Is everybody and his brother ADHD?
Let's get focused for a minute for a change...
Is everybody and his brother ADHD?
Let's get focused for a minute for a change...
Jan 16, 2008
Mr Angelo Mozilo - by email
Mr Sandor Samuels - by email
I am in receipt of a letter from Att Amberg on your behalf, a letter replete with false and deliberately misleading statements. As usual - it is just a distraction. I previously listed two documents that were key in the real estate fraud you perpetrated against me:
a) Document falsely and misleadingly represented as an Underwriting Letter dated October 14, 2004 or mid-October 2004, and
b) Document falsely and misleadingly represented as the product of fax communication from Parks in Washington State to Countrywide (a financial institution) in California (hence across state lines) on October 25, 2004, 5:03 pm.
It has been almost a year since I first asked you to state whether such and their like are genuine documents or fraudulent documents. Why don't you finally provide the straight answer instead of having Mr Amberg send redundant meaningless letters?
Mr Samuels and Mr Mozilo - there is some fundamental misunderstanding in our communications. The NYT published an article a couple of days ago regarding Mr Mozilo, where the opening paragraph stated: "All that money and nowhere to go...". In response I sent a letter to the editor where I stated that the preamble is likely to end up being invalid, and therefore the rest of the article may become meaningless. Gentlemen, I am doing my best so that you would end up separated from at least some of that money and also from the freedom to go...
The notion that I am harassing Countrywide and its employees is absurd- you are perpetrating real estate against me in collusion with Nivie Samaan, Mohammad Keshavarzi of Sheppard Mullin, and others. I am communicating only with the two of you, to the best of my knowledge I have never sent a note to any other employee (except Att Boock, copied below) in many many months.
The notion that my statements were false and defamatory, or that I would retract them was likewise misguided. I address these communications to you, Mr Samuels and Mr Mozilo (...not Countrywide, ...not employees, ...not executives, just you two as individuals), and I suggest that you two immediately take the necessary legal action if the two of you indeed feel confident that you did not collude in real estate fraud against me, and that there was no wire/fax fraud and mortgage fraud included in it as well. Making such statements regarding innocent individuals would be outrageous indeed.
The statements that Judge Connor entered a Protective (gag) Order on July 23, 2007, was in denial of reality, or hallucinatory in nature. In fact, Mr Amberg for all practical purposes admitted that he had never seen any order like that. Likewise, there is no such order in the paper Court File, and no such order is listed as "entered" in Sustain under Case History. In fact, the case of the Protective (gag) Order is one of only three that I consider qualified in the top category of "Connor Classic" - and that is from a Judge Jacqueline Connor, who is a master con-artist! (In case you are curious, the other two are: Aug 9, 2007 Judgment by Court, and Sept 5, 2007 Order Appointing a Referee - all three were missing in action...).
I fully agree with the statement: "Judge Friedman clearly stated that the Protective Order remains in full force and effect." A Protective Order that never existed, remaining in full force and effect, is still non-existent for all practical purposes. It is just an indication of Judge Friedman's work ethics, that he made such a statement regarding an Order that he had never seen... Rubber stamp does not even come close to describing that skill...
Finally - regarding your concerns that this communication is part of discovery in Samaan v Zernik - please rest assured - this letter is only an attempt to focus ongoing investigations in several states and direct investigators to the individuals and documents that would provide the road map for the sub-prime catastrophe.
Joseph Zernik
Office of California Attorney General
Office of Illinois Attorney General
Office of New York Attorney General
Office of Massachusetts Attorney General
Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2008 17:43:05 -0800
To: Todd Boock
From: Joseph Zernik
Subject: Samaan v Zernik
Hi Todd -
A while ago I sent you a message predicting that Samaan v Zernik will stay with us for a while, and that in a few years we may be asked to explain Samaan v Zernik in one investigation or another...
Well as things go this time around, it is much faster than I predicted, and I have already provided your name to investigators as the person most qualified to explain the integrity, or lack thereof ,of the subpoena production by Countrywide...
Joseph Zernik
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