Last New Visitor Australia Visited December 1, 2011 |
Discovering, archiving, and disseminating knowledge regarding abuse of the People by governments and corporations in the Medieval Digital Era// גילוי, ארכיבאות, והפצת מידע על התעללות בציבור על ידי ממשלות ותאגידים בימי הביניים הדיגיטליים
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
11-12-01 Welcome Australia! // Bienvenido Australia! // 欢迎澳大利亚!
11-11-30 #Occupy Philly, LA Evicted by Hundreds of Police // Ocupan Filadelfia, Los Angeles desalojado por cientos de policías// 占据费城,洛杉矶数百名警察驱逐
You can't evict an idea!

Breaking: Occupy Philly Cleared By 100s of Police. Occupy LA Cleared by 1200 Police
Update: 200 arrested at Occupy LA, 40-50 arrested in Philly.
No serious injuries or violence was reported in either city. In Philly the arrests occurred off the Occupy Philly site, when protesters marched to another location and refused to move when ordered by police.
11-11-30 Welcome Switzerland! // La bienvenida a Suiza! // 欢迎瑞士!
Last New Visitor Switzerland Visited November 30, 2011 |
11-11-30 Welcome India! // Bienvenido India! // 欢迎印度
Last New Visitor India Visited November 30, 2011 |
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
11-11-30 California Foreclosure Crisis //California crisis de ejecuciones hipotecarias // 加州止赎危机
The Note--News From California
November 29, 2011Trouble viewing this email? View in browser.
Got this message from a friend? Connect with us to stay informed.
The Foreclosure Crisis: California's Is Only Halfway Over
Nearly 9 percent of California homes are at immediate risk of foreclosure according to Lost Ground, the latest research from CRL. Additionally, seriously delinquent California homeowners and those currently in the foreclosure process are about half the foreclosures the state could expect to see. Lost Ground examined loans made from 2004-2008 and found that even though white families make up the majority of the foreclosed, African-American and Latino homeowners are most likely to lose their homes. Check out detailed state and metro-area data and an interactive state map.Bay Area Cities Lead the Way on Payday Lending
The East Palo Alto City Council voted 4-1 last month to consider limiting payday lending in the city. Several members of the community turned out to support the initiative, led by Community Legal Services of East Palo Alto. The city joins neighbors Pacifica, San Jose and San Mateo County in demonstrating an opposition to predatory payday lending. Additionally, CRL conducted a survey last year that found that nearly two-thirds of voters in San Jose support payday lending restrictions, even including a moratorium on new stores.Self-Help Federal Credit Union Continues Growth and Innovation
SHFCU, a CRL affiliate, continues to expand in California's working-class communities. This year, it merged with Mission SF Credit Union and 1st Pacific Credit Uniongaining a presence in San Francisco, Vallejo, Napa, Fairfield, American Canyon, and Vacaville. It's a great time to be a responsible credit union, with 650,000 new accounts opening up across the country in October alone. If you're looking for a good place to move your money, take a look at Self-Help Federal!And if you’re not familiar with our innovative MicroBranch in San Jose, take a look at this video from The Economist on the refreshing way we meet the needs of the community.
Payday Lending Legislation: Stay Tuned
AB 1158, a bill that would raise the maximum payday loan limit from $300 to $500 passed the California Assembly, but didn’t make it to the Senate floor last year. But the delay is temporary and the bill definitely will resurface in 2012. There has been a flurry of critical news coverage of payday lending, including extensive investigative pieces in San Jose, television reports in Los Angeles, and editorials across the state. It’s never too late to call your legislator to oppose any expansion of payday lending!News Clips
“ Payday loans are harmful predatory lending”Fresno Bee
“ Mainstream banks also make payday-style loans”
San Jose Mercury News
“ A vicious cycle in the used-car business”
Los Angeles Times
What Do You Want for Christmas?
No matter what’s on your list, stay away from payday loans this holiday season. If they were just expensive, that would be one thing. But payday loans are traps that get borrowers stuck in debt they can’t escape. Check out our updated video, “ All I Want for Christmas is Inescapable Debt” to see how payday loans end up being a debt trap and how much they ultimately cost.Watch the Video
11-11-30 Save the Internet! // Save the Internet! // 保存的互联网!
From: "Luis Morago -" <>
Subject: Save the Internet - the pressure is working!
X-BINDING: avaaz3
To: "" <>
X-ELNK-Info: sbv=0; sbrc=.0; sbf=00; sbw=000;
Incredible -- 800,000 signers in days, Congress is hesitating, and one Senator will block the vote by reading out our petition for hours!! Let's get to 1 million - sign below and forward this email to everyone --
Right now, the US Congress is debating a law that would give them the power to censor the world's Internet -- creating a blacklist that could target YouTube, WikiLeaks and even Avaaz! Free speech champions in Congress say our outcry will help, and one Senator is even going to block the vote by reading out our petition names for hours! Click here to build an unprecedented global petition for a free and open Internet:
Dear Friends,
Right now, Congress is debating a law that would give them the power to censor the world's Internet -- creating a blacklist that could target YouTube, WikiLeaks and even groups like Avaaz!
