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Gun owners go 'Gandhi' in New York with plans for mass civil disobedience over Cuomo's tyrannical gun grab
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of NaturalNews.com (See all articles...) http://www.naturalnews.com/038843_New_York_gun_owners_civil_disobedience.html%23ixzz2JIdjpnxC
(NaturalNews) On the face of it, there is absolutely no sense to the idea that one million New York gun owners should be declared "guilty" because one crazy man went nuts in Connecticut and committed mass murder. Yet that's the argument Gov. Cuomo used to rush through gun registration and confiscation legislation that's now law in the state of New York.
The law was forced through the state legislature with such speed that it instantly turned all of New York's police officers into felony criminals because they were carrying more than the allowed seven rounds of ammo per magazine. Retroactive changes to the law had to be hurriedly made to exclude law enforcement from imminent arrest and prosecution by the "mafia" Cuomo administration. Cuomo meant for his unconstitutional attack to target so-called "civilians," not law enforcement!
But now, those citizens are increasingly saying "F&%# YOU, CUOMO" (literally, see below) and announcing they are not going to register their guns under Cuomo's tyrannical, illegitimate and blatantly illegal regime.
"Mass resistance" plans underway
Gun owners are "going Gandhi" in New York and planning mass civil disobedience to protest the actions of the criminal mafia known as the Cuomo administration.
"Gun owners and even some lawmakers are planning what has been dubbed potentially the largest act of civil disobedience in state history," reports The New American. "Preparations are already being made for mass resistance."
What form will that resistance take? It may start as an info war, and then escalate into protests. But if Cuomo does not relent and repeal his unconstitutional, illegal and immoral mandate against law-abiding gun owners, there is a good chance this conflict may "go hot" and lead will start flying.
"A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government." - George Washington
It is every New Yorker's duty to resist tyranny
Let me state on the record that it is not merely a right to resist unlawful tyranny, but it is your DUTY to resist it and fight back via morally-justifiable means to restore constitutional law and the Bill of Rights in America. Anything less is a betrayal to the principles of America.
Any state government which would attempt to oppress the constitutional rights of its citizens and disarm them, making them absolutely defenseless against criminals and runaway government tyranny, is an illegitimate, unlawful government being run by criminals. That government must be thrown out of power and replaced with a legitimate, law-abiding government that honors the rights of citizens (and the limits of power placed on government).
On this issue, New Yorkers have declared their line in the sand. One million New Yorkers own firearms, and relatively few of them plan to comply with Cuomo's gun registration plans, knowing full well that registration is just the first step to forced confiscation.
After all, why would the state of New York need to know who owns all the guns if it wasn't planning to do something with that list? Throughout world history, gun registration lists have almost always become gun confiscation lists where governments go door to door with armed troops, demanding at gunpoint that people turn in the firearms they previously registered.
(Seriously, you'd have to be a complete idiot to comply with Cuomo's gun-grabbing scheme. Do you really want Cuomo's mafia goon squads to know exactly what guns you own and where you keep them?)
From The New American:
"They're saying, 'F--- the governor! F--- Cuomo! We're not going to register our guns,' and I think they're serious. People are not going to do it. People are going to resist," explained State Rifle and Pistol Association President Tom King
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/038843_New_York_gun_owners_civil_disobedience.html#ixzz2JSg1PBWf
Brooky R. Stockton, Ph.D.
Cruci Dum Spiro Fido
The law was forced through the state legislature with such speed that it instantly turned all of New York's police officers into felony criminals because they were carrying more than the allowed seven rounds of ammo per magazine. Retroactive changes to the law had to be hurriedly made to exclude law enforcement from imminent arrest and prosecution by the "mafia" Cuomo administration. Cuomo meant for his unconstitutional attack to target so-called "civilians," not law enforcement!
But now, those citizens are increasingly saying "F&%# YOU, CUOMO" (literally, see below) and announcing they are not going to register their guns under Cuomo's tyrannical, illegitimate and blatantly illegal regime.
"Mass resistance" plans underway
Gun owners are "going Gandhi" in New York and planning mass civil disobedience to protest the actions of the criminal mafia known as the Cuomo administration.
"Gun owners and even some lawmakers are planning what has been dubbed potentially the largest act of civil disobedience in state history," reports The New American. "Preparations are already being made for mass resistance."
What form will that resistance take? It may start as an info war, and then escalate into protests. But if Cuomo does not relent and repeal his unconstitutional, illegal and immoral mandate against law-abiding gun owners, there is a good chance this conflict may "go hot" and lead will start flying.
"A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government." - George Washington
It is every New Yorker's duty to resist tyranny
Let me state on the record that it is not merely a right to resist unlawful tyranny, but it is your DUTY to resist it and fight back via morally-justifiable means to restore constitutional law and the Bill of Rights in America. Anything less is a betrayal to the principles of America.
Any state government which would attempt to oppress the constitutional rights of its citizens and disarm them, making them absolutely defenseless against criminals and runaway government tyranny, is an illegitimate, unlawful government being run by criminals. That government must be thrown out of power and replaced with a legitimate, law-abiding government that honors the rights of citizens (and the limits of power placed on government).
On this issue, New Yorkers have declared their line in the sand. One million New Yorkers own firearms, and relatively few of them plan to comply with Cuomo's gun registration plans, knowing full well that registration is just the first step to forced confiscation.
After all, why would the state of New York need to know who owns all the guns if it wasn't planning to do something with that list? Throughout world history, gun registration lists have almost always become gun confiscation lists where governments go door to door with armed troops, demanding at gunpoint that people turn in the firearms they previously registered.
(Seriously, you'd have to be a complete idiot to comply with Cuomo's gun-grabbing scheme. Do you really want Cuomo's mafia goon squads to know exactly what guns you own and where you keep them?)
From The New American:
"They're saying, 'F--- the governor! F--- Cuomo! We're not going to register our guns,' and I think they're serious. People are not going to do it. People are going to resist," explained State Rifle and Pistol Association President Tom King
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/038843_New_York_gun_owners_civil_disobedience.html#ixzz2JSg1PBWf
Brooky R. Stockton, Ph.D.
Cruci Dum Spiro Fido
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