Jerusalem Jewish holiday tradition - anti-Arab pogroms
Ultra-orthodox Jews in
Jerusalem stage annual anti-Arab pogroms on the holiday of Purim with
police complicity. Last night it ended with one dead. At the same
time, police suppress Israeli Arab protests against police failure to
provide equal protection with rubber bullets, stun grenades and tear
gas. This is the face of Apartheid and brazen government corruption
within the 1967 borders...
Tel-Aviv, March 1 - the
celebration of the Jewish holiday of Purim over the weekend this year
was supposed to be subdued, due to government mandated Corona
lockdown. However, as has been the case all long the epidemic, the
ultra-orthodox Jewish communities in Israel have been violating the
Corona regulations with impunity. At times, secret agreements between
police and the ultra-orthodox communities have been exposed. [i,ii]
And at least in one case, ultra-orthodox impunity was openly
discussed even during the process of promulgating the regulations.
Therefore, the tradition of
anti-Arab pogroms in Jerusalem's Ultra-orthodox neighborhoods
during the Purim holiday took place this year as usual. The
locations and timing were well known in advance, but no police was to
be seen. Ultra-orthodox Jews blocked traffic and attacked Arab
drivers, particularly public transit drivers - buses, vans, taxis.
Last evening, one such Arab,
driving a clearly marked hospital transit van was trying to escape
his fate and ran over an Ultra-orthodox Jew, who died a couple of
hours later. [iv]
Notice the whitewashed
reporting by Kann Israeli Broadcasting Service below.

Kann News @8:18 pm, Feb 28,
2021. Meah Shearim incident: According to preliminary reports,
transit van driver was attacked by protesters, tried to escape and
ran over a 40 year old, who is critically wounded.
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Even after such incident,
police were nowhere to be seen, and the pogrom was allowed to
continue well after midnight.
Danny Zaken @12:49 am, March 01, 2021. IDF radio reports: "Even
at this hour, youth are blocking the roads near Meah Shearim
[ultra-orthodox neighborhood - jz], searching for Arab drivers. The
doors of No 3 bus were forced open by some of them a few minutes ago.
When they noticed that the driver was Jewish the let him go"!!!
Something very fundamental is fucked up here.
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the Netanyahu government corruption of the Israel police has reached
unprecedented levels. [v]
Openly political, selective enforcement has become the routine.
Police has violently suppressed weeklyl, peaceful, non-violent Jewish
anti-Netanyahu demonstrations. Police violence of yet different
proportions is practiced when it comes to peaceful, non-violent
demonstrations by Arabs, even this past Friday. [vi]
weekly Friday demonstrations in various Arab towns and villages are
against police failure to provide equal protection against violent
crime. Police use rubber bullets, tear gas, water cannons to suppress
such demonstrations, even when they are peaceful. This past Friday,
police also used violence against an Arab MK (who was supposed to be
protected by legislator's immunity) and pointed a gun at the local
Jack Khoury @12:55 pm, Feb 26, 2021. Clashes in the weekly
demonstration in front of the Um el-Fahm police station. Police is
using tear gas, stun grenades, water cannons. Several wounded.
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figure, former MK Esawi Frej @5:55 pm, February 27, 2021. Check
out this photo closely. A policeman is pointing a gun at Um el-Fahm
Mayor, Samir Mouhammid. Imagine what an uproar would have taken place
if this had happened in Tel-Aviv, Dimmona, or Bnei Bark [Jewish town
- jz]. Only an Arab Mayor is threatened with a gun. Only Arab
protesters are shot at with rubber bullets. Instead of fighting
crime, police is fighting protesters.
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is the face of Israeli Apartheid and brazen government corruption
within the 1967 borders...
the occupied Palestinian territories anti-Arab pogroms by Kookist
orthodox Jews are almost a daily occurrence, with IDF, Shin-Bet and
police complicity. [vii]
In some notorious cases, they included the murder of Palestinians.
US patronage, the Biden's presidency expected to be no exception,
this travesty would have ended decades ago!
around the world, particularly US Jews, should raise their voices and
condemn what is taking place in Israel and in the Palestinian
territories by people who claim to represent the Jewish religion!
Haim Goldberg @2:36 pm, March 1, 2021. Dozens
of Arab driven vehicles were attacked last night in Jerusalem. As of
this minute, not even a single suspect has been arrested.
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2020-10-06 Israel Police quietly enable large ultra-Orthodox
gatherings despite lockdown orders: report, i24
Click Here
2021-01-24 Report: Israel Police reached secret deal not to impose
lockdown on Bnei Brak, i24
Click Here
2021-01-21 Likkud delays enforcement on the ultra-orthodox, Blue and
While delays approval of the lockdown, The Marker [Hebrew]
Click Here
2021-02-28 Man Killed by Driver Fleeing Attack During ultra-Orthodox
Protest in Jerusalem, Haaretz
Click Here
2015-07-19 Suicide of commander Efraim Bracha and "collapse"
of the Israel Police,
Click Here
2021-02-26 MK among 35 hurt as cops fire rubber bullets, stun
grenades at Arab protest, Times of Israel
Click Here
2017-06-22 The Movement That Saw Israeli Settlements as Redemption
for Jews and the World, Haaretz
Click Here
2015-09-15 PALESTINE: Champagne in Kafr Duma! Cheers!
Click Here
2020-05-18 Israeli convicted of West Bank arson attack that killed
three Palestinians, BBC
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