Wednesday, December 8, 2010

10-12-07 Request for investigation, impeachment of RUBY KRAJICK, Clerk of the Court, US District Court, Southern District of New York // Solicitud de juicio político al Secretario del Tribunal de Justicia de EE.UU., Nueva York // 请求美国法院对纽约书记弹劾

Los Angeles, December 8 – Human Rights Alert (NGO) and Joseph Zernik, PhD, filed a request [[i]] with Congressman John Conyers, Jr, Chair - House Committee on the Judiciary, Senator Patrick Leahy, Chair -  Senate Committee on the Judiciary, and Congresswoman Louise McIntosh Slaughter, Chair - House Committee on Rules, for investigation and if appropriate – impeachment proceedings against RUBY KRAJICK, Clerk of the US Court, Southern District of New York.
The request alleged that conduct of Clerk RUBY KRAJICK violated her Oath of Office, including, but not limited to: denial of access to the courts, denial of public access to court records, deprivation of rights under the color of law, and/or misprision of felonies; therefore - impeachable offences.
The case records and the reports, which were provided with the request, documented RUBY KRAJICK’s collusion with US Judge JED RAKOFF and others in the conduct of pretense litigation under the caption of Securities and Exchange Commission v Bank of America Corporation (1:09-cv-06829) and the publication of false and deliberately misleading docket and judicial records in a matter of the highest public policy significance. 
The request detailed litigation pertaining to a matter, which was independently investigated by State of New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, and was summed up in his April 23, 2009 letter to US Congress. [[ii]]  Following release of the letter analysts reported on the matter under headlines such as ‘Let the Criminal Indictments Begin: Paulson, Bernanke, Lewis’, ‘Bigger Than Watergate?’, and ‘Cuomo Unveils Paulson, Bernanke, Lewis Conspiracy’.  However, in contrast with such analysts’ opinions, none of the perpetrators suffered any material consequence so far.
In the US District Court, Southern District of New York, the office of Clerk RUBY KRAJICK initiated a docket for Securities and Exchange Commission v Bank of America Corporation (1:09-cv-06829), where:
a)      Summons was listed as issued, but was not docketed, in apparent violation of Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, and access to the Summons, to inspect and to copy, was denied.
b)      No Assignment Order for Judge JED RAKOFF was found.
c)      All court proceedings (a total of 19) were falsely docketed: either not listed at all, or listed with no minutes and no docket number.
d)      Entries were made in the docket by unauthorized personnel.
e)      No Motions were docketed, whereas Orders were purportedly issued ruling on such Motions.
f)        Access to all Clerk’s authentication/attestation records (NEFs – Notices of Electronic Filing) is denied, in apparent violation of First Amendment rights.
g)      A Final Consent Judgment was published, albeit with no attestation/authentication by the Clerk of the Court.
The request further stated that conduct of the pretense litigation by RUBY KRAJICK and others undermined Banking Regulation and covered-up alleged criminality by Bank of America Corporation and its senior officers as well as alleged criminality by senior US officers.
The request further noted that conduct of Clerk RUBY KRAJICK also reflected structural deficiencies in the integrity of the United States courts:
a)      Lack of accountability of the Clerks of the Courts for the integrity of the electronic court records.
b)      Lack of validity and integrity of PACER and CM/ECF as electronic court administration systems.
The request also outlined proposed corrective measures by US Congress relative to such deficiencies:
a)      Restoring provisions of the Salary Act of 1919 - placing the clerks under the authority of the US Attorney General.
b)      Enacting federal rules for the electronic administration of the courts.
The request was copied to Congressman Barney Frank, Chair - House Financial Services Committee, Senator Christopher Dodd, Chair - Senate Banking Committee, Senator Carl Levin, Chair - Senate Investigations Committee, Senator Dianne Feinstein, the Basel Accords Committee (on international banking), various national central banks, and the United Nations Human Rights Council, Working Group on the 2010 Universal Periodic Review of Human Rights in the United States.
Notice was given for attorney for SEC, in hope that they would initiate true litigation in the matter and enforce the law.
Human Rights Alert called upon media, who extensively reported on the matter, to press the Court for release of the attestation/authentication records (NEFs) in the case pursuant to First Amendment rights – to allow the public to ascertain the true nature of the litigation.
Human Rights Alert previously filed a request for investigation and impeachment proceedings against Judge JED RAKOFF of the same US Court, pertaining to the same matter. [[iii]]
Human Rights Alert is dedicated to discovering, archiving, and disseminating evidence of Human Rights violations by the justice systems of the State of California and the United States in Los Angeles County, California, and beyond. Human Rights Alert focuses on the unique role of computerized case management systems in the precipitous deterioration of the integrity of the justice system in the United States.

[i] 10-12-08 Request for Investigation, Impeachment of RUBY KRAJICK, Clerk of the Court, US District Court, Southern District of New York
[ii]  April 23, 2009 State of New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo Letter to US Congress and Attachments-s
[iii] 10-12-05 Request for investigation, impeachment proceedings where appropriate, in re: US Judges JED RAKOFF, VIRGINIA PHILLIPS, JOHN WALTER, and US Magistrate CARLA WOEHRLE – for conduct, which undermined Banking Regulation and/or Human Rights in the United States

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