Request pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act tries to clarify the part played by Judge Haim Galpaz in judicial fraud in Roman Zaorov's trial in the Nazareth District Court. Roman Zadorov is held by the Israeli authorities in the Shita Prison. Complaint, which was filed with the UN Human Rights Council - Working Group on Arbitrary Detention - shows that Roman Zadorov is held as purported murder convict, however, with no lawfully made Verdict, no lawfully made Sentencing, and no Arrest Decree (prescribed by Israeli law for admitting a convict to prison) at all. Criminal complaint, which was filed with the Attorney General, documents the active part of former Judge Yitzhak Cohen, Judge Esther Hellman, and Judge Avraham Avraham in such fraud. However, Judge Haim Galpaz apparently served only as a statist/extra.
Read the entire post:

Figure 1: Roman Zadorov is held by the Israeli authorities, as purported murder convict, however, with no lawfully made Verdict, no lawfully made Sentencing, and no Arrest Decree (prescribed by Israeli law for admitting a convict to prison) at all. Both the Nazareth District Court and the Supreme Court deny access to inspect decision records in his case, and both refuse to produce duly signed and certified copies of any decisions in his court files, regardless of repeat requests, pertaining to decisions, which were already purportedly published. Israeli law says "Any person is permitted to inspect decision records, which are not lawfully prohibited for publication." And the Supreme Court declared the right to inspect court records "a fundamental principle in any democratic regime... constitutional, supra-statutory..."
OccuyTLV, September 19 - Freedom of Information request has been filed today, which attempts to clarify the part played by Judge Haim Galpaz in judicial fraud in State of Israel v Roman Zadorov (502/07) in the Nazareth District Court. [1]
The request, filed today, seeks:
1. Any record, alternatively – reference for official publication in Reshumot, which documents lawful appointment of Haim Galpaz as a Judge, or Judge Emeritus in the Nazareth District Court, which was in force and effect (if it were) on September 14, 2010.
2/ Any record, which documents lawful appointment of Haim Galpaz as a member of the judicial panel in State of Israel v Roman Zadorov (502/07) in the Nazareth District Court.
3. Any record, which documents the holding of valid electronic signature, pursuant to the E-Sign Act (2001) by Haim Galpaz on September 14, 2010.
Roman Zadorov is held by the Israeli authorities in the Shita Prison. Complaint, which was filed with the UN Human Rights Council - Working Group on Arbitrary Detention - shows that Roman Zadorov is held as purported murder convict, however, with no lawfully made Verdict, no lawfully made Sentencing, and no Arrest Decree (prescribed by Israeli law for admitting a convict to prison) at all. [2]
Regardless of lengthy efforts, no lawfully made judgment records of the Nazareth District Court have been discovered to this date. The September 14, 2010 judgment records are patently invalid (Figure 2).
Regardless of lengthy efforts, no lawfully made judgment records of the Nazareth District Court have been discovered to this date. The September 14, 2010 judgment records are patently invalid (Figure 2).

