U.S. District Court - Los Angeles - Public Integrity, or Lack Thereof...
Request for response either from Terry Nafisi, alternatively - from Section on Public Integrity at the U.S. Department of Justice:
1) Regarding the Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus Fine v Sheriff (2:09-cv-01914):
I have raised concerns regarding the integrity of handling of the paper record that was the Habeas Corpus Petition of Atty Richard Fine, filed on March 19/20, 2009.
- Sharon McGee, a brave woman, Supervisor at the Clerk's Office, informed me that she concurred with my concerns.
- I then filed a request for investigation with Clerk of the Court Terry Nafisi.
- No response was ever received.
- Consequently, I visited the Office of the Clerk on September 18, 2009, and hand delivered a written request to access the Petition record to inspect and to copy.
- The Duty Clerk denied my request, claiming that the paper record had been shredded.
- I consequently filed a request to access, to inspect and to copy the records of the shredding of the petition.
- No reseponse was ever received...
- Was the petition indeed shredded by Septeember 18, 2009, less than 6 months from the date of filing?
- If so - was that pursuant to standard procedures?
- If so- can the record of the shredding be accessed?
- If not - why am I denied for months access to this record?
- Why is the Clerk of the U.S. Court avoiding answering the questions?
- Is she taking the 5th?
- If there was any wrongdoing involved, was Clerk Chris Sawyer part of it
- If there was any wrongdoing involved, was Courtroom Assistant Donna Thomas part of it?
- Was Donna Thomas, Courtroom Assistant Donna Thomas operating within her authority in transactions on records noted in the docket?
- If there was any wrongdoing, was Magistrate Carla Woehrle part of it?
Concerns have been raised in the past regarding alleged criminality in the conduct of Pro Se Clerk Chris Sawyer relative to the case number desingation in this case, and relative to the adulteration of Summons, and refusal to issue valid summons.
Additional concerns were raised regarding the elimination of records from the docket with no procedure and no documentation. About 20 papers material to the case were eliminated, some are recorded in my filing #104.
- Was there any criminality in the conduct of Chris Sawyer relative to the case number desingation?
- Was there any criminatlity in the conduct of Chris Sawyer regarding adutleration of summons on March 5, 2008?
- Was there any criminality inthe conduct of Chris Sawyer regarding refusal to issue valid Summons later on?
- Was the elimination of paper filed by Plaintiff Joseph Zernik from the docket in compliance with the law?
- Were transactions made by Donna Thomas in the docket within her authority?
- Chris Sawyer claimed that the denial to issue summons was by order of Magistrate Carla Woehrle, if that was indeed the case, was there any criminatlity in her conduct?
Requests Addressed to IG-DOJ in re: NEFs in both cases:
- The Government of the U.S. is kindly requested to safeguard my right to access court records, to inspect and to copy relative to the NEFs in both cases ASAP.
- Both of these cases were invalid, ineffectual court actions, as the records show. Therefore, the Government of the U.S. is kindly requested to immediately free Atty Richard Fine, and immediately return my property at 320 South Peck Drive, Beverly Hills to my possession.
"This case should demonstrate that the FBI will pursue all allegations of judicial corruption vigorously, as public corruption violations are among the most serious of all criminal conduct and can tear at the fabric of a democratic society," said John F. Pikus, special agent in charge of the Albany division, in a prepared statement.
This statement by the FBI, about pursuing all allegations of judicial corruption vigorously ? What a hat full of hooey that is. Another fine example of our governments severe problem with truth. Everything that spews forth from our "leaders" is a blatant lie, everything. Nobody, that holds a governmental position,is ever even remotely honest, look at Obama, this guy lies out both sides of his face. All that crap he laid on nice and thick, during his campaign, went right out the window as soon as he took that oath. "Transparent government" my butt, he's even more secretive than dubya. He's never "lead" anything, his entire political experience, he got ONE bill passed in his name, one. He thinks the federal reserve is his personal bank account. Bottom line, our country has been infiltrated by terrorists within our government. Yesiree, "all enemies, foreign, and domestic". The situation in Los Angeles, is pretty much all the proof we should need, to see, we have an inner enemy, a cancer, eating away at our freedom. How are we gonna stop a runaway corrupt judicial system? Short of force?
Needless to say - this site does not advocate the use of force. This site advocates free love - the true California tradition...
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