the following courts and actions:
1) LA Superior Court: Samaan v Zernik (SC087400)
Defendant and Cross Complainant in pro per
2) California Court of Appeal, 2nd District: Zernik v LA Superior Court (B203063)
Appellant in pro per
3) U.S. District Court, LA: Zernik v Connor et al (2:2008cv01550)
Plaintiff in pro per
4) U.S. Court of Appeal, 9th Circuit (08-72714)
Petitioner in pro per
More recently, Dr Zernik refused to participate in proceedings in the LA SUPERIOR COURT, CALIFORNIA COURT OF APPEAL, 2nd DISTRICT, and U.S. DISTRICT COURT, LOS ANGELES & RIVERSIDE, holding that in all three cases the courts were engaged in sham proceedings.
Dr. Zernik was born in Jerusalem, Israel, and grew up in a typical Israeli Jewish family with a father of European (German) background, and a mother of Middle Eastern (Palestinian) background.
As a teenager Dr Zernik was referred to computer science classes in the Technion, the premier technical college of Israel. Although all his experiences at that time were built around punch cards and mainframe computers, as it turned out, they produced a solid foundation in the field.
Dr Zernik served in the Israeli military for 3 years (1973-76) as part of the standard compulsory draft, in an airborne unit.
From 1976-1979 Dr Zernik studied in Medical School of the Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
From 1980-1983 Dr Zernik completed his degree in Dental Medicine at the University of Tel Aviv.
In 1982 Dr Zernik won a summer research scholarship from the Weitzmann Institute
In 1983 Dr Zernik moved to the US, as a graduate student at the University of Connecticut on a scholarship and a stipend. He graduated from a PhD program and specialty training in orthodontics in 1988, and then stayed on as faculty member till 1991.
In 1991 he was recruited by USC, where he stayed till 2002, and at the conclusion of a sabbatical at UCLA he moved to full-time private practice.
Along the years Dr Zernik won numerous grants and research awards from the National Institutes of Health and the Dept of Veteran Affairs. He also served as consultant for both departments. Zernik also served on the editorial boards or as reviewer for a number of scientific and scholarly journal.
In 1993, barely a couple of years in LA, Zernik published a short communication in the New Republic, suggesting that the problem underlying LA political system, at least in part, stemmed from the lack of Social Contract between Government and the Governed.
In the late 1990’s Zernik founded at USC an internet Free Speech Forum, attempting to capture some of the traditional special status of Academic Grounds on the Internet.
In 2000 Zernik and Prof Moshe Lazar co-edited Hebron Stories, by Yitzhaq Shami (1888-1949) – a collection of early Modern middle eastern short stories. The volume, with introduction by Prof Arnold J Band, won excellent review in the Los Angeles Times, and also in several Moslem and Arabic literary magazines.
By 2004, the Palestinian Academic Society recognized the work of Shami as one of the important Palestinian literary works of the 20th century. With that, Shami won a unique and unparalleled place, recognized as part of the shared modern literary heritage of both Israel and Palestine. With that, Dr Zernik was also invited and visited the Palestinian Authority in 2004.
In 2006, the same volume, edited by Dr Zernik, was published by Labor et Fides, the official press of the Calvinist Church in Geneva , Switzerland. It includes a short epilogue by Dr Zernik, on the role of revelation in the Abrahamic religions.
In collaboration with Italian colleague Fabrizio Lelli, Dr Zernik initiated another book project, incomplete, involving the history of the minute Jewish community in Toscana during the Italian Renaissance, and its unusual contribution, e.g., the Pico dela Mirandola, author of the "Oration on the Dignity of Man". For this project, the Vatican, in response to request by U.S. Ambassador the Honorable Lindy Boggs, issued special permission to open archives for research.
Earlier this year, 2008, Dr Zernik submitted a one page Concern/Proposal to the staff of the Judiciary Committees of the House and Senate, presenting his view that case management systems in the court are prone to abuse, and that the legal framework in fact exists for their regulation, under the Rule Making Enabling Act 28 U.S.C. §§ 2071 – 2077. With it he described in general terms the necessary regulatory actions.
This litigation at the LA Superior Court brought Zernik face to face with a situation that he had never anticipated encountering, and which he had no qualifications to deal with. Yet he felt that he should not fold and yield in the face of brute aggression by the racketeering LA Superior Court and its judges. Instead, one of his primary goal was to record the legal transactions, which ended up with fraudulent conveyance of title on his Beverly Hills Residence by the LA Superior Court, as confirmed by fraud expert James Wedick, commended for his investigative efforts by the U.S. Congress, by FBI director, and by U.S. Attorney General.
His secondary goal was to research the roots of such aberrant court conditions. In the process, Dr Zernik discovered that the court was operating for some 25 years a case management program, Sustain, which routinely produced fraudulent trial court litigation records. Moreover, the system is used by both the LA Superior Court and the California Court of Appeal, 2nd District (with no notice and service to parties in appeals and petitions) as the electronic court file, and effectively the governing system in the court today (vs the paper court file). And yet, the LA Superior Court routinely denies public access to the system to inspect and to copy, under the unpublished rule of court: “Sustain is privileged – for the court only.”
