Scanning of the database shows that civil cases that were falsely linked by number to criminal "MJ" cases, are much more likely to be perverted.
Example #1:
Select a case:
Example #2:
Select a case:

1) What are the Rules of Court regarding Case Number Assignments?
2) It appears that the Los Angeles court hears unusually high numbers of MJ Duty cases by various agencies, some - regarding the transport of persons and things. Is it possible that the Los Angeles Court has become a clearing house for such cases?
3) Is there possibly a connection between the conduct of MJ Woehrle in the civil cases and her activity in MJ cases?
"This case should demonstrate that the FBI will pursue all allegations of judicial corruption vigorously, as public corruption violations are among the most serious of all criminal conduct and can tear at the fabric of a democratic society," said John F. Pikus, special agent in charge of the Albany division, in a prepared statement.
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