Sunday, March 22, 2015

2015-03-20 ISRAEL: Leftist writer Yehonatan Geffen assaulted at home

2015-03-20 ISRAEL: Leftist writer Yehonatan Geffen assaulted at home
The past year has seen dramatic increase in violence by extreme right-wing elements. Bibi's election campaign was also seen as incitement against leftists, just like his incitement for the murder of Rabin...
In the past: explosive device was planted in the home of an elderly, award winning history professor, who specializes in the history of fascism in Europe of the 20th century...
אלמוני שדפק על דלתו של הסופר כינה אותו "שמאלני" ו"בוגד", ולאחר מכן השליך...

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