Friday, March 7, 2025

2025-03-08 הודעה בדבר עבריינות // Notice in re: criminality

Open Letter: Notice to Mr. Uri Zernik and Mr. Dror Zernik, in re: criminality 

Mr. Uri Zernik and Mr. Dror Zernik, 
Please take notice. Attorney Rachel Ben-Ari and Attorney Yoav Salomon, hired by the two of you, are making the rounds in the Haifa banks these days. They are carrying a false and misleading paper issued to them by Judge Hila Gurevitz, misrepresenting themselves as "Estate Administrators" for our late mother, Rivca Shami Zernik z"l. 
No such appointment has been entered in the court file, where the fake "Estate Administrators" file papers as Plaintiff Uri Zernik, and the Court enters them as Plaintiff Uri Zernik. In recent days, Judge Hila Gurevitz has been trying to explain this court fraud in through additional misleading/deceitful decisions, making up the law as we go. 
There is nothing original here. Fraud in fake special court appointments, such as Receiver, Conservator, Estate Administrator, Financial Examiner, etc., has been known for hundreds of years. Competent courts have effective safeguards in place against such fraud. 
The case appears as a unique blend of the Effi Naveh-Judge Eitan Orenstein corruption scandal and the Judge Varda Alshech "fake protocols" corruption scandal. 
Your immediate action in this serious matter is demanded.
Below, please find Public Interest, Selected Records, and Timeline.

March 9, 2025    Joseph Zernik, PhD, LLB
מר אורי צרניק ומר דרור צרניק

שלום רב,

בימים אלה מסתובבים בין הבנקים בחיפה - עו"ד רחל בן ארי ועו"ד יואב סלומון, שנשכרו על ידיכם, המתחזים למנהלי העיזבון של אמנו ז"ל. השניים מחזיקים בידם נייר מפוקפק, שהנפיקה להם השופטת הילה גורביץ. אולם מינוים כביכול של "מנהלי העיזבון" מעולם לא נרשם בתיק נט המשפט. 
בתיק בית המשפט שני  "מנהלי העיזבון" המתחזים מגישים בקשות כ"המבקש - אורי צרניק", ובית המשפט רושם אותן כ"המבקש - אורי צרניק". בימים האחרונים, השופטת הילה גורביץ מנסה להסביר את המרמה בהחלטות נוספות שיש לראות בהן הטעיה/תרמית/מרמה - היא ממציאה את החוק as we go.
אין כאן דבר מקורי. הונאות מסוג זה במינויים מיוחדים של בתי המשפט (מנהל עיזבון, כונס נכסים, אפוטרופוס, בודק כספי, וכו') מוכרות כבר מאות שנים. בבתי משפט כשירים קיימים סדרי דין שנועדו למנוע מעשים אלה.
התיק נחזה כתשלובת מיוחדת של פרשת אפי נוה-השופט איתן אורנשטיין ופרשת "הפרוטוקולים המפוברקים" של השופטת ורדה אלשיך.
אתם מתבקשים לפעול מיד בעניין חמור זה.
להלן מידע נוסף: האינטרס הציבורי, מסמכים נבחרים וציר הזמן.

יוסף צרניק

Public Interest

Recently, it was exposed that Supreme Court Presiding Justice Yitzhak Amit was named Defendant in a criminal process (building code violations in a rental property) in the Tel Aviv Magistrate/Municipal Court without disclosing it to the state authorities, as required by law. On top of that, his name was unlawfully adulterated in Net Hamishpat, the case management system of the Israeli courts, by "a mysterious hand" (per MK Attorney Tally Gotliv) in order to avoid recognition.  
In a February 2025 TikTok video MK Tally Gotliv (Likkud), a criminal defense attorney by profession, brought to public attention the serious implications of this case relative to integrity of court records and case management in Israel.   
"Only for those in the know... There is an IT system in the courts; its name is Net Hamishpat; when you are in a criminal process, your name is in the system. A miracle! A mysterious hand entered Net Hamishpat and erased the name Yitzhak Amit, as a party to this court case... How can this be?"  

