From an online discussion group:
On 08/14/2013 12:55 PM, Joseph Zernik, Human Rights Alert (NGO) wrote:
Seeing the piece below, I remember hearing Greider in a public appearance in LA some 15 years ago. His message was absurd: Today's true communists are Wall Streett bankers (it was well before they were renamed Banksters).
His reasoning - they are working successfully to unite all workers of the world, by making them all equally poor!jz____
August 4th, 2013: Matt Taibbi and William Greider
August 9th, 2013 by mgoodfriendMark Walsh and Dave Zirin are in the ring with guests Matt Taibbi and William Greider.Bill Greider, the granddaddy of uber-journalists, with more than 35 years of experience reporting for publications like Rolling Stone, the Washington Post and many others, takes time from his job as National Affairs Correspondent for The Nation Magazine to tell us why Larry Summers must not be the next Fed Chief, among other things…
Have you seen or heard a bout Diana West' new book AMERICAN BETRAYAL: The Secret Assault on Our Nations's Character (2013)? and the dust up over it?
If so, any comment?
If not, here is here the link to her website which references both dust up and the book. And here is a link to the book. And the wikipedia link for her.
After review, any comment?
She is also wrote THE DEATH OF THE GROWN-UP: How America's Arrested Development is Bringing Down Western Civilization (2007) which I have referenced several times on this site/blog. GLZ.
Have you seen or heard a bout Diana West' new book AMERICAN BETRAYAL: The Secret Assault on Our Nations's Character (2013)? and the dust up over it?
If so, any comment?
If not, here is here the link to her website which references both dust up and the book. And here is a link to the book.
After review, any comment?
She is also wrote THE DEATH OF THE GROWN-UP: How America's Arrested Development is Bringing Down Western Civilization (2007) which I have referenced several times on this site/blog. GLZ.
Dr Charles Lincoln claims that securitization of mortgage notes personifies Communism.� Lincoln and Greider are both bozos, or have screws loose in their estimable cognitions.� Or they just want to hear themselves philosophize.
The principle of debt, including its derivatives, has absolutely nothing to do with Communism.� People who say otherwise offer bupkis for supporting evidence.� They might as well claim that dogs are chickens because when you eat either, your belly gets full.
Communism makes all but the rulers paupers, and so does debt.� But free people don't volunteer for Communism to rule them, and government kills those involuntary slaves who don't go along.� By contrast, in debt the slaves volunteer out of selfish motive to possess some benefit NOW that might otherwise require years of saving to afford.� What do debt and Communism have in common?� The fact that delusional idealists and crooked con artists promote it.
The principle of debt, including its derivatives, has absolutely nothing to do with Communism.� People who say otherwise offer bupkis for supporting evidence.� They might as well claim that dogs are chickens because when you eat either, your belly gets full.
Communism makes all but the rulers paupers, and so does debt.� But free people don't volunteer for Communism to rule them, and government kills those involuntary slaves who don't go along.� By contrast, in debt the slaves volunteer out of selfish motive to possess some benefit NOW that might otherwise require years of saving to afford.� What do debt and Communism have in common?� The fact that delusional idealists and crooked con artists promote it.
Let me do Greider some justice, because bozo he is not!
This was the early 90's. US car workers had huge surplas in retirement funds, and Wall Steet was investing it in "Emerging Markets", building car and other manufacturing capabilities there, while letting US manufacturing die (this was years before Michael Moore's Fargo).
China was then still an "emerging market", and Japan was perceived as the great threat... (who would have known that Japan would destroy itself through Fukushima then...)
Greider argued that such policies, which claimed that the future of America was as a "service economy" (meaning mostly financial services...) would empoverish American workers, while lifting the standard of living of third world workers.
Therefore, Wall Street was uniting workers of the world...
He was of course right on the money...
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