Saturday, October 31, 2015

2015-10-31 JERUSALEM: Routines of the occupation...

2015-10-31 JERUSALEM: Routines of the occupation...
The time has come to enforce international law, by which Jerusalem is CORPUS SEPARATUM with no national sovereignty, starting by sending there international peacekeepers/observers. jz
Here: While IDF is busy using smoke grenades and rubber bullets in its assault on Al-Mukasad hospital in the Arab neighborhood of A-Tur, 52 Nadim Shakirat died, since the Arab neighborhood of Jabel Mukabbar is under bl...
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استشهاد المواطن نديم شقيرات في جبل المكبر بفعل حواجز الاحتلال
تقرير كريستين ريناوي
Recitation of the effects of the citizen nadeem construction in jebel mukabar by occupying barriers
Report of Christine Ri titles

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