The Zernik records from the Haifa Family Court demonstrate, in an unprecedented manner, a unique, comprehensive perversion and corruption of a civil court process in Net Hamishpat,  by collusion of a judge -- Hila Gurevitz -- and two veteran Haifa attorneys: Counsel for Mr. Dror Zernik, Attorney Rachel Ben-Ari (former member of the Judicial Selection Committee as the representative of the Israel Bar Association, including the period when Gurevitz won her judicial appointment) and Counsel for Mr. Uri Zernik, Attorney Yoav Salomon.
Adulteration of party designations? We have plenty: Plaintiff into Defendant, Defendant into Plaintiff, etc. ... 
Attorney Rachel Ben-Ari and Attorney Yoav Salomon are making the rounds in the Haifa banks these days, carrying a false and misleading paper issued to them by Judge Hila Gurevitz, misrepresenting themselves as Estate Administrators for our late mother, Rivca Shami Zernik z"l. 
No such appointment has been entered in the court file, where the two appear as Plaintiff Uri Zernik.
Needless to say, the case provides unique documentation of corruption of the Israeli courts, of the exact type, which I outlined in submissions regarding Israel to the UN Human Rights Council for the 2012-3 and 2018 Universal Periodic Review process. Such submissions were subjected to UN professional staff review and then incorporated by reference into the corresponding final reports on Israel with short notes: "Lack of integrity in electronic record systems... in Israel", and "Serious deterioration in integrity of law and justice agencies... validity and integrity of any legal and judicial records of Israel should be deemed dubious at best".
The case should also be considered a major road sign indicating the nature of Judicial Reform that should be undertaken in Israel.

Selected Records

February 27, 2025 -- notice by Attorney Rachel Ben-Ari of Mr. Dror Zernik's agreement for the sale of the Kidron 2, Haifa, apartment by "Estate Administrators" Attorneys Rachel Ben Ari and Yoav Salomon, with Judge Hila Gurevitz March 3, 2025 "post-it" decision #58 - "I have read it". The record's title is corrupted, with the addition of non-existent parties, "Estate Administrators". Other parties are not listed as prescribed in the Regulations of Civil Procedure, 2018. In a competent court, such corrupt records must be denied filing.
As was the case starting September 11, 2024, Attorneys Rachel Ben Ari and Yoav Salomon, in collusion with Judge Hila Gurevitz, are corrupting the court file.
Of note, Attorney Rachel Ben Ari is in the habit of never dating documents, even when the regulations prescribe dating. I consider such practice in court records a clear indication of the attorney's lack of good faith and integrity.

February 23, 2025 -- my request to erase from the record Request #56, which purports to be a filing by "Estate Administrators", but was filed and entered under Plaintiff - Uri Zernik. The request notes that there are no "Estate Administrators" in this court file. 
Judge Hila Gurevitz issued a decision, relating what some unnamed person told her, as deceitful reasoning for the patent Fraud Upon the Court...

February 6, 2025 -- in a surprise move, Judge Hila Gurevitz granted my request to prohibit any use of Mr. David Enders, "Ben Ami Enders Auction House", as assessor in this case. 
I claimed that the relationship between Mr. Dror Zernik and Mr. David Enders amounted to an attempt to mislead, presenting the doodled 2-page record as a valid assessor's record, pursuant to the Estate Distribution Agreement. 
Mr. Dror Zernik held back the execution of the Estate Distribution Agreement for over a year using this trick, supported by Attorneys Rachel Ben Ari and Yoav Salomon.

December 1, 2024 -- fake Decretal Order appointing "Estate Administrators. Compare this with another Decretal Order by the same judge, below. 
* Normally, a decretal order is based on a previous judgment or decision of the court. Instead, the December 1, 2024 Decretal Order is based on "agreements in the October 9, 2024 protocol", which does not exist.
* This Decretal Order fails to establish the legal foundation for the appointment. The lawful form for appointing estate administrators names the Inheritance Law and corresponding Regulations.
* The judge's signature is not a signature. It is some kind of an invalid notary attestation.

November 4, 2024 -- Mr. Uri Zernik's counsel, Attorney Yoav Salomon, filed a notice in court, explaining that as "Estate Administrators", the two attorneys are not bound by the Estate Distribution Agreement, where they were named paid Trustees... In November 2004, the two attorneys and Judge Hila Gurevitz held that they had been appointed "Estate Administrators" on October 9, 2024.