Zernik further discovered that the Local Rules of Court, in critical sections, e.g., entry of judgment, have never been updated in the last 25 years, while the court eliminated all the paper Books of Court at that time, in parallel to the installation of Sustain, where presumably electronic equivalents were implemented. Such books include the primary Public Records that for many generations proved effective in the safeguard of court integrity: Index of All Cases, Calendars of the Courts, Registers of Actions, and Book of Judgments. All such records are off limits to the public in LA County in the last 25 years. Zernik believes that such conditions were critical in allowing the growth of the enterprise at the court.
In Samaan v Zernik, the court is denying Zernik the right to access, to inspect and to copy the Book of Judgments. Zernik was also denied the right, provided in the Local Rules of Court, to have the entry of judgment certified, alternatively – to have the non-entry of judgment certified. Zernik holds that the preponderance of evidence he gathered demonstrates that the court racketeers in real properties, in part through fraudulently failing to enter judgment, while attempting to execute such judgments, which per Cal Code of Civ Proc are “not effectual for any purpose”.
With elimination of the Books of Court as Public Records, and routine denial of notice of service, the LA Courts established conditions that are not far removed from those which prevailed in late medieval times. And with that – the court racketeers using fraud of the very same period. In Samaan v Zernik the court engaged for example in Judgment Fraud, and Statute of Frauds fraud.
The role, or inaction, of the legal community in the past quarter century, when conditions such as those described here were developing, is incomprehensible. Likewise, it is beyond comprehension how among a quarter century of judges and justices in LA Superior Court and the California Court of Appeal, 2nd District, all sworn by the California Oath of Office, to uphold the U.S. Constitution, there was no known case of a judge who acted pursuant to the canons of the California Code of Judicial Ethics (or parallel U.S. Code):
“ Judge shall be faithful to the law…”
Cal Code Jud Ethics 3B(2)
"(1) Whenever a judge has reliable information that another judge has violated any provision of the Code of Judicial Ethics, the judge shall take or initiate appropriate corrective action, which may include reporting the violation to the appropriate authority."
Cal Code Jud Ethics 3D(1)
Dr Zernik requests for investigation by various local, state and U.S. law enforcement were all denied. Letters to the Washington DC head-quarters of the FBI and the U.S. Department of Justice, requesting appointment of a Special Counsel remained unanswered. Fortunately, the Honorable Senator Diane Feinstein and the Honorable Congresswoman Diane Watson provided assistance by issuing inquiries to the agencies. The two agencies eventually issued responses, and Dr Zernik is now completing his reply.
Dr Zernik holds that the most plausible explanation for the complete body of data he gathered, is that Samaan v Zernik never was part of the “True Court Track” at the LA Superior Court. Instead, it was assigned, even before the complaint was filed, to the “Enterprise Track”. As such, Dr Zernik believes that the case was never indexed and never calendared, and therefore, the courts hide those basic public records. Similarly, for that reason, the judgment, rendered by Judge Jacqueline Connor (best known for derailing the First Rampart Trial in 2000) could not be entered.
In general, Zernik holds that overall conditions in LA County relative to entry of judgment are in violation of the law and in particular – protections guaranteed in the Amendments to the U.S. Constitution.
Dr Zernik felt that serendipity resulted in an unusual set of players, that was possibly destined to effect a change. Dr Zernik hopes that his efforts are not in vain, and that the 9.5 millions in LA County will eventually benefit from his struggle by gaining basic civil rights that he hopes and believes are taken for granted in other parts of the U.S., e.g. the First Amendment/Common Law right to access, to inspect and to copy judicial records, as affirmed in Nixon v Warner Communications. Inc.
Dr Zernik holds that the situation he uncovered in the Civil Courts of LA Superior Court is the mirror image of the conditions in the Criminal Courts, first uncovered in the Rampart scandal (1998). The latest report of the Blue Ribbon Review Panel describes a justice system that tolerates a “significant subcult of criminality in its ranks”. It also shows that while there is practically wall to wall agreement that many are imprisoned for long terms in LA after being framed by the police, prosecutors and the courts, the number of such wrongfully imprisoned is unknown (probably in the thousands), and nothing is done to correct the wrong.
Although he has not engaged in research of the systems of the criminal courts, Dr Zernik believes that denial of access to indices and calendars is the root cause that did not allow any of the investigative committees in the last 10 years to make any progress.
Based on such experiences Dr Zernik proposed to the House and Senate Judiciary Committees that urgent need exists to provide public oversight of the Courts’ case management systems, that the legal framework for such oversight is already in place, under Rule Making Enabling Act 28 U.S.C. §§ 2071 – 2077, but some regulatory action may be required.
Dr Zernik is attempting to bring such issues for debate this October of 2008 as part of the election campaign.
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