litigation is conducted in the Haifa Magistrate Court, where no law
of the State of Israel is stated as the legal foundation for the

Judge Ehud Rekem, “Chief Clerk” (with no lawful appointment
record) Israel Hen, and Judge Esperanza Alon – key figures in
conduct of simulated/sham litigation in the Haifa Magistrate Court.
request to the UN states that the commencing records in the sham
litigation against Dr Zernik in the Haifa Magistrate Court fail to
indicate any law of the State of Israel as the foundation for such
litigation. [1,2]
it, request was filed with the Court for “exemplary” punitive
measures against Dr Zernik for the publication of the records,
documenting the fraud being perpetrated. [3]
request to the UN also indicates that this is not the first
retaliatory action by the Israeli state authorities against Dr
Zernik. In January 2013, Dr Zernik's bank accounts were seized by
Bank HaPoalim, BM, with no legal process and with no legal
foundation, with full knowledge of the Bank's senior management.
Bank of Israel, Israel's Banking Regulator refused to register
complaints against Bank HaPoalim in this matter, and the office of
Stanley Fischer, then Bank of Israel Governor issued a letter
stating, “we are sorry for your inconvenience, but we are unable to
help in this matter...”. [4]
Israeli Supreme Court refused to duly register a petition against
Stanley Fischer in this matter. [5]
Dr Zernik's bank accounts were returned to his ownership only after
he requested protection by the Consul of the German Federal Republic
in Israel.
records of the Haifa Magistrate Court indicate widespread corruption,
including the issuance of simulated/sham judicial records by
Presiding Judge Ehud Rekem and Judge Esperanza Alon in cooperation
with “Chief Clerk” (with no lawful appointment record) Israel
Hen. [6,7]
Zernik specializes in inspection of government information systems.
The Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission to the Human Rights Council
for 2013 focuses on computerization of the Israeli courts over the
past decade. The submission documents large-scale fraud in this
process, amounting to unannounced regime change in Israel. [8]
Human Rights Alert submission documents that the Office of the Clerk
of the Israeli Supreme Court is headed for over 10 years by “Chief
Clerk” Sarah Lifschitz with no lawful appointment record.
Likewise, there are no lawful chief clerks in any of the district
courts in Israel today.
Human Rights Alert submission was incorporated in the UN Human Rights
Council Universal Periodic Review of the State of Israel (2013) with
the note, “lack of integrity in the electronic records of the
supreme court, the district courts and the detainees courts in
fraudulent information systems were implemented in the Israeli courts
under the tenure of former Chief Justices Aharon Barak and Dorit
Beinisch. Current Chief Justice Asher Grunis is also part of such
conduct: Correspondence with Justice Grunis's office with abruptly
terminated, when Dr Zernik asked Justice Grunis to present the
appointment record of “Chief Clerk” Sarah Lifschitz. [9]
of the justice system in Israel over the past decade is central cause
of socio-economic conditions in Israel today, although it has not
gained sufficient public notice.
[1] 13-03-17
In RE: RSZ (25607-03-13 ) in the Magistrate Court, Haifa - Request to
add a conservator, with March 17, 2013 Decision by Judge Esperanza
Alon, as received from Attorney Amos Zadika
[2] 13-04-07
In re: RSZ (1829-06-10 and 25607-03-13) in the Haifa Magistrate Court
– Amended Request to Add Dror Zernik as Conservator
[3] 13-07-03
In RE: RSZ (25607-03-13 ) - Request for “exemplary” punitive
measures, filed under the title, “ Response by the Responders on
Request to Inspect Court Records”
13-01-27 Response by Governor of Bank of Israel Stanley Fischer, in
re: unlawful seizing of bank accounts by Bank HaPoalim, BM
[5] 13-03-04
Press Release: FATCA, Stanley Fischer, and altered records of the
Supreme Court of the State of Israel
13-05-22 In re: RSZ (1829-06-10 and 25607-03-13) in the Haifa
Magistrate Court – Declaration of Joseph Zernik: Judge Esperanza
Alon - master of the "mystical secrets of court procedure",
or "obstructionist with impunity"?
13-08-11 In RE: RSZ (1829-06-10 and 25607-03-13 ) - Supplemental
Declaration of Disqualification for a Cause
of the Haifa Magistrate Court - "Decree Appointing a
Conservator" - simulated court record
[8] 12-06-04
Human Right Alert, Submission; 2013 UPR of the State of Israel -
"Integrity, or lack thereof, of the electronic record systems of
the courts of the State of Israel"
[9] 13-06-18
Letter No 4 to Presiding Justice Asher Grunis of Israel Supreme Court
- repeat request for the appointment record of "Chief
Clerk" Sarah Lifschitz
Zernik, PhD
Tel Aviv Encampment
Rights Alert (NGO)
* The Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission to the Human Rights Council of the United Nations was incorporated into the 2010 Periodic Review Report regarding Human Rights in the United States, with the note: "corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in California".
* The Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission to the Human Rights Council of the United Nations was incorporated into the 2010 Periodic Review Report regarding Human Rights in the United States, with the note: "corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in California".
The Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission to the Human Rights Council
of the United Nations was incorporated into the 2013 Periodic Review
Report regarding Human Rights in Israel, with the note: "lack of
integrity of the electronic records of the Supreme Court, the
district courts and the detainees courts in Israel."
1 comment:
They call me the "Israeli mini-Snowden"... :)
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