November 3, 2024 -- Judge Hila Gurevitz issued order #28, in which she made up new, fake Rules of Court and new fake Court Fees. She decided that no written communication is permitted with the Office of the Clerk (Net Hamishpat or fax), demanding that I travel to Haifa and do business by talking to staff. She also made up some new fake Court Fees. When I continued filing written communications with the Office of the Clerk, she erased them herself. Later, she got the Office of the Clerk staff to enforce her unlawful orders. Eventually, she sanctioned my NIS 700 for filing a written Request to Inspect... 
In his case, she went ahead and dismissed my filing, which was a request to the Office of the Clerk to fix the entries of 2 previous filings that she didn't like.
Such conduct should be deemed misleading or deceitful in itself and an obvious deprivation of Constitutional rights with malice, misusing the authority of her office, otherwise known as Deprivation of Rights under the Color of Law.

October 14, 2024 -- post-it decision by Judge Revital Baum 
in conservatorship file 1829-06-10 Zernik v Attorney General: From July to September 2024, Judge Hila Gurevitz appeared as judge in conservatorship file 1829-06-10 Zernik v Attorney General and unlawfully denied my right to inspect the court file. On October 8, 2024, Judge Gurevitz disappeared from this court file, and Judge Revital Baum made her first appearance. However, in response to my requests, she couldn't provide a comprehensible explanation of how this transition of judges was authorized. Next, Judge Revital Baum engaged in serious abuse of my rights as well.
I initially thought that it was Judge Revital Baum who appeared in the case unlawfully. However, given a specific joke made by Judge Hila Gurevitz in her December 1, 2024 decision #30, denying declaration of disqualification for a cause, it appears to me that Judge Hila Gurevitz was the one who appeared unlawfully in this case, in collusion with Judge Revital Baum. This issue needs to be investigated.
Furthermore, the remaining riddle is why it was critically important to deny me access to this court file. This file may contain evidence of unlawful processes conducted by Judge Esperanza Alon and others from 2010 to 2013. This issue also needs to be investigated.
September 11, 2024 -- Judge Hila Gurevitz's decision #15, which denied my request to summarily dismiss the case, serves as a prime example of the alleged misleading and deceitful conduct by the judge. The record is deliberately corrupted: It begins with the party designations in the title, continues with the content of the decision, and concludes with a blatantly misleading notice at the end: "Permitted for publication... following proofreading and editing corrections." Similar to her best friend's April 04, 2013 "not signed yet' protocol, such a notice invalidates the record. 
Supreme Court Presiding Justice Sh. Agranat 1966 judgment in criminal appeal 26/66 Hamad v Attorney General ruled that once a judge's judicial activity is infected by deceit, the judge loses his authority and his immunity from prosecution. 
I hold that Judge Hila Gurevitz lost her authority in this case a long time ago due to multiple instances of misleading/deceitful statements.

July 10, 2024 -- less than a month after initiating the process (June 16, 2024), Mr. Uri Zernik's counsel, Attorney Yoav Salomon, filed notice in court #8 that by using the term "simulated legal process" I am "hiding from the court's eyes" my true position - that the entire court process is fundamentally fraudulent. His filing came in response to my inquiry with the Office of the Clerk #8, seeking information regarding the June 5, 2024 filing and entry of the initiating pleading without a certificate of compliance by the Judicial Clerk.
That initial alleged unlawful act permitted the rest to go forward. This issue remains to be investigated.
Judge Hila Gurevitz was very sensitive about any attempt by me to communicate with the Office of the Clerk.  Initially, she blocked such filings after the fact. Here, for example, she issued a post-it notice on the same day that there was no need to deal with the issue right now and blocked any further filing under that action number.
Judge Hila Gurevitz's particular work habits should be noted: When she issued decisions that were clearly lacking in good faith (if not misleading or deceitful), she left them unnumbered so they wouldn't appear in the Requests and Decisions docket.
By November 3, 2024, she issued an order, in which she made up new Rules of Courts and new Regulations of Court Fees. She prohibited me from any written communication with the Office of the Clerk (Net Hamishpat or fax), demanding that I travel to Haifa and do business by talking to staff. Such conduct should be deemed misleading or deceitful in itself.
June 24, 2024 -- Mr. Dror Zernik's counsel filed his response to the dismissal of Attorney Yair Shiber and voiding the fraudulent "Consent". They fully join Mr. Uri Zernik's false and misleading legal claim pertaining to "Specific performance with equitable adjustment".
Judge Hila Gurevitz marked Attorney Rachel Ben-Ari's response - "Granted", although it was not a motion at all. The Judge refused to remove such a false mark, even after my request.
AND SO, less than 10 days after I had first filed papers in court (June 16, 2024), it was clear to me what I was facing - the two attorneys and the judge perpetrating fraud and deceit.
June 18, 2024 -- two days after I had filed the notice, dismissing Attorney Yair Shiber, Mr. Uri Zernik's counsel, Attorney Yoav Salomon, filed a "response", which retracted his commitment to executing the Estate Distribution Agreement, offering a false and misleading legal claim pertaining to "Specific performance with equitable adjustment", which in fact meant depriving me of my rights in supervising and having an equal voice in distributing the estate funds.
This dramatic change of position may reflect the significance Attorney Yoav Salomon saw in his asset - Attorney Yair Shiber.