Figure 2: The Judges in State of Israel v Roman Zadorov (502/07) in the Nazareth District Court - Haim Galpaz, Esther Hellman, and Yitzhak Cohen (not facing indictment on sex crimes). Hellman and Cohen were clearly active partners in the Fraud Upon the Court. Galpaz was apparently only a statist/extra.
The "Judgment Docket" in Net-HaMishpat - IT system of the Court - fails to list the September 14, 2010 "Verdict" and "Sentencing" records.
The "Judgment Docket" in Net-HaMishpat - IT system of the Court - fails to list the September 14, 2010 "Verdict" and "Sentencing" records.
Figure 3:
תמונה 3: מדינת ישראל נ רומן זדורוב (502/07) בבית המשפט המחוזי נצרת – כרטיסיית "פסקי דין" בנט-המשפט-גישת הציבור – אינה מראה רישום של הכרעת הדין וגזר הדין משנת 2010. פסק הדין המשלים משנת 2014 נרשם כ"הוראה לבא כוח נאשמים להגיש ייפוי כוח".
נשיא בית המשפט המחוזי נצרת אברהם אברהם, המזכירה הראשית אשרת אביכזר, והנהלת בתי המשפט מסרבים להשיב:
(i) מי מחזיק כדין בסמכות ועל מי מוטלת כדין החובה לרשום את פסקי הדין תחת כרטיסיית "פסקי דין" במערכת "נט המשפט" בבית המשפט המחוזי נצרת?
(ii) האם רישום כתב בית דין כ"פסק דין", "הכרעת דין", ו/או "גזר דין" תחת כרטיסיית "פסקי דין" במערכת "נט המשפט" אומר שהוא אכן פסק דין עשוי כדין ובר תוקף באותו תיק?
(iii) האם אי רישום כתב בית דין כ"פסק דין", "הכרעת דין", ו/או "גזר דין" תחת כרטיסיית "פסקי דין" במערכת "נט המשפט" אומר שאינו פסק דין עשוי כדין ובר תוקף באותו תיק?
תקנות בתי המשפט – משרד רישום (1936) מתקופת המנדט הבריטי הורו על חובת המזכיר הראשי לגבי "שמירה מצוינת של התיקים והפנקסים", בוכלל החובה לרישום פסקי הדין. לעומת זאת, תקנות בתי המשפט- מזכירות (2004), שתוקנו במקביל למעבר לניהול תיקים אלקטרוניים בבתי המשפט, בטלו את התקנות משנת 1936, את חובת המכיר הראשי לגבי שמירה מצוינת של התיקים והפנקסים, וכל חובה לרישום פסקי הדין. על סמך עניינים אלה בפני עצמם, יחשבו בתי המשפט בישראל קרוב לוודאי בתי משפט בלתי כשירים. בוודאי שאינם יכולים להיחשב בתי משפט שבכתב (COURTS OF RECORD).
שתי גרסאות של "גזר הדין" מיום 14 לספטמבר, 2010, נמצאו:* הגרסה האחת נמצאה בעיון בתיק הנייר (כתבי מקור) של הערעור רומן זדורוב נ מדינת ישראל (7939/10), והוגשה עם הודעת הערעור באוקטובר 2010.
* הגרסה השנייה נמצאה בעת עיון במזכירות בית המשפט המחוזי נצרת, לאחר בקשה לעיון ב"פסקי דין עשויים כדין".
שתי הגרסאות נחזות כתדפיסים ממערכת "נט-המשפט". אולם ההבדלים הבולטים בין שתי הגרסאות, מצביעים על כך שהכתב לא נחתם מעולם בחתימה אלקטרונית בשנת 2010. יתרה מזאת, למרות שהגרסה משנת 2016 נושאת "חתימות גראפיות" חסרות תוקף של השופטים יצחק כהן ואסתר הלמן, שתי הגרסאות אינן נושאות כל צורת חתימה של השופט חיים גלפז.
Figure 4: State of Israel v Roman Zadorov (502/07) in the Nazareth District Court: Two versions of the September 14, 2010 "Sentencing" record - a) Version which was filed with the Notice of Appeal in the Supreme Court in October 2010. b) Version which was printed out from Net-HaMishpat during inspection in the Office of the Clerk in 2016, following request for inspection of "lawfully made judgment records". For Judge Haim Galpaz not even the invalid "graphic signature" appears on either version... With it, the difference between the two versions, both of which appear as printouts from Net-HaMishpat, indicate that the records was not electronically signed.
___Moreover, while the Judge Cohen's Court Calendar shows the holding of a hearing, where the "Verdict" and "Sentencing" were purportedly read in open court, Judge Hellman's Court Calednar shows that she held seven (7) different hearings during the same time. On the other hand, Judge Galpaz, who was already in Emeritus status, has no Court Calendar at all...