Under the new law, the US could force Internet providers to block any website on suspicion of violating copyright or trademark legislation, or even failing to sufficiently police their users' activities. And, because so much of the Internet's hosts and hardware are located in the US, their blacklist would clamp down on the free web for all of us.
The vote could happen at any time now, but we can help stop this -- champions in Congress want to preserve free speech and tell us that a global outcry would strengthen their hand, and one of them -- Senator Wyden -- says he will "filibuster" or block any vote on the bill by reading out our petition names until the clock runs out! Let's urgently raise our voices from every corner of the world to build an unprecedented global petition. Click below to sign and then forward to everyone:
For years, the US has condemned countries like China and Iran for their clampdown on Internet use. But now, the impact of these new censorship laws could be far worse -- effectively blocking sites to every Internet user across the globe.
Last year, a similar Internet censorship bill was killed before reaching the US Senate floor, but it's now back in a different form. Copyright laws already exist and are enforced by courts. But this new law goes much further -- granting the US government and big corporations enormous powers to force service providers and search engines to block websites based just on allegations of violations -- without a trial or being found guilty of any crime!
Free speech advocates have already raised the alarm, and some key senators are trying to gather enough support to stop this dangerous bill. We have no time to lose. Let's stand with them to ensure that American lawmakers preserve the right to a free and open Internet as an essential way for people around the world to exchange ideas, share communication and work collectively to build the world we want. Sign below to stop censorship, and save the Internet as we know it:
In the past months, from the Arab Spring to the global Occupy Movement, we've seen first hand how the Internet can galvanize, unify and change society. Now, if we stand together, we can stop this new attack on Internet freedom. We've done it before -- in Brazil and Italy, Avaaz members have won major victories in the fight for a free Internet. Let's galvanize our global web community to crush the most powerful censorship threat that the Internet has ever seen.
With hope,
Luis, Dalia, Diego, Emma, Ricken, Aaron, Antonia, Benjamin and the rest of the Avaaz team
Sources Op-Ed: Blacklist Bill allows Feds to remove websites from Internet (Digital Journal)
Disastrous IP Legislation Is Back – And It's Worse than Ever (EFF) legislation-back-%E2%80%93- and-it%E2%80%99s-worse-ever
Silicon Valley legislators oppose online piracy act (SFGate) BUO81LV0KI.DTL
House Hearing on Stop Online Piracy Act Scheduled (PC World) house_hearing_on_stop_online_ piracy_act_scheduled.html
Growing Chorus of Opposition to "Stop Online Piracy Act" stop-online-piracy-act
The stop online piracy act: summary, problems, and implications
Why Is Justin Bieber So Pissed Off? bieber-so-p_b_1071055.html
Stop Online Piracy Act 112hr3261ih.pdf
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We're entirely funded by donations and receive no money from governments or corporations. Our dedicated team ensures even the smallest contributions go a long way.
Monday, November 28, 2011
11-11-25 An open letter to the Winter patriot // Una carta abierta a los patriotas de invierno // 到了冬季爱国者的一封公开信
An Open Letter to the Winter PatriotBy Mitch Green
November 25, 2011 " New Economic Perspectives" -- As the occupy movement continues to grow in defiance of the heavy-handed police action determined to squelch it, a natural question emerges: What point will the military be summoned to contain the cascade of popular dissent? And if our nation’s finest are brought into this struggle to stand between the vested authority of the state and the ranks of those who petition them for a redress of grievance, what may we expect the outcome to be?
READ MORE:http://www.
11-11-29 Bankers have seized Europe! // Los banqueros se han apoderado de Europa! // 银行家们缴获欧洲!
Bankers Have Seized Europe
Goldman Sachs Has Taken Over
By Paul Craig Roberts
The European Union, just like everything else, is merely another scheme to concentrate wealth in a few hands at the expense of European citizens, who are destined, like Americans, to be the serfs of the 21st century.
11-11-28 #Occupy Los Angeles Wins a Victory // # Ocupar Los Angeles gana una victoria // #据洛杉矶赢得胜利
You can't evict an idea!
Regardless of repeated eviction notices, coordinated by the US Department of Homeland Security, and the gathering of large police forces, the encampment remains intact, supported by Los Angeles and Hollywood figures...

LA Mayor to Occupy Wall Street late Sunday night: Final eviction statementDeborah Dupre, Human Rights Examiner
World watches Occupy LA 'Eviction Block Party'

At 9:36 p.m. PST Sunday evening, Los Angeles Mayor Villaraigosa released a final statement on the eviction of Occupy LA by closing City Hall Park after which he Tweeted he had done so, but hundreds of human rights defenders intend to defy his orders and arranged to throw an Eviction Block Party, complete with Hollywood and high profile Angelinos.
High-profile Angelinos such as Rev. Michael Beckwith accepted the invitation to stand with the Americans exercising their right to assemble.
