Date: Fri, 04 Dec 2009 18:53:19 -0800
To: "Ron "
From: joseph zernik
Subject: Re: RICHARD A Posner is A Judge of the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals & close personal friend of Chief Judge Kozinski. He is also a Professor of Law. You refer to him as Prof Posner. You must refer to him as Judge Posner in your postings & emails..
At 01:22 03/12/2009, you wrote:
December 4, 2009
Dear Atty Gottchalk:
Thanks for your notice, and I am glad to see that you figured out two of the four reasons that Prof Richard Posner was explicitly listed, among all law school faculty that were copied:
a) He was a scholar
b) He was a good friend of Alex Kozinski
c) He was both judicially and scholarly interested in law and economics, and the causes of the current crisis.
d) He clerked with the late William J. Brennan, Jr, author of Fay v Noia (1963), who wrote:
"The basic principle of the Great Writ of habeas corpus is that, in a civilized society... if the imprisonment cannot be shown to conform with the fundamental requirements of law, the individual is entitled to his immediate release".
In running his Kozinski Fraud on Richard Fine - Alex Kozinski allowed continued false imprisonment with not even a warrant, conviction, or sentencing.
Judge v Prof
However, for an experienced attorney, you failed to provide the foundation for the "must" in your message. I was addressing Prof Richard Posner as an academician, which he chose to be, on top of his judicial appointment. In fact, I doubt that I would have ever had any interest in communicating with him, had I not looked up his academic profile first, and publication list. My initial interest was triggered, in fact, by the Op Ed piece in The New York Times... He signed it neither a "Judge Richard Posner", nor as "Prof Richard Posner", but only as "Richard A Posner, Chicago"...
As far as honorifics go - in my opinion "Prof Posner" by far exceeded "Judge Posner". That was the spirit in which it was written, and I hope that it was similarly read. After all, I considered most of the LA Superior Court judges as criminals - members of the LA-JR (LA Judiciary Racket), as well as some of the judicial officers of the U.S. District Court, Los Angeles. e.g. Magistrate Carla Woehrle.
Obviously I was aware of Prof Posner's friendship with Alex Kozinski and his appreciation of the latter's smarts- it made Prof Posner the one, who was most likely to be able to talk Alex Kozinski into resigning. Smarts was necessary, but not sufficient for the job of Judge. It required also some level of integrity.
Kozinski Frauds are commonplace in the U.S. courts today
The Kozinski Fraud., perpetrated by Alex Kozinski on Richard Fine affected False Imprisonment. That fraud was part of the Kozinski Culture - a deviant culture that saw no wrong and no fault in issuing fraudulent court orders and judgments, as long as such orders were invalid and ineffectual... If a judge crossed his/her fingers behind the back... then fraud was allowed. Kozinski's immediate resignation would be the only way to demonstrate that such culture was not the accepted norm of integrity among judges in the U.S. I believe that Prof Posner realized that fact as well.
I was and am a lay person, writing in lay parlance... I was and am allowed to call a lie a lie and to call a fraud a fraud - when not a single attorneys in Los Angeles was to be found, who would go on the record in re: false imprisonment of a colleague - Richard Fine - continued to this date through the Kozinski Fraud.
My personal experience with Kozinski Frauds.
In legal records I, likewise, never signed as an Attorney. However, in a Kozinski Fraud - a fraudulent, yet invalid Court Order by a judge, who double as a top organized crime figure - Jacqueline Connor - it was ruled otherwise:
One of the forged records of the Los Angeles Superior Court, in Samaan v Zernik was an Opposition to Motion for Summary Judgment. It was not unique either - a similar perversion could be found in Galdjie v Darwish. The paper was signed in my name, designating me as "Attorney In Pro Per". I ,of course, would never sign with such designation. On top - the forged paper was missing my digital signature, all of which I made abundantly clear in my objection to the presence of such paper in the court file. Jacqueline Connor, who falsely and fraudulently appeared as judge in the case, ruled that it was my signature, and my paper...
In the same hearing in the same case, as trier of facts, she also ruled as authentic another forgery. Multiple signatures of Victor Parks - Pacific Mortgage Consultants loan broker, and Countrywide's "business partner" appeared in various records of Countrywide and Nivie Samaan. Not one of them was authentic. I presented samples of his authentic signatures, which were not even close to the forged signatures in the court file and in Countrywide's records. Judge Connor denied any claims of fraud in the matter. When Jacqueline Connor, one of the smartest judges of the LA Superior Court, by all accounts, decided to go criminal, and be "duped" by false evidence, she surely was persistent, and nothing could stand in her way... That was the reason that I claimed that evidence from the civil courts regarding the criminality of Jacqueline Connor, required immediate investigation of her conduct in the Rampart scandal. She was and is in fact the central figure in organized crime in Los Angeles, particularly - in control of illicit drug markets. And she was the one who perverted the First Rampart Trial (2000) as well.
Three Victor Parks signatures.
Fraud related to such signatures was used in:
a) A prequalification letter -opined as fraud by expert - to induce assent to contract, and
b) In loan applications - to file false and fraudulent records for government-backed mortgage loans.
Judge Connor in a Kozinski Fraud ruled no fraud was found in the matter.

A. Authentic Victor Parks hand signature in court declaration

B. Southern California forgery

C. Northern California forgery
Judge Jacqueline Connor, was only running through the routine of Kozinski Frauds in this case - she issued a series of fraudulent orders and a judgment, albeit - all invalid and ineffectual - to perpetrate real estate fraud. She had of course her share of false imprisonments as well. The two - Real Estate Frauds, and False Imprisonments were deemed as the LA-JR's claims to fame. After all, if Kozinski was allowed to run Kozinski frauds, why not Connor? What's good for the goose is good for the gander...
In between we had the sub-prime crisis, which was the subject of the Op Ed piece by Prof Richard Posner. He claimed that it could not be fixed, unless Banking Regulation was fixed. My comment to him was that the Sub-Prime Crisis was in fact a general Integrity Crisis, and the Courts and law-enforcement were smack in the heart of it.
I hope I made it clear enough why Prof Richard Posner was a greater show of respect than Judge Richard Posner.
Joe Zernik (in lay parlance)
1) Prof Richard Posner
2) Various other law faculty
3) U.N. High Commissioner on Human Rights
4) Basel Accords Committee
5) Glenn A Fine - Inspector General of the U.S. Justice Department, Investigation Division
1) Check out new entry in Wikipedia - Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF) The NEFs are the quintessential instrument of Kozinski frauds in U.S. Courts today - through their omission from PACER.
2) Check out the new "cluster map", copied below, on blog:
People from the frozen tundras of Russia to the rice paddies of southeastern Asia and the outback in Australia, figured out what I was writing about - rampant corruption of the U.S. judiciary. It was only among U.S. judges, attorneys, and U.S. Department of Justice, that the notion appeared to be lost... I am still seeking more readership in the southern hemisphere...
"This case should demonstrate that the FBI will pursue all allegations of judicial corruption vigorously, as public corruption violations are among the most serious of all criminal conduct and can tear at the fabric of a democratic society," said John F. Pikus, special agent in charge of the Albany division, in a prepared statement.
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