Discovering, archiving, and disseminating knowledge regarding abuse of the People by governments and corporations in the Medieval Digital Era// גילוי, ארכיבאות, והפצת מידע על התעללות בציבור על ידי ממשלות ותאגידים בימי הביניים הדיגיטליים
Friday, November 30, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
12-11-28 Facebook: Tahrir Square, Cairo, Egypt.
12-11-29 RT: Manning trial: 'Extreme govt secrecy real threat, not leakers'
RussiaToday uploaded a video 17 hours ago
Manning trial: 'Extreme govt secrecy real threat, not leakers'
Pre-trial hearings have begun in the case of U.S. army private Bradley Manning accused of leaking classified documents to
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
12-11-28 Four more years under Mueller III - our greatest FBI Director since Hoover!!!
Obama at FBI Headquarters
Meet your Governors
Kenneth Kaiser, FBI; Kenneth Melson, DOJ/ATF/Other...
Four more years under Mueller III - our greatest FBI Director since Hoover!!!
With Fast and Furious, I feel at home... I know the main characters since the days of the Bush II administration... Kenneth Melson and his buddy Kenneth Kaiser, were key characters in the corruption of the US Department even then.
In 2008, under Bush II, democrat "stateslady" Feinstein filed on my behalf a Congressional Inquiry on US DOJ, why they would not answer on my request for Equal Protection of LA County people against racketeering by California judges and attorneys.
And later, in 2009 Feinstein filed on my behalf a Congressional Inquiry on US Department of Justice Inspector General, why he would not respond on my complaint, that the response by Melson and Kaiser to Feinstein was Fraud by US DOJ on the US Congress.
And in 2009, it was the democrat "statesman" Leahey, who called for a Truth and Reconciliation Commission on the US Department of Justice. That means, that he was saying that the US is under tyranny of the Justice Department. Truth and Reconciliation Commission is NOT formed on a branch of legitimate government.
However, one should recall, that FBI, who "keeps all investigations confidential", advertised that then President Elect Obama was called for investigation in FBI headquarters, purportedly regarding the sale of his vacated seat (but maybe some other biz as well).
Later, as President, Obama and Holder never changed the top echelons of FBI, US Department of Justice in any significant ways.
* Mueller III is overstaying his time in office, first time since the enactment of the limit on tenure of FBI Directors, after Hoover.
* Obama gave Melson, who had been Head of the Office of US Attorneys, center of the corruption of the US DOJ under Bush II, a recess appointment at ATF, since any attempt to re-appoint Melson to any top position at US DOJ, was likely to be voted down by Senate.
* Kaiser was not replaced as FBI Director of Criminal Investigations, even after repeatedly testifying before US Congress that no criminality was found in FBI investigations of the financial crisis, when it is obvious that he was again conducting in your face Fraud on the US Congress. And later investigation commissions of US Congress had to be established to document the scope of criminality that underlies the financial crisis. And even after that, no top figures were ever prosecuted by US DOJ...
And even after Fast and Furious, Obama and Holder could not get rid of Melson, who was not their baggage, to begin with, out of control, and excess baggage at that point for sure. Instead, with all the calls from US Congress for Melson's resignation, and even "rumors" in DC to that he would resign, Melson was just moved around, that's it...
On this background, calling any investigation by the US Congress on the US Department of Justice a partisan issue of Republicans against the "democrat"/"socialist"/"communist" Holder and/or Obama, is only distraction and part of the charade....
And welcome to another 4 years under Mueller III !!! Our greatest FBI Director since Hoover!!!
And I forgot to mention that it was Mueller III, who sent Omaba's appointee Petraeus packing... after conducting a secret investigation on CIA Director...
And purportedly, the FBI Whistle blower went to US Congress around his superiors, and US Congress purportedly placed pressure on FBI to investigate CIA...
Since when do whistle blowers not go to federal prison??? And instead get "mission accomplished"??? And keep their jobs???
Tell me one more example of such story in the last two decades...
Adequate Disclosure:
In 2009, I filed in the US District Court, DC, Petition to compel Kenneth Melson and Kenneth Kaiser to perform their duties and protect the People of Los Angeles County against racketeering by judges, banks, attorneys...
