Presiding Justice Asher Grunis; "Chief Clerk" Sarah Lifschitz of the Supreme Court of the State of Israel
Occupy Tel Aviv Encampment, June 18 - Joseph Zernik, PhD, of Human Rights Alert (NGO) has forwarded today to Presiding Justice Asher Grunis of the Israeli Supreme Court a repeat request for the appointment record of "Chief Clerk" Sarah Lifschitz. [1]
Previous attempts to ascertain that Ms Lifschitz hold a lawful appointment as "Chief Clerk" of the Supreme Court through requests for her appointment record from Ms Lifschitz herself, through a request addressed to the Knesset's Chair of the Constitution, Law, and Justice Committee, through the a request to the Administration of Courts, and through an Israel Police complaint have all remained unanswered. [2-3]
Ms Lifschitz has occupied the office of Chief Clerk of the Israeli Supreme Court since 2002, but the evidence shows that she was never lawfully appointed to such position.
The office of Chief Clerk is critical for the safeguard of the integrity of court records, and integrity, or lack thereof, of the office of Chief Clerk of the Supreme Court affects the integrity of the entire court system. The office of Presiding Justice Asher Grunis expediently responded on previous correspondence. However, to this date, the office refuses to respond on a request for the appointment record of Ms Lifschitz.
The Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission was incorporated in the Periodic Review Report (2013) of the Human Rights Council of the United Nations (2013) with a note "lack of integrity in the electronic records of the Supreme Court.... in Israel". The Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission documented the forgery of numerous decision records of the Israeli Supreme Court following the occupation of the office of Chief Clerk by Ms Lifschitz, and undermining of the integrity of the records of the Israeli Supreme Court in general.
Unprecedented corruption of the Israeli courts over the past decade, under the tenure of Aharon Barak and Dorit Beinisch as Presiding Justice is central to the socio-economic crisis in Israel today.
Joseph Zernik, PhD
Human Rights Alert (NGO)
[1] 13-06-18 Letter No 4 to Presiding Justice Asher Grunis of Israel Supreme Court - repeat request for the appointment record of "Chief Clerk" Sarah Lifschitz
[2] 13-06-09 Correspondence with Chair of Knesset's Constitution, Law, and Justice Committee: Lawful Chief Clerk of the Supreme Court, or lack thereof.
[3] 12-04-16 Criminal fraud complaint (158921/2012) against SARAH LIFSCHITZ of the Supreme Court of the State of Israel, filed with Israel Police, with certificate of complaint by the Fraud Division of the Jerusalem Police.
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