Attorneys Yair Shiber and Yoav Salomon
June 6, 2024, 16:00-16:05, Thursday afternoon, end of the work week. I received a surprise phone call from my counsel, Attorney Yair Shiber. He hid from me the fact that a lawsuit had been filed the previous day against me in the Haifa Family Court. He asked me for my position regarding Attorney Yoav Salomon's "Draft Initiating Pleading". I answered that I had not seen such a record.
June 6, 2024, 16:06, during that single minute, 3 relevant email messages were transmitted:

(1) I reminded Attorney Yair Shiber that he promised to send me the "Draft".

(2) Attorney Yair Shiber sent me a message with no text, only an attachment, which indeed was an older draft.

(3) Attorney Yair Shiber sent Attorney Yoav Salomon a message: "We consent".

June 6, 2024 -- my counsel, Attorney Yair Shiber, perpetrated an apparent misleading/ deceitful act. He failed to inform me of Attorney Yoav Salomon's June 5, 2024 filing. At the same time, he secretly forwarded my "consent" to Attorney Yoav Salomon without my knowledge, consent, or authority. Attorney Yoav Salomon immediately filed it in court.
Later, Attorney Yoav Salomon claimed that he had nothing to do with it. Attorney Yair Shiber explained that he did it for my own benefit, and I dismissed him.
June 5, 2024 -- the specific statements in the initiating pleading on behalf of Mr. Uri Zernik, Mr. Dror Zernik, and their counsel, regarding their commitment to executing the Estate Distribution Agreement.
June 5, 2024 -- Mr. URI ZERNIK, by joint consent with Mr. DROR ZERNIK, filed the Initiating pleading in estate file 11650-06-24 Zernik v Zernik, Request for Appointment of Estate Administrators, in the Haifa Family Court. 
Mr. URI ZERNIK, by joint consent with Mr. DROR ZERNIK, filed the Initiating pleading in estate file 11650-06-24 Zernik v Zernik, Request for Appointment of Estate Administrators, in the Haifa Family Court. 
The initiating pleading was fatally flawed. It lacked an affidavit, a correct certificate of counsel, a summons, and essential facts demonstrating a cause of action. Furthermore, it failed to include a certificate from a judicial clerk who reviewed and approved the filing and the opening of a new court file. It couldn't possibly be approved.
In the initiating pleading, Attorneys RACHEL BEN ARI and YOAV SALOMON declared the purpose of their appointment as executing the Estate Distribution Agreement and advancing the execution of the Agreement as stipulated.
May 11, 2024Mr. Dror Zernik's counsel, Attorney Rachel Ben-Ari, sent a notice supporting his declaration that the Agreement was void and his position demanding that only the doodled David Enders assessments be considered. Less than a month later, she joined Attorney Yoav Salomon's filing of the court action, declaring her dedication to advancing the Agreement's execution.

May 8, 2024 -- Mr. Dror Zernik declares that he was misled by his counsel and others into signing the Estate Distribution Agreement.  He agreed to a compromise in which Mr. Dror Zernik and Mr. Uri Zernik agreed to pay me each NIS 250,000 in return for my agreement to drop all claims regarding their fraud, starting in 2010, the goal of which was to undermine our mother's will. In my estimate, the sums the two of them agreed to pay were 10-15% of the value of funds and/or properties that they had received from the community property, which, according to joint, mutual will, was to be taken into account in the estate's distribution.
According to Mr. Dror Zernik, he agreed to pay that sum, not in relationship to the fraud starting 2010, but because he was told I was "miserable", which he found out wasn't true...

May 5, 2024 -- Mr. Dror Zernik sent notice that the Agreement was void.

