A good portion of the items were not posted by me. You guest as good as anybody's!

Equal Justice for All, and End the Tycoons' Rule. Friendly Jewiish-Arab celebration, the large police presence was ignored. Bliue and White, Red, Green, Rainbow, Red and Black flags joined together in the fight for social justice. The signs are in Hebrew, Arabic, Russian...
=== 13-07-04 US and Egypt: Thoughts on the general draft for Independence Day===
Occupy Tel Aviv Encampment, July 4th - the news from Egypt - the Egyptian military has deposed President Morsi, avoided any conflict with demonstrators.
This...See More
===13-07-31 Bradley Manning Found Guilty On Most Counts, Acquitted of 'Aiding the Enemy' -- Faces Over 100 Years in Prison===
Alex Kane, AlterNet
The military intelligence analyst was found not guilty on the most serious charge of "aiding the enemy," but was found guilty of violating the Espionage Act. READ MORE» http://act.alternet.org/go/36128?t=3&akid=10745.1117888.bCvRvI
===13-08-04 Nobel Peace Prize for Bradley Manning - please join the petition===
It would be the least we can do to right the wrong done to Manning... and to balance the disgraceful prize awarded to Obama. jz
Whistleblower Bradley Manni...See More
===Berlin: Looking for connections with Anonymous, Computer Chaos Club, Human Rights activists===
It is Saturday, so I got a couple of days to rest and get myself grounded, but Monday I got to start working... Came here to seek protection against retaliation by the Israeli and US governments, following my reports of large-scale fraud in the computer systems of courts and prisons of both nations......See More
Cleaning up my camera card, I found these pics, taken on September 30, 2013, on Hohenzollern strasse.
===13-10-31 ISRAEL: Congratulations! "Chief Clerk" of the Supreme Court resigned!===
[Pics] Asher Grunis, Dorit Beinisch, Aharon Barak - under their tenure as Presiding Justices of the Israeli Supreme Court, the justice system in Israel exp...See More
~Because when they pile on us garbage, it is a cause for celebration~
Given conditions in Occupy Tel Aviv camp, I informed city-hall today of my intention to launch a new line of dance parties: "Trash ...See More
===13-11-12 Occupy Tel Aviv: Trash roll! // מאהל המחאה: מצבת הזבל!===
Since we announced the launching of the Tel-Aviv: Trash Party line, city-hall has become much more attentive.
Today we received two "new" green garbage containers!
מאז הכ...See More
===13-12-14 Occupy Tel Aviv - Major rain storm// מאהל המחאה לאחר הסערה===
English abstract:
Folloing a major rain storm; many of the people were evacuated by Israeli MDA (Red Cross equivalent)' others by themselves/
עו"ד גבי לסקי
ח...See More
===13-12-20 Winter at Occupy Tel Aviv camp===
No electricity for months, but it makes it romantic...
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