Michael Moore (@MMFlint) Tweeted the same message that has been sent countless times over the past 24 hours, "OccupyLA needs all good people to be down at City Hall TONIGHT! If thousands show up, the police will not be able to act. #ows"
Continue reading on
LA Mayor to Occupy Wall Street late Sunday night: Final eviction statement - National Human Rights |
LOS ANGELES, November 27 - Wall Street protesters declared a minor victory Monday when they defied a midnight deadline to leave their tent city encampment around City Hall and police withdrew after surrounding the camp for six hours without moving in.
Read more:
Human rights, freedom of the speech, government corruption, and more, will be discussed in:
Jerusalem-AlQuds 2012
To join our email list send subscribe message to Joseph Zernik, PhD: or
[1] From Jerusalem to the Wall Street Protesters: we must bring this Robber Baron Era to an end!
[2] Guantanamera: From Jerusalem to Guantanamo Bay -- the US has lost all credibility as a Civil Society
[3] Boris announcing dream party Jerusalem al-Quds 2012
[4] "Come to Jerusalem," says Mr Take It Easy...
Regardless of repeated eviction notices, coordinated by the US Department of Homeland Security, and the gathering of large police forces, the encampment remains intact, supported by Los Angeles and Hollywood figures...
LA Mayor to Occupy Wall Street late Sunday night: Final eviction statementDeborah Dupre, Human Rights Examiner
World watches Occupy LA 'Eviction Block Party'
At 9:36 p.m. PST Sunday evening, Los Angeles Mayor Villaraigosa released a final statement on the eviction of Occupy LA by closing City Hall Park after which he Tweeted he had done so, but hundreds of human rights defenders intend to defy his orders and arranged to throw an Eviction Block Party, complete with Hollywood and high profile Angelinos.
High-profile Angelinos such as Rev. Michael Beckwith accepted the invitation to stand with the Americans exercising their right to assemble.
Michael Moore (@MMFlint) Tweeted the same message that has been sent countless times over the past 24 hours, "OccupyLA needs all good people to be down at City Hall TONIGHT! If thousands show up, the police will not be able to act. #ows"
Continue reading on
LA Mayor to Occupy Wall Street late Sunday night: Final eviction statement - National Human Rights |
LOS ANGELES, November 27 - Wall Street protesters declared a minor victory Monday when they defied a midnight deadline to leave their tent city encampment around City Hall and police withdrew after surrounding the camp for six hours without moving in.
Read more:
Human rights, freedom of the speech, government corruption, and more, will be discussed in:
Jerusalem-AlQuds 2012
Love, Peace, Justice
empowering the People through
a dance/music/art/study/pray
date to be scheduled or
[1] From Jerusalem to the Wall Street Protesters: we must bring this Robber Baron Era to an end!
[2] Guantanamera: From Jerusalem to Guantanamo Bay -- the US has lost all credibility as a Civil Society
[3] Boris announcing dream party Jerusalem al-Quds 2012
[4] "Come to Jerusalem," says Mr Take It Easy...
11-11-20 Pepper Spray at the University of California, Davis //Spray de pimienta en la Universidad de California, Davis // 在加州大学戴维斯分校的胡椒喷雾
Human rights, freedom of the speech, government corruption, and more, will be discussed in:
![[]](file://C:\Users\Public\Documents\A A A A BLOG\josephs dream 2010 logo small.gif)
Jerusalem-AlQuds 2012
Love, Peace, Justice
empowering the People through
a dance/music/art/study/pray
date to be scheduled or
[1] From Jerusalem to the Wall Street Protesters: we must bring this Robber Baron Era to an end!
[2] Guantanamera: From Jerusalem to Guantanamo Bay -- the US has lost all credibility as a Civil Society
[3] Boris announcing dream party Jerusalem al-Quds 2012
[4] "Come to Jerusalem," says Mr Take It Easy...
Sunday, November 27, 2011
11-11-28 Next: Detention Centers in the United States! //Siguiente: centros de detención en los Estados Unidos! // 下一页:在美国的拘留中心!
It's the next logical step in expanding the already enormous gulag

Military Detention Versus We the People
Sunday 27 November 2011
by: Shahid Buttar, Truthout | News Analysis
An Army spokesman in one of the detainee areas in Camp Delta at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, on June 9, 2010. (Photo: Richard Perry / The New York Times)
On Monday, the Senate will grapple with Congress’ latest bipartisan foolishness, the National Defense Authorization Act. Ironically opposed by both the White House and the Pentagon, it would expand preventive and arbitrary detention beyond Guantánamo Bay and the CIA’s shuttered black sites, importing it into the domestic United States.
The Senate Armed Services Committee, led by Senators Carl Levin (D-Michigan) and John McCain (R-Arizona), approved the bill despite its provisions for military detention of any suspect (even those apprehended within the United States) accused (not proven) of involvement in any terror-related offense. Presumably, military detention would include those accused of offenses as innocuous as "lying to a federal agent," unrelated to actual terrorism yet classified as terror-related.
The most glaring problem with the committee's legislation is its violation of our nation’s most fundamental values shared across our political spectrum.
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