Figure 5: According to the Calendar of the Nazareth District Court, Judge Esther Hellman purportedly conducted seven (7) different hearings during the reading of Roman Zadorov's "Verdict" and "Sentencing" in open court... Judge Haim Galpaz, on the other hand, has no Court Calendar at all...
____Presiding Judge of the Nazareth District Court Avraham Avraham stubbornly denies access to electronic signature data (if they exist at all) of the "Verdict" and "Sentencing" records. However, his decision in this matter, and Response by State Prosecution - Attorney Shila Inbar (Figure 7), beg for an explanation, and should be deemed direct evidence of withholding evidence.

Figure 6: Presiding Judge of the Nazareth District Court Avraham Avraham and State Prosecutor - Attorney Shila Inbar - collude in withholding evidence of Fraud Upon the Court in State of Israel v Roman Zadorov (502/07) in the Nazareth District Court.

Figure 7: a) : State of Israel v Roman Zadorov (502/07) - Judge Avraham
January 25, 2016 Decision on Request to Inspect paper decision records
(original records). The Request was conducted in patent violation of the
law, which permits inspection in previously published decision with no
request process at all, and does not provide the judges any discretion
to adjudicate the matter.
Judge Avraham's Decision says:
... these are not requests to inspect, but an investigation by the
Requester of the validity and operations of Net-HaMishpat system and
various other claims relative to conduct of the judicial panel in
instant court file. In such matters, this Court shall not engage...
b) State of Israel v Roman Zadorov (502/07)
in the Nazareth District Court - the secret January 26, 2016 filing by
North District Attorney Office - Attorney Shila Inbar - on request to
inspect the paper decision records (original records ) in this case. Attorney Shila Inbar's secret filing in the Nazareth District Court in part says
The nature of the requests is unclear, and it appears that their purpose is to establish conspiracy theories pertaining to instant court file and/or the justice system in general... The Requester is trying to abuse the term "Right to Inspect"... The Requester has not been appointed Ombudsman of the Courts yet...
The Israeli Supreme Court today holds the paper court file in State of Israel v Roman Zadorov (502/07) from the Nazareth District Court. The Supreme Court colludes in withholding the evidence of Fraud Upon the Court as well: Denying access to inspect the decisions in the paper court file under the reasoning of a "jumble" in the court file... (Figure 8).

Additional evidence of the fraud in the Nazareth District Court in this court file origiaate in the refusal of the Court to supply a duly signed and certified copy of any of its decision in the same court file, regardless of repeat requests.
The Supreme Court, on the other hand, provided only forgeries in response on repeat requests for duly signed and certified copies of its decisions in this matter (Figures 8-9).
Regardless, a criminal complaint, which was filed with the Attorney General against former Judge Yitzhak Cohen, Judge Esther Hellman, and Judge Avraham Avraham provides indisputable evidence of fraud, perversion of court records, perversion of court process, and breach of loyalty. [3]
It remains to be see how the Administration of Courts would respond on the Freedom of Information request, filed today, pertaining to Judge Haim Galpaz's part in this affair.
The Roman Zadorov Affair exposed unprecedented incompetence and/or corruption of the justice and law enforcement system in Israel.
The Ukrainian Roman Zadorov affair in Israel today is a mirror image of the Jewish Mendel Beilis affair in the Ukrain a century ago...
[1] 2016-09-19 FOIA Requests on the Administration of Courts - Judge Haim Galpaz, Judge Nili Maymon, Ms Lilach Yitzhak, Mr Raed Khatib
[2] 2016-07-11 In RE: Roman Zadorov - Ukrainian citizen held in Israel - Complain filed with the UN Human Rights Council - Working Group on Arbitrary Detention
[2] 2016-07-11 In RE: Roman Zadorov - Ukrainian citizen held in Israel - Complain filed with the UN Human Rights Council - Working Group on Arbitrary Detention
[3] 2016-08-08 Criminal Complaint against fromer Judge Yitzhak Cohen, Judges Esther Hellman and Avraham Avraham, filed with Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit
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