===14-01-20 #OccupyTLV: Health data submitted to Architect Sharon Rotbard - Bezalel // נתוני בריאות מתומצתים הועברו לאדר' שרון רוטברד- בצלאל
[English below]
The camp was established in its current location pursuant to a signed agreement with the Tel Aviv Municipality. The main reason for moving it from its original location was the existence of toilets and water source in the current location.
However, consistent and intentional actions by the Tel-Aviv Municipality have turned the OccupyTLV camp into a health hazard, where morbidity and hospitalizations, and the types of diseases are unreasonable from public health perspective.
The camp uses non-potable water for drinking, cooking, washing for a number of months, after the Municipality disconnected the potable water source.
A toilet structure was demolished, and a substandard facility was built instead, with sewage running around the place.
Conduct of Tel Aviv Municipality in the camp should deemed serious violation of Human Rights.
Moreover, one should view the camp as reflecting the attitude of the authorities and anticipated outcomes when tent neighborhoods will pop up in cities across Israel with deteriorating socio-economic conditions, due to deliberate government policies of robbing the people.
Basic health data for 2013
In a camp of about 100 persons, mostly stable residents:
1) One middle-aged man passed away in the night (probably heart attack)
2) Another middle-aged man was hospitalized in intensive care unit for a long period.
3) A man in his 20s was hospitalized for overdose.
4) At least half a dozen persons were hospitalized for a short time or a few days for infections.
5) Two cases of forced psychiatric confinement, one should be deemed in violation of Human Rights.
6) 3-4 cases of long term imprisonment (to be distinguished from short detention)
Footnote on hospitalizations due to infections:
Most of the cases originated in skin infections, which turned systemic. There is room to suspect that we experienced here last summer a small epidemic of
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The infections are also correlated with amphetamine use and the deplorable sanitation situation probably contributed as well.
[English below]
פעולות עקביות ומכוונות של העיריה הפכו את מאהל המחאה למפגע תברואתי, בו רמת התחלואה, האשפוזים, וסוגי המחלות אינם סבירים מבחינת בריאות הציבור. המאהל משתמש לשתייה, בישול ורחצה במי השקייה מזה חודשים, לאחר שהעיריה ניתקה את מקור מי השתייה. יש לראות בהתנהלות עיריית ת"א בעניין הפרת בוטה של זכויות האדם. יתרה מזאת, יש לראות במאהל מעין מעבדה לגישת הרשויות והתוצאות המצופות, לפני הופעת גל של מאהלים בערים שונות.
נתוני בריאות בסיסיים - הערכה לשנת 2013
במאהל בו שוהים כ-100 נפשות, רובם קבועים:
1) גבר בגיל העמידה נפטר לפני מספר שבועות בלילה - כנראה מהתקף לב
2) גבר שני בגיל העמידה אושפז לתקופה ממושכת בטיפול נמרץ (כנראה אירוע לבבי ג"כ).
3) גבר בשנות ה-20 פונה לחדר מיון בשל מיונון יתר של סם.
4) לפחות חצי תריסר אנשים פונו לאשפוז קצר או מספר ימים לטיפול בזיהוימים.
5) 2 מקרים של אשפוז פסיכיאטרי בכפיה, אחד מהם נראה לי כעברה חמורה על זכויות האדם.
6) 4-3 מאסרים ממושכים (להבדיל ממעצרים לטווח קצר).
הערה נוספת לגבי האשפוזים הרבים עקב זיהומים:
ברובם היו אלה זיהומי העור וכו, שהגיעו לכלל זיהום כללי, והצריכו אשפוז. יש מקום לחשש, שמה שראינו כאן בקיץ שעבר היה מגפה קטנה של החיידק העקשן
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
זיהומים של חיידק זה הם בקשר משמעותי עם צריכת אמפטמינים. אין צורך להוסיף, שרמת הסניטציה המחפירה קרוב לודאי היה לה חלק בגרימת מגפה זאת.
The camp was established in its current location pursuant to a signed agreement with the Tel Aviv Municipality. The main reason for moving it from its original location was the existence of toilets and water source in the current location.
However, consistent and intentional actions by the Tel-Aviv Municipality have turned the OccupyTLV camp into a health hazard, where morbidity and hospitalizations, and the types of diseases are unreasonable from public health perspective.
The camp uses non-potable water for drinking, cooking, washing for a number of months, after the Municipality disconnected the potable water source.
A toilet structure was demolished, and a substandard facility was built instead, with sewage running around the place.
Conduct of Tel Aviv Municipality in the camp should deemed serious violation of Human Rights.
Moreover, one should view the camp as reflecting the attitude of the authorities and anticipated outcomes when tent neighborhoods will pop up in cities across Israel with deteriorating socio-economic conditions, due to deliberate government policies of robbing the people.
Basic health data for 2013
In a camp of about 100 persons, mostly stable residents:
1) One middle-aged man passed away in the night (probably heart attack)
2) Another middle-aged man was hospitalized in intensive care unit for a long period.
3) A man in his 20s was hospitalized for overdose.
4) At least half a dozen persons were hospitalized for a short time or a few days for infections.
5) Two cases of forced psychiatric confinement, one should be deemed in violation of Human Rights.
6) 3-4 cases of long term imprisonment (to be distinguished from short detention)
Footnote on hospitalizations due to infections:
Most of the cases originated in skin infections, which turned systemic. There is room to suspect that we experienced here last summer a small epidemic of
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The infections are also correlated with amphetamine use and the deplorable sanitation situation probably contributed as well.
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