Already last summer, former Justice Minister, Prof Daniel Friedman testified in the Knesset's Constitution, Law and Justice Committee: "It is impossible that the Attorney General would say: The State is Me. He cannot determine the law of the State. He cannot shut the mouths of the entire State, not let anybody express their opinion...." Civil Rights and the nature of the regime are not guaranteed by anything or anybody - except the determination of the people!
Read the complete post:
Event Page: "Like every Saturday night - at the Attorney General's in Petah-Tikvah"

OccupyTLV, January 25 - repeat notice was forwarded this morning to Police Commander Barak Mordechai, regarding appearance of activists in Eliezer Roi Street next Saturday night, January 28, 2017.
Mordechai has not responded to this date on a previous notice, forwarded to him on Sunday, January 22. The previous notice, and likewise today's notice, also asked for explanations regarding police violent conduct against Menny Naftali and others, regarding denial of public access to Eliezer Roi Street, and regarding denial of the right to protest against AG Mabdelblit on location in previous weeks.
The protest against AG Mandelblit started in the wake of his conduct relative to criminal investigations and law enforcement on senior officers of the various arms of government. It is almost certain that police conduct and violence against the protesters originates in direct instructions by AG Mandelblit himself. Therefore, conditions, which have been established show even more serious problems with the AG's conduct - fundamental lack of compliance with Civil Rights, and undermining of lawful regime.
Yielding to arbitrary, capricious, violent conduct by police under instruction of AG Avichai Mandelblit amounts to yielding our fundamental Civil Rights. Yielding such rights redefines the nature of the regime in Israel.
Fundamental rights are not guaranteed by anybody - except for the people's determination to exercise them!
In the meanwhile, a new event was opened in Facebook: "Like every Saturday Night- at the Attorney General's in Petah-Tikvah" - wiht emphasis on exercising fundamental rights and non-violent Civil Disobedience - refusal to yield to arbitrary conduct by the authorities:
Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit is engaged in misprision of felonies in all branches of government - starting with PM Netanyahu and his wife, Sara Netanyahu, through members of Knesset, and ending with judges, senior prosecutors and police officers. Does anybody still remembers that Menashe Arbiv - "Head of the Israeli FBI" - was caught taking bribes, but has never been prosecuted? At present, when AG Mandelblit's conduct generates public protest, and justly so, AG Mandelblit tries to employ the police to deny fundamental Civil Rights... Already last summer, former Justice Minister, Prof Daniel Friedman testified in the Knesset's Constitution, Law and Justice Committee: "It is impossible that the Attorney General would say: The State is Me. He cannot determine the law of the State. He cannot shut the mouths of the entire State, not let anybody express their opinion...."
Our response: Non-violent Civil Disobedience! Martin Luther King answered clearly on a similar situation in the US in the 1960's: Let's fill up the jails!
Following is the complete repeat request that has been sent today:
Commander Barak Mordechai
Station Commander, Israel Police
Stemperer Street, Petah Tikvah
2nd Notice and request for clarification in re:
Petah-Tikvah police conduct and instructions by the Attorney General
regarding demonstrations against the Attorney General in Petah-Tikvah
response without further delay is kindly requested. Time is of the
Commander Mordechai:
January 22, 2017, I forwarded to you the first notice and request for
clarification, referenced above.
notice pertained to my intention to arrive at Eliezer Roi Street on
Saturday, January 28, 2017, around 19:00, with the intention of
singing in the street, alone, or with others.
the time frame, I requested you response within 48 hours. No
response has been received to this date.
order to prevent recurrence of arbitrary, capricious and violent
conduct of police against law abiding citizens, I herein request your
response without further delay.
Zernik, PhD
Rights Alert (NGO)
Israeli Association for Civil
Rights, Prof Daniel
Friedman, activists, wide
[1] Prof
Daniel Friedman: The Attorney General cannot shut the mouths of the
entire state, let nobody state their opinions. Committee News,
Knesset Constitution, Law, and Justice Committee
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