May 4, 2024 -- Mr. Dror Zernik clarified that he would object to the assessment by any professional assessor, pursuant to the Estate Distribution Agreement, and agreed upon by the 3 parties' counsel. Any assessment, other than the doodled Mr. David Enders' assessment was harmful to him. It remained unclear why.

May 2, 2024 -- I informed the parties that it appeared that Mr. Dror Zernik had adulterated the request sent by the parties to the agreed-upon assessor, Hezkiau & AShT. 
Attorney Yoav Salomon's response claimed that it was an error.
Mr. Dror Zernik's response implied that it was not. Mr. Dror Zernik declared that he would not agree to any assessment except for the doodled pages by Mr. David Enders. Alternatively, he suggested that he himself would produce the assessment, saving the estate expenses.
December 24, 2023 -- less than two weeks after the Estate Distribution Agreement was certified by the Court, Mr. Dror Zernik announced his refusal to comply with the agreement... starting with refusal to accept any independent assessment... since he had already obtained the Mr. David Enders doodled pages. He also refused to return the artworks to Kidron 2, Haifa, as stipulated in the agreement. 

December 13, 2023 --  the Haifa Family Court certified the Estate Distribution Agreement following a joint request by consent by all three beneficiaries. On January 16, 2024, a Decretal Order to that effect was rendered. 

August 28, 2023 -- the Estate Distribution Agreement, pursuant to Article 110 of the Inheritance Law, was signed by the 3 beneficiaries. Attorney Rachel Ben-Ari and Attorney Yoav Salomon were appointed paid Trustees for executing the Agreement.

November 3, 2016 -- Mr. Uri Zernik and Mr. Dror Zernik secretly filed papers in the office of the  Inheritance Registrar, certifying that the state of my legal competence (mental capacity of an individual to participate in legal proceedings or transactions) was "unknown".

April 4, 2013 --  "Not signed yet" Hearing Protocol in conservatorship file 1829-06-10 Zernik v Attorney GeneralThe Zernik family generated an icon in the history of Israeli court corruption - the "not signed yet" hearing protocol. A unique Israeli electronic court record, the like of which has never been seen before or after.
Dror's Counsel, Attorney Amos Zadika, in collusion with corrupt Judge Esperanza Alon, generated a simulated protocol record for the simulated court hearing they had held. The record is deliberately corrupted, including the parties' names and designations and the names of people present. 
The record's unique feature is the electronic watermark "not signed yet," rendering it invalid. Yet, the record is still entered in the docket in Conservatorship 1829-06-10 of the Haifa Family Court to this day. 
In September 2024, 11 years later (!!!), the Administration of Courts' Internal Audit Unit sent me a fake complaint review letter (I had never filed a complaint). The Administration of Courts tried to distance itself from the "not signed yet" protocol, claiming that the watermark was not a "structured" feature in Net Hamishpat and then speculating that it was "manually produced or the outcome of a technical fault." 
Such claims are incredible. They imply that in 2013 someone managed to hack into Net Hamishpat and corrupt the system. 

June 2, 2010 - fraudulent affidavits were secretly filed by Mr. Robert Zernik, Mr. Uri Zernik, and Mr. Dror Zernik with the initiating pleading in conservatorship file 1829-06-10 Zernik v Attorney General in the Haifa Family Court, launching the fraud that Mr. Uri Zernik and Mr. Dror Zernik are now trying to conclude. In such affidavits, they claimed they had no idea about my whereabouts a couple of weeks after Mr. Uri Zernik and I had shared a room in the Hebrew University Guesthouse as Eli Shamir's guests.

December 13, 1999 - a joint mutual will was signed by Rivca Shami Zernik and Robert Zernik. The will mandates that the estate be equally distributed to the three sons, while
funds and/or properties that the sons had already received from the community property are to be taken into account in the estate's distribution.
That last stipulation, regarding accounting for funds and properties, is what Mr. Uri Zernik and Mr. Dror Zernik trying to avoid all along.
The initial fraud related to hiding the will, even after Mr Rober Zernik passed away. Hiding a will with an intent to defraud is punishable by up to 5 years imprisonment. Those who collude in such an offense lose their eligiblity as beneficiaries in the same estate.


1) August 28, 2023 -- Estate Distribution Agreement, drafted by their counsel, was signed by all three estate beneficiaries. The estate is neither large nor complicated. Therefore, the appointment of an estate administrator has neither been proposed nor discussed during the half-year negotiation of the Agreement. Counsel YOAV SALOMON for URI ZERNIK and Counsel RACHEL BEN-ARI for DROR ZERNIK were appointed in the Agreement as paid Trustees for executing the Estate Distribution Agreement.
2) December 13, 2023 -- the Estate Distribution Agreement was certified pursuant to the Israeli Inheritance Law in response to a joint request by all three beneficiaries.
3) Early May 2024 -- Mr. DROR ZERNIK provided written notice of his unilateral voiding of the Agreement with a written notice of his stated intent to defraud Mr. Joseph Zernik of his share in the estate pursuant to the Estate Distribution Agreement.
4) June 5, 2024 - Mr. URI ZERNIK, by joint consent with Mr. DROR ZERNIK, filed the Initiating pleading in estate file 11650-06-24 Zernik v Zernik, Request for Appointment of Estate Administrators, in the Haifa Family Court. 
Counsel Yoav Salomon for URI ZERNIK and Counsel RACHEL BEN-ARI for DROR ZERNIK invented the need for an estate administrator as a ruse for resorting to a corrupt court available for their service while proposing themselves as Estate Administrators, in blatant conflict with their duties and obligations as Trustees for the estate pursuant to the Agreement.
I repeatedly asked Mr. Uri Zernik to address the easy-to-fix flaws in the initiating pleading -- adding his affidavit and certificate of counsel for Mr. Yoav Salomon. Mr. Uri Zernik refused to correct such flaws, demonstrating what had been assumed anyway - that the record was deliberately flawed and invalid.
The initiating pleading was fatally flawed. It lacked an affidavit, a correct certificate of counsel, a summons, and essential facts demonstrating a cause of action. Furthermore, it failed to include a certificate from a judicial clerk who reviewed and approved the filing and the opening of a new court file. It couldn't possibly be approved.
In the initiating pleading, Attorneys RACHEL BEN ARI and YOAV SALOMON declared the purpose of their appointment as executing the Estate Distribution Agreement and advancing the execution of the Agreement as stipulated.
5) June 6, 2024 -- filing of the initiating record was accompanied by unlawful conduct by my counsel, Mr YAIR SHIBER. He failed to notify me that the initiating pleading had been filed while forwarding to Attorney YOAV SALOMON a notice of consent on my behalf, without my knowledge, without my consent, and without authority. It took a few days until I figured it all out and dismissed Attorney YAIR SHIBER.
6) June 18, 2024 --  Attorney YOAV SALOMON filed for Mr. URI ZERNIK a response to my notice, dismissing Attorney YAIR SHIBER. In such a response, he effectively amended his initiating pleading without asking for court permission to do so, out of compliance with civil procedure. He abandoned his declaration in the initiating pleading to advance the execution of the Estate Distribution Agreement as stipulated. Now, he declared his intent to advance "specific performance with equitable adjustments". As interpreted by him it meant voiding my right to equal participation in supervising and deciding on the distribution of estate funds. I responded that such an outlandish legal claim couldn't possibly be considered a good faith error, coming from a veteran such as Attorney YOAV SALOMON. Instead, it should be considered an attempt to mislead. Mr. DROR ZERNIK filed his response, supporting Mr. URI ZERNIK's response. Although it was not a request, it was marked "Granted" by Juduge HILA GUREVITZ OVADIA. The "Granted" mark was not removed even after I filed my objection.
7) September 11, 2024Judge HILA GUREVITZ issued an order denying my request for summary dismissal of the initiating record and the case. Like the initiating record, it was perverted by an expert hand. The party designations were perverted in the title, and with it came an elaborate internal joke about the distinction between Plaintiff and Defendant. It was the first in a series of key judicial records which were perverted in the same manner. Judge HILA GUREVITZ initially claimed that there was no flaw in the perverted titles of the judicial records and then - that the perversion didn't affect the "operative portion" of such records. Again, this was outlandish legal reasoning coming from an experienced judge, and they were perceived as an attempt to mislead.
8) October 9, 2024 - Judge HILA GUREVITZ chaired an event purported to be a court hearing. After the fact, she noticed to those in attendance that the event was conducted pursuant to experimental "Pilot" rules of civil procedure. Therefore, no minutes would be produced, and a recording would be deemed the minutes ("Protocol"). 
Mr. DROR ZERNIK and Mr. URI ZERNIK failed to attend, failing to provide advance notice and obtain permission for their absence. Pursuant to Israeli law, had that event been a true hearing of an Israeli Family Court, the case should have been immediately dismissed.
Toward the end of that event, I was sitting spellbound, watching the criminal performance by Judge HILA GUREVITZ, Attorney RACHEL BEN-ARI, and Attorney YOAV SALOMON, who elaborated on their original legal theory that if I were not represented by counsel, it was their right (or perhaps their obligation?) to decide, which of my autonomous decisions regarding the estate, certified by my signature, were acceptable to them.
Judge HILA GUREVITZ delivered a short soliloquy ending in a crescendo: "It's awfully clear!"
It's hard to express the situation—the humiliation combined with profound contempt for these people, acting like any street con artist or fraudster. Part of the humiliation stemmed from realizing that they likely believed this legal nonsense would be seen by me as a legitimate legal argument. On the other hand, perhaps they didn't care whether I fell for their deception. They wielded the authority to enforce their fraud.
9) October 9 - December 1, 2024 - at the conclusion of the October 9, 2024 event, Judge HILA GUREVITZ announced that RACHEL BEN-ARI and YOAV SALOMON were appointed Estate Administrators (using descriptive rather than decretal language). Later, from October 9 to December 1, in various court papers, Mr. URI ZERNIK and Mr. DROR ZERNIK claimed that their counsel had already been appointed Estate Administrators. However, they finally settled on a December 1, 2024 appointment date... 
10) September 4, 2024 - the Internal Audit Department of the Israeli Administration of Courts issued to me a fake complaint review letter (I had never filed a complaint), regarding the unique "not signed yet" electronic watermark on the fake April 4, 2013 (!!!) Protocol generated by Judge ESPERANZA ALON in the related Conservatorship 1829-06-10 Zernik v Attorney General. The Internal Audit letter stated that the "not signed yet" electronic watermark was NOT a "structured part" of Net Hamishpat, and it had to be "added by hand or the outcome of some fault".
11) November 3, 2024 -- Judge HILA GUREVITZ issued on order on my Notice to the Clerk (#28), in which I asked to fix the unlawful removal of a couple of my papers from the docket. The new order made up a rule, prohibiting any kind of written communications by me with the Office of the Clerk. I should travel to Haifa and talk with the staff. Furthermore, fees must be paid for any filing in Net Hamishpat. When no fees are paid - my filing is dismissed. Therefore, she dismissed my Notice to the Clerk (#28). These were made up, unlawful rules: the menus that are built in Net Hamishpat and guidelines of the Administration of Courts are clear: Net Hamishpat was intended for communications with the Office of the Clerk. Furthermore, certain classes of filings, such as Notice to the Clerk, are exempt from fees. Therefore, the dismissal of my Notice to the Clerk was unlawful. 
The November 3, 2024 Order (#28) marked the beginning of a period of extreme, unlawful restrictions of my access to the court.
12) November 4, 2024 - in his court filing, Mr. URI ZERNIK elaborated on his position that Attorneys RACHEL BEN-ARI and YOAV SALOMON were appointed Estate Administrators on October 9 by my consent. Moreover, Mr. URI ZERNIK asserted that I had consented that, as Estate Administrators, they were relieved from their duties and obligations as Trustees for the Estate Distribution Agreement. All along, I have claimed that such assertions were ridiculously fraudulent.
13) November 28, 2024 - I filed with Judge HILA GUREVITZ a "Request for Explanation", in which I provided a report from Net-HaMishpat (similar to California "Register of Actions"), which indicated that all the court actions in the specific case were invalid.
14) December 1, 2024 - in an Order on my November 28, 2024 Request, Judge HILA GUREVITZ threatened me with sanctions (neither the first nor the last time) but failed to explain the report.
15) December 1, 2024 -  Judge HILA GUREVITZ issued a document purporting that she had signed on that day a Decretal Order, prepared by Attorneys RACHEL BEN-ARI and YOAV SALOMON and falsely claiming my consent, appointing the two attorneys as Estate Administrators. However, the original Decretal Order, signed by Judge HILA GUREVITZ, was nowhere to be found in the court file. 
The purported Decretal Order failed to refer to any law of the State of Israel, particularly the Inheritance Law, which is referenced in the lawful form for a decree appointing estate administrators. The implication is that Judge HILA GUREVITZ was staging with Attorneys RACHEL BEN-ARI and YOAV SALOMON a fraudulent appointment, outside the law of the State of Israel.
16) January 15, 2025 -- I filed a request (#51) to inspect the electronic signature data on the judicial records in this case. The reason for such a request is that the Ombudsman of the Judiciary issued in 2012 a decision in the notorious Judge Varda Alshech "fabricated protocols affair", in which it was exposed that there is no way for parties, counsel, and the public at large to distinguish in Net Hamishpat between signed, valid and effectual judicial records, and unsigned, invalid "drafts". Only the judges can see the electronic data registrations of the decisions, which are color-marked on their screens.
In academic publications, I have described a design for a court case management system as an enormous shell game fraud against the people. 
Judge Hila GUREVITZ denied the request. I perceive the denial of access to data showing which orders are valid and which ones are not as a deceit in itself.
17) January 19, 2025 - I filed a request (#52) to inspect the dockets in the court file, as displayed on the screens of the Office of the Clerk. The reason for such a request was that it became clear that this court file is administered with only partial access to the court file by me. Obviously, such conduct is out of compliance with the fundamental concepts of a competent court of record.
18) January 20, 2025Judge HILA GUREVITZ didn't take request #52 very well. It was denied, and I was sanctioned NIS 700.
19) February 17, 2025 - I filed a request (#55) for Judge HILA GUREVITZ to compel Attorneys RACHEL BEN-ARI and YOAV SALOMON to clearly state in communicating with me in which capacity such a communication was issued. For example, an attorney, counsel for a party, Estate Manager, etc. Following the October 9 production, they refused to identify themselves as estate administrators in their signature block despite my repeated requests. Judge HILA GUREVITZ denied the request.
20)  February 18, 2025 -- Attorneys RACHEL BEN-ARI and YOAV SALOMON file a "Request for Instructions" (#56) in their purported capacity as Estate Administrators while their appointment, finally considered by Judge HILA GUREVITZ as well as Attorneys RACHEL BEN-ARI and YOAV SALOMON to have been made on December 1, 2024, had never been entered in Net Hamishpat almost 3 months later. Therefore, their filing was falsely entered as a request by Plaintiff. 
At the same time, Attorneys RACHEL BEN-ARI and YOAV SALOMON had already gone to the banks with the fake December 1, 2024 Decretal Order and gained access to the bank accounts. 
The fraud was laid out for all to see.
21) February 23, 2025 - in her order on my request (#54), Judge HILA GUREVITZ series of judicial records in which party designations are perverted. It started with the listing in the title of Attorneys RACHEL BEN-ARI and YOAV SALOMON -- "Estate Administrators", while their appointment had never been entered in Net Hamishpat.
22) February 23, 2025 - I filed a request to erase request #56 from the docket, being a false and misleading entry - a request by purported "Estate Administrators," which was entered as a request by Plaintiff. 
23) February 23, 2025 -- Judge HILA GUREVITZ denied my request to erase the false and misleading entry of Request #56, which was fraudulently filed by the "Estate Administrators" and fraudulently entered by the Court under "Plaintiff". She reasoned that she had heard from an unnamed person in the Office of the Clerk that there was a technical problem with the entry of the appointments of Attorneys RACHEL BEN-ARI and YOAV SALOMON.  
24) March 2, 2025 - I filed a request (#59) with Judge HILA GUREVITZ, asking for due decisions with due reasoning on my recent requests, for due reasoning for Attorneys RACHEL BEN-ARI and YOAV SALOMON's conduct - falsely representing themselves to the banks as Estate Administrators, while their appointment had never been completed, for a legal reference for her assignment to the case, which she had previously failed to present, and demanding that Attorneys RACHEL BEN-ARI and YOAV SALOMON cease and desist any action in the estate until their appointment is complete.
I provided a list of misleading/deceitful statements by Judge HILA GUREVITZ and noted Justice Sh. Agranat's 1966 ruling states that a judge whose judicial activity is infected by deceit loses his judicial authority and immunity from criminal prosecution, and all his actions in the court file are void.
25) March 2, 2025 - Judge HILA GUREVITZ issued a decision on my request #59. Obviously, she didn't like it. She failed to address any of the issues raised in the request and sanctioned me NIS 2,500.

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