Sunday, June 5, 2011

11-06-05 America's bankers as gangsters... // Los banqueros de Estados Unidos como delincuentes ... // 作为黑帮美国的银行家...

Dr. Cornel West: Greetings From a 21st-Century Prophet
Max Eternity, Truthout: "Even after the ... hip, hip, hurrah of President Obama's ordered assassination of Osama bin Laden, a cornucopia of catastrophic socioeconomic horrors still face this nation... endless war, long-term unemployment, swelling prison populations and multiple years of record-breaking home foreclosures... But they won't be here to stay if a certain brilliant, black man of prophetic word and deed can help it - namely, Dr. Cornel West. West equates America's banking elite with gangsters and deplores President Obama's choice to surround himself with their minions... This well-heeled phalanx of criminals is, in West's view, to blame for many, if not most, of America's current ills."
Read the Article

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