[i] 09-05-01 Zernik v Melson et al (1:09-cv-00805) in the US District Court, Washington DC: (Dkt #1-1) Complaint
[ii] 09-05-01 Zernik v Melson et al (1:09-cv-00805) in the US District Court, Washington DC: (Dkt #1-2) Complaint - Exhibits
[i] 09-05-01 Zernik v Melson et al (1:09-cv-00805) in the US District Court, Washington DC: (Dkt #1-1) Complaint
[ii] 09-05-01 Zernik v Melson et al (1:09-cv-00805) in the US District Court, Washington DC: (Dkt #1-2) Complaint - Exhibits
On Tuesday, November 27, 2012 1:50:47 AM UTC+2, Gary Zerman wrote:
To All:Below is an update on the Fast & Furious scandal.It presents the question of whether there are actual separation of powers in the three (3) branches of government, that are true checks & balances on our government, that in fact uphold the Constitution and ensure accountability of our government.It is another example of how our government is anything but - fast & curious. It is also an example that our government simply largely no longer works; where the Rule of Law and accountability are trumped by politics and corruption; and, how we can almost never get to the bottom of an issue or investigation, as government mostly protects government, rather than checks it.There is no one left to blame - but the judges/judiciary.Liberty & Truth require constant vigilance. GLZ.___________________________________________ The BLT: Blog of the LegalTimesNOVEMBER 26, 2012
House Committee, DOJ to Face Off in Court Over 'Fast and Furious'
The lawyers tangled up in the dispute over access to U.S. Justice Department information about the gun investigation Operation Fast and Furious are set to meet in court in Washingtontomorrow morning.U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson wants the lawyers to address, among other things, whether there's a realistic possibility that DOJ and the House of Representatives oversight committee, which is seeking the enforcement of a subpoena, will settle the case.The oversight committee sued DOJ in Washington's federal trial court in August after the full House voted, largely along party lines, to hold Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. in contempt of Congress. The committee wants to review information about the Fast and Furious gun probe—federal agents allowed firearms to flow into Mexico—and how the department responded to congressional requests about the probe.DOJ lawyers contend that Jackson doesn't have a role in the dispute, which the department characterizes as a political tiff between Congress and the executive branch. President Barack Obama in June, at the request of Holder, asserted executive privilege over certain internal DOJ documents regarding the Fast and Furious investigation. The department's legal team in October asked Berman to dismiss the suit. "Judicial restraint, not judicial intervention, is warranted," DOJ attorneys said then.Kerry Kircher of the House general counsel's office, in court papers filed November 21, questioned the assertion of executive privilege "over internal agency documents that reflect no advice to or communication with" Obama.Holder "would prefer that this court not address this quintessentially legal issue—not surprisingly given that no court ever has held that Executive privilege extends anywhere near as far as the Attorney General now claims that it does."DOJ's separation of powers argument, Kircher said in the papers, "reduces essentially to the proposition that the executive may not be called to account before the judiciary with respect to its dealings with the legislative branch.""This extreme notion, if accepted, would significantly hamstring Congress’s ability to oversee—and thus to guard against—malfeasance, abuses of authority, and mismanagement by the executive," Kircher wrote. "By advocating for this court to avoid reaching the merits here, the Attorney General really is asking this court to tilt the balance of powers between the two political branches radically in favor of the executive."Kircher also disputed the DOJ notion that the clash is political in nature. Calling a dispute "political," Kircher declared, "is not a legal argument; it is a talking point masquerading (poorly) as an argument."The conservative American Center for Law and Justice today filed a friend-of-the-court brief in support of the oversight committee. The brief said “there is simply no basis for believing that [DOJ’s] preferred political negotiation strategy will yield any resolution, much less a constitutionally correct one.”Jackson, who joined the federal district bench in Washington in March 2011, has indicated she doesn't want the dispute to drag on.In October, the judge said she'd rule on the DOJ request that the suit be dismissed, on jurisdictional grounds, before setting a schedule to address the merits of the case. Jacksonrejected a proposed schedule that took the case in the spring of 2013.Posted by Mike Scarcella on November 26, 2012 at 12:41 PM in Balancing Act, Crime and Punishment, Current Affairs, Justice Department , Points of View , Politics and Government